Add Map Blacklisting or Rework Cornfield Maps

Even with the rework to the maps and the introduction of colourblindness support (which does nothing for my colourblindness btw) the cornfield maps have been unplayable for me entirely. Everything is the same shade of brown; the corn, the ground, the blood, and the scratch marks. It also doesn't help that these maps give me a HUGE migraine trying to discern things apart.

Can you PLEASE just let us have map blacklisting? I'm tired of having huge DC penalties due to my inability to even withstand being in the Cornfield maps.


  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    That wouldn’t be possible. People will just blacklist maps for any reason, and it would also conflict with map offerings.

    Your best bet is to just sit in a corner and let them do gens until you can open the gate. They’ll still get BP, you’ll not eat a DC penalty, and you’ll also drop in MMR (that’s a big win to me).

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    This game is pretty rough on those with accessibility needs at times. The best you're probably gonna get is what GoshJosh suggested. Honestly corn maps need to just be tossed at this point.

  • adirgeforthedead
    adirgeforthedead Member Posts: 424

    I say the same about all the Autohaven Wreckers maps... as someone that can't distinguish green tones with clarity, I'm basically handicapped in that map from beginning to end (as both Killer and Survivor). I legit can't distinguish most shapes... it's really horrible.

    Colourblind mode helped a little, but yeah, it doesn't do much in the overall picture.