New dev update, + question to community



  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,267

    I really consider one thing, what they said last year about the moris and the keys to include it as a game mechanic in its core, we still don't know anything and it's been 1 year, the time will come for them to discard the idea again because they are like that...

    I hope to see something of it soon.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    The changes are nice, but if this is all then I won't be all that impressed. I don't particularly like playing either of those killers and don't see the changes changing that.

    I'll be particularly annoyed if we don't see any alteration to DH or CoH, or both, as they are clearly damaging the game and the enjoyment many players get out of it. We also largely have to wait for midchapters to see any perk changes, and the fact that none are mentioned would be a letdown, that's like 3 more months until any of this ######### even has a chance to be touched.

    Also kind of sad there's no Sadako adjustments as she's in a really bad spot, but I know their policy is to leave things awful until the next midchapter.

  • jakubr21
    jakubr21 Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2022

    Also when you kobe and you start to run you get like stucked for half a second and that has also been a bug for years.

    And in 5.4.0 they fixed bug on hillbilly after 5 years. It was a bug when you got the engravings addons and while you were in cooldown animation you got a 35 % speed boost when using double engravings.

    So yes some bugs are stuck in the game for very long time.

    And hug tech is also one of them.