If we ever get a Conjuring chapter, It has to be this killer

Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003

The Crooked man

Annabelle the doll would not work that well since it has size issue but unlike Chucky, the doll never moves or actually attacks anyone unless in demon form but we rarely see the actual demon. The Nun to me is just generic now, I see tons of horror movies and games using an evil nun. From a faceless nun to a knife-wielding nun.

The reason I want the Crooked man is that he is actually threatening. Even though it's probably/is Valak who is also the Nun disguising themself as the Crooked man, it's still pretty unique compared to a nun in terms of Design and Role.

A nursery rhyme that is meant to comfort kids/adults turned into a demonic being that want to kill them. A fairy tale turned into a living nightmare. Unlike the Nun and the Doll, the Crooked man actually has a weapon which is a crooked umbrella but can also have a crooked cane because it fits with his design as well. The Crooked man has not been used greatly since 2013 pixel game "The Crooked man" which you should check out because it's only a few bucks and it has a great horror story.

I would like to mention that his powers could rely on Scare tactics and ambush strategies like Pig/Ghostface with maybe slight teleportation like Sadako but using wind-up Music Boxes that play the Crooked man song that's distorted.

Other 2 characters would be very tedious to make into a working killer but also most likely boring in terms of power since Nun really just pops up or grabs a person and screams while Crooked man actually tried to impale someone in the film.

The Crooked man is also getting a spin-off film from the creators of The Conjuring which the trailer will most likely drop this year.

Here is a fan-made Crooked man animation that would fit perfectly with his lore

Also here is a recent Fangame using the Conjuring Crooked man.....even though its not exactly like him but you get an idea of how he will be like in DBD in terms of animation.

Overall if we do get a Conjuring chapter and it's not the Crooked man....gonna be very disappointed.

At least make the chapter a 2 killer one with The Nun and The Crooked man if you are so keen on having a Nun.
