Why is no one talking about the Ghostface changes? 😭

ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

Lowkey those two add-ons look amazing. Also 60 seconds of exposed is nothing to sneeze at and I like how exposed survivors can't reveal him now. It's a nice quality of life change.

But yeah, specifically that new green add-on is really cool. I hope we get more add-ons like this that restore a killers power when they break walls/pallets. I love that on Spirit as well with her reworked add-on.

Anyone else hype for Ghostface? I just see everyone talking about Legion rn lol


  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046

    Because I prefer legion. I'm not used using ghostface.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,127

    60 sec 🤧

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,613

    I'm not super confident the ghostface changes are even going to do much, unless the addons are good. But we'll see. The legion changes seem a lot more interesting.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,792

    Playing against him in a solo queue will be more annoying if I'm being honest

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989

    I'm not overly hyped by these changes (extra 15 secs is meh), but I'm still quite excited and hopeful to try him after

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,361

    Played against one yesterday. I always center him on the screen and get him revealed most of the time.

    I also hope he gets less revealed over loops because strechted is gone.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,274

    Obviously we can't try his changes just yet, but I do get the feeling they played his "buff" way too safe

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    no mention of how stupid inconsistent revealing him is half the time, just that its impossible on purpose if you've been marked.

  • DuoVandal
    DuoVandal Member Posts: 44

    This is no different than juking a Myers in Tier 3 for a minute till they're power wears out. Honestly the Ghost Face changes shown so far already are huge improvements over the last pass they did. Now the real hope is, are the rest of his addons going to be functional too?

    Most of his addons that buffed his Stalk when not leaning (a bad way to play), or buffed his crouched movement speed (also not ideal), or buffed his Stalk movement speed (again SHOULD BE LEANING). Most of his addons as they are now are the exact opposite of how you should play Ghost Face, which is why they are so trash and everyone just runs the Iri's which are fine, and the cool down reductions.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,073

    The crouch movement speed addons were alright honestly. They had uses on some of the low wall tiles since you can mindgame them by crouching as Ghostface and the extra movement speed can give you a slight advantage while attempting to do so.

    I'm not going to be upset if they get replaced considering we already seen that they changed on of his current crouch movement speed addons in the dev blog. But they were better than most his other addons.

  • DuoVandal
    DuoVandal Member Posts: 44

    They weren't the worst offenders, no you're correct. But with a permeant undetectable needing to crouch and gain distance with that movement speed isn't so much a buff via an addon as it is for doing the Smol Face meme with PWYF (which is still his best perk regardless).

  • randonly
    randonly Member Posts: 456

    I'm afraid that he will become the new nurse for SoloQ = as soon as they see him, people will kill themselves on hook or quit.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Okay good point I forgot how bad the reveal system is rn

  • Norhc
    Norhc Member Posts: 575

    Because the GF changes are bland and basic as hell.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    That is genuinely like half the cast they do that against.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 965

    his leaning mechanic still feels pretty clunky..thats why i dont play ghostface often...but overall this is a BUFF and QoL at the same time for him 🤗 pretty basic tho

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,165

    I'm glad he's getting decent 2 new addons and i'm glad the stalked survivor cannot reveal him anymore and the new timer that the stalk has...but at the end he is still a M1 killer who struggles with big maps and boons.

    Same goes to legion to be honest the changes legion is getting is in my opinion really really bad.

    I used to main both of these killers but after the boon economy i stopped and i probably even after these changes wont go back. Not until CoH or boons overally are fixed.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    They didn't even take away the power reset if you hit a survivor with a normal m1.

    Nothing will change unless one of the addons gives some kind of healing denial or insta down.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Because the basekit changes are basically meaningless and he'll still be a weak M1 Killer with no mobility or anything other than some slight lethality if Survivors aren't paying attention

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,164

    I was really hoping for an actual rework. This is more along the lines of some slight tweaks and a few add-on changes.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 7,124
    edited March 2022

    Yeah it is amazing how you get punished for using stalk by people bodyblocking the hook thus removing stalking entirely.

    Thanks to this march 28 mmr, it feels like you just face baby survivors. perhaps now I understand better why people say killer is fine. yeah if your facing these player that don't get how to play the game, every killer is great. The killers are also playing the game very poorly. dev balance is related to these players. sigh

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    Oh they're talking about it a lot in the twitter replies... god don't look at the twitter replies.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,084

    My understanding is the core mechanic is remaining the same (with the only difference being if you're marked, you can't reveal GF no more).

    I do hope they find a way to make the reveal more consistent. But he's been out for years and it's still junk so I just have a hard time believing it. Love for them to prove me wrong though...

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Honestly Ghostface shouldn't get changes until his broken/buggy reveal mechanic gets addressed and fixed. That's the thing that makes him and will continue to make him annoying to go against.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    You should not spend 60 seconds getting that down anyway. Change the addons ok that is good, but overall GF will still be in the very bottom of the killer tier list with Trapper. While Legion will be mid tier ish. That is why people talk about Legion more.

  • Mattie_MayhemOG
    Mattie_MayhemOG Member Posts: 315
    edited March 2022

    This game has shown a pattern of reworking add-ons and eliminating/nerfing the only functioning ones. They see that people play the same ones and instead of realizing people are working around a lacking power they call the add-ons OP. Until proven otherwise I assume this is what will happen to Ghostface

    Post edited by Mattie_MayhemOG on