Survivor Bamboozle Perk Idea

I really like chase perks and being able to vault quicker and block off a pallet or window for a couple seconds would be super fun kinda like how Cheryl blocks gens the survivor would probably need to be a witch for the perk to make sense or whatever Cheryl Is we need more chase perks quick and quiet Is my favorite
Chase perks are fine, but a bamboozle equivalent for survivors? Yeah, that won't fly. Unless devs go back and add in even more breakable walls to negate god loops both create.
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It would have a cooldown and 2 seconds isnt huge it would be a fun perk like diversion or head on we need more fun perks
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1) This is terrible idea for a Survivor perk. Would be even more OP than DS + CoH together.
2) Oh no. Please no. Breakable walls were not great in the first place to add to the game. Just wastes killer time. Some window loops were fixed, than again re-added after breakeble walls to reworked maps forcing you to break them. This would just make it even more same.
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y'all hate fun lol
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Yea, you call fun making absolute nightmare for the other side to the point of bullying them. I call fun balanced game.
Imagine if there would be killer perk that would add ability to vault all windows and pallets at survivor speed. Would be super fun to play as because you would 4K every time and your chases would last 10 seconds. Super fun!
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I like meta perks for both sides always makes the games more intense and fun some of you guys just need to play for fun
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Any perk involving blocking a window for the killer is a terrible idea. The game isn't designed in a way where something like that would work at all.
Or, imagine if there was a killer that could do that without a perk repeatedly until downing you...oh wait we already tried that didn't we.
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No DS and jump into locker.
Deception acting like jump into locker, but not.
Diversion makes noise & scratch mark.
Deliverance when killer just leave your hook
Red herring make fake noise on Gen
For the people to instantly pickup a dying survivor when Killer try to chase a flash light user
Any mean necessary makes killer eating a pallet twice
Bait killer to chase you with Mettle of Man active
Sit under hook forcing killer to go for another hook
Sit at Gen to bait killer eating DS
I mean, survivors have alot of 'Bamboozle' perks to use.
8 meter distance isnt huge...except you gain 8m for every vault you make
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Its just an Idea i hope both sides get fun perks for the anniversary
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Old Legion.
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oh I started playing this year
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This would be completely busted on a lot of loops that exist where that window or pallet is literally the only way to get across without taking a big detour.
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Maybe if the killer could still vault but had a slight debuff to speed? - Speed of the vault or movement speed after the vault.