The Last Two Killer Powers Don't Shorten Chases, They Extend Them

Artist slows down while placing a bird, which gives enough leeway for survivors to just bail to the next loop. Sadako just slows down while coming out of an unstealthy stealth. Both just slow the killer down. Neither can win chases quicker. Artist has all the weaknesses of old clown, hag, and new ones of her own. Survivors can remove her ability in like three different ways. Healthy survivors run through her birds while Artist is aiming at an injured teammate. Cross maps impossible with the locker removing the birds.
Artist is so bad to play as and its not because she's so strong and full of PoTeNtIaL. Like I feel some of the killer players on here are acting like they're bored playing her such an ez mode killer. Ba. Log. Na.
This killer is low. One might even say she's potentially low tier.
Onryo. My hype is over right now. Using Sadako TVs mid-Chase just guarantees the survivor bails in another direction because there is a loud, DIRECTIONAL audio cue to tell them where not to go.
Killers - Tell me. Do you like losing?
I get that you find artist's playstyle frustrating, but she is easily high A tier lmao
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Except Sadako is actually fun. I couldn't give a ######### whether she was weak or not. Sadako is probably the most fun killer in a while.
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I mean yeah if you play them bad then sure lol "if i'm bad, the killer is also bad"
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You know...we can have both fun and have good performance too right? We don't always have to settle for half baked ideas..
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She's A tier because map pressure and info you get from using your birds. During chase, I wouldn't say her power is very good, because of the W key strat (obviously needs to be done since it's the counterplay).
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Most fun killer since Spirit tbh.
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Your comments are bad. I've actually laid out her weaknesses. Empty words from loch here.
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I guess someone special needs some help on playing killer.
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The most recent killer that's been both fun and strong to me to play is Pyramid Head- almost 2 years ago now. No killer since the 4th anniversary except Sadako has been fun for me, whatsoever, and looking at earlier killers the only one there that's fun for me to play as that's remotely good is Bubba. Apparently when it comes to killer design, fun and strength are mutually exclusive, particularly if we bring in fun on the survivor side as well.
And honestly, I would much rather have every killer be a Sadako than an Artist or Nemesis. I like fun ideas that actually feel good to use, not uninspired anti-loop no mobility killer #312 or "I'm the first killer to somehow have a power that's uninteractive for both sides and my map pressure is complete RNG because of the terrible zombie AI!!".
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Except they aren't lol not every killer needs to be heavily chase oriented. The chase isn't even the most key aspect of the game, pressure and the macro play is the most important part. Now that isn't to say chase is unimportant as the best killers in the game have good chase AND map pressure, but to just say "well killer doesn't make chase easier so they bad" is not a factual statement. It is why almost all purely chase-based killers are hardstuck in B or lower tier with about Pyramid head being the only exception since he can (through his second chance denial) provide a lot of pressure.
Also Artist easily has one of the best chases in the game out of the m2 killers lol you walk up to a loop, and now survivors have to choose between getting hit by a crow, or leaving and getting m1'd. Now if you STAY at a loop and try to play around it as artist and they leave, that is your problem for not just going for the m1 and going after them. Artist makes EVERY tile and loop an unsafe one, as well as her map knowledge.
Sadako is definitely different as she doesn't have ANY chase power, so if you are trying to use it as such, again, kind of a you problem lol her whole kit is about stealth and map pressure. She isn't wraith.
Now while technically you are right in that Sadako's power makes chases longer, you also fail to realize that her power isn't meant to be a chase tool. It would be like complaining that Pig's power makes chases longer by crouching and uncrouching. That is true in most situations but the truth is that her power isn't meant to be used in chase like a killler like Nemesis, clown, doctor, etc.
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Winning chases is how killers counter the gen rush and apply pressure. If you cannot win a chase faster, you are low tier by default. It doesn't matter what information the killer has. Like I am already quite informed that survivors are doing gens. Artist cannot win chases faster because her power has far too many drawbacks, cooldowns, counterplays to actually handle survivor who've read her power. Her power becomes a detriment in too many situations, along with no payoff.
Players are saying she's S-Tier or 'high A-Tier', easily. Those slots are reserved exclusively for killers who win trials through chase, quicker than others. Spirit, Nurse, Blight, Twins. All of them win faster with their chase mixed with high mobility. Artist is in their class because she's informed? She's lower than Huntress and Deathslinger. I'm muddling whether she's lower than Trickster at the moment.
