A Change to Hex: Ruin

I have played alot of Dead by Daylight since I first started about a year ago, and I always had the same issue with Hex: Ruin and other hexes. One, Just how easily the specific totem can be found, and how we as the killer, can not discern which totem is which (I feel Color coding totems will help out), and two, just how often it breaks early in-game...My idea is to make Ruin a staple past rank 10 as already placed totem, and the Perk Hex: Ruin could be a hex that affects items and sabotaging....Ruining the players items can be very useful for the Hag, since Flashlights can destroy her traps, and Toolboxes help increase how fast generators get done. This would help the Hag, while also keeping the Old ruin in play without sacrificing a perk slot. :) I know some people are just gonna hate on this (Because Haters gonna hate) but I feel it helps the killer, and still provides escape for Survivors to escape if they are skilled enough. One of your fans, Raphy-Boi :3


  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    There is a lot to process here. This feels like it should be in the "Balance feedback" forum instead of fan creation since you aren't really coming up with any original content. Paragraphs would help a little too.

    I do agree with your idea of having some kind of system to identify which totem belongs to which perk. I don't really care how they do this, but color coding is a simple idea. I think you need to clarify this sentence "My idea is to make Ruin a staple past rank 10 as already placed totem, and the Perk Hex: Ruin could be a hex that affects items and sabotaging". Tell me if I'm right in interpreting what you are saying here.

    You think the effect of Hex: Ruin should be free at rank 10 and below. As in it would be a free 5th perk with a different name or no name. Then you believe that Hex: Ruin should have an entirely different effect. Some undefined ability to hamper survivors items. Is all of this correct?

    I'm going to continue my response assuming that is what you meant. It's a bad idea. Not because I'm a "hater gonna hate". I'm saying that it is a bad idea because it is in fact a bad idea. Not just for one reason either. It is a bad idea for numerous reasons. If you are a fan of Hex: Ruin then run Hex: Ruin. No one is stopping you. Why do you think all killers should get a free 5th perk? Why do you think Hex: Ruin should have a different effect? If they were going to give killers Hex: Ruin for free then wouldn't it make more sense for Hex: Ruin to remain Hex: Ruin and for the Hag to get an entirely new perk? Do you believe this would be intuitive for players to understand?

    Anyway, welcome to the forums.

  • RaphaelGamingYT
    RaphaelGamingYT Member Posts: 2
    I figured as much, I have been doing some thinking on the Ruin, and did realize it wasn't a good idea. For the Color coding, I figured they could color it like the rarity of the Hex: Perk, Yellow, Green, and Purple
  • yes
    yes Member Posts: 361

    This is slightly 'off-topic' but I came up with an idea to rework Hex: Ruin.

    All survivors are affected by Ruin.

    Good Skill Checks: 3/4/5% regression

    Great Skill Checks: 1/0/0% Progression