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Then clearly you must just be having the worst time ever as artist lmao idk how you can be doing so bad with her, it sounds like you had some awful games and thought, "boy the forums gotta hear about this one". Her being 115 alone makes her higher than deathslinger, trickster, and huntress and it means you are limited by maps or bad rng and can still resort to being a m1 killer when needed.
It isn't just knowledge she gets either, she can most certainly be a threat as well from anywhere on the map, and again, if you are doing that bad in chase as a killer who has that strong of a chase power, it is a skill issue from your part. If you are walking up to loops and trying to set all 3 crows up, then you are playing her wrong. Her kit is based around putting survivors into lose/lose situations and if you aren't reading those situations then it is on you. There isn't a single tile or set up she can't at least make survivors leave instantly lol
Do you not think it is weird you think she is somehow worse than TRICKSTER while others put her close to S tier? Nah she is just bad and you are the best at this game, you could never make mistakes.
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Playing Onryo gives me the urge to play Spirit. But playing Spirit makes me wanna play Onryo.
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Artist was released in a nerfed state, which was absolutely unnecessary but to be expected due to all of the survivors complaining on the ptb. She didn't deserve those nerfs.
Onryo was even buffed upon release but she is so bad that they would need to crank up her numbers severely to make her a threat. The directional teleport audio is a joke honestly, condemned isn't even remotely dangerous or a time waster like pig traps and I still don't get why they felt the need to make her slow down upon manifesting. Unlike wraith she: isn't faster while demanifested, isn't fully invisible and doesn't get a lunge buff upon manifesting, so why slow her down?
Edit. Forgot to mention they even gave her a lullaby for some inexplicable reason. I guess she would have been too op otherwise.
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To be fair, Artist only extends the chase because she forces them to hold w. It is only an extension if they were bad survivors. On good survivors, it cuts the chase time substantially. Not that I particularly believe she is as good as survivor mains do. No way in help she is a tier. That is some copium.
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Her being 115 helps her cope with having to M1 all the survivors. The 110s mentioned (Nerfslinger, Huntress) can reliably win chases with their powers.
My objections to her kit are written out. I am not hiding it. My objections laid out in this thread are precisely because people are overrating her kit and it should be rethought.
One of the points in the above quote is she's a threat from anywheres. But she cannot actually cross map because lockers are one of many counters to her power. They instantly remove the birds making it impossible to land a second one in time. It barely slows down survivor objectives.
That's true. They did nerf her kit. She did seem like she was going to be good. One might even say potentially A-Tier. And then they put her nerfed form into the queues and voila! She's not. Even just the crow bombs being reimplemented might make a difference to survivors interfering with her power. Cause currently when they do the Artist eats all the downsides and the survivors are unscathed.
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All new killers need to be weak, with nurse there is no need for buffs. All other killers are there to pay server bills & new content. You have the strongest killer for free but no 🤷
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As much as I think that artist opinion is an L take, sadako imo is a joke, I have never feel threathened by her in any way, her tp can be rendered useless by picking the tape and I only have to return it last second, I am willing to say freddys passive sleep is more of a slowdown than condemned, also she has incredibly obvious audio when she tps so unless you playing without sound she should not get any tp hits.
Regarding her being m1, well those killers are easily dunked on by any half decent player, I actually cannot believe it possible for a good team to let her get more than a 1k and that is if shes like the best sadako player in the world.
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I was never good at Artist. Which is odd, because I am good with Huntress, Trickster, and Deathslinger.
Sadako however. Quite literally I don't only stomp survivors like potato's, but I plant, water, and grow them into the perfect Bloodpoint fodder.
She's like Freddy on crack, minus the anti-loop, and let's be real Freddy's anti-loop wasn't even that great.
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Oh yeah I totally agree with the fact that her kit is weak and isn't great. My whole mindset though is her power isn't a chase based power so that is why it makes chases take longer, because you shouldn't be using it as a chase tool. That was my argument for Sadako. Again tho, she is still weak fr lol
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Yeah I think thats very reasonable, you wouldn't try to use pigs hats for chasing.