Shout-out to the Blights

who I've played against today. All 6 of you that were using the same build. Corrupt, Pain Resonance, Dead Man's Switch and NOED. All of you tunneling instantly.
Extra special shout-out to the one using C33 and Alchemist's Ring.
Suffice it to say that I regret letting my friends convince me to play with whatever has happened to the matchmaker today. I've briefly unretired from Killer to help out with the tests, I can't rightly criticize something if I'm not willing to try to improve it. Holy ######### though, I am terrified to even attempt Killer if Survivor is any indication of what to expect.
that's the typical eu blight experience tbh
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Wait blights don't run the same thing like they did almost a year ago?
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Luckily I only had one blight today but he had a very similar build with C33 + sent us to midwich :)
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Blight games are just dull now. Nurse games too.
At least you can expect the builds right once the match starts.
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How do you deal with it
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why do you think i main killer
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this is fair
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Were they all grinding off the walls like a Tony Hawk character too?
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Sorry to hear that, but I’m having a great time. I actually have team mates who know how to play around his weaknesses and the perks as well. He Is one of the most fun to play against in my opinion.
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They’re such a snooze fest imo.
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I run Rancor and Fearmonger on Blight because I dont have perks on him. I'd love to have Pain res though, I bet its gross on him
Youd think on the high tier killers youd get more build variety because they can afford to goof off, but nope.
It seems to be the crappy killers like Legion and Myers who are more likely to have variety. Keyword likely.
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Yeah, one of them slide around a pallet on The Game.
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I have had a teammate either DC or suicide on hook every match
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I wish I could enjoy Blight like that. I know I'm a garbage player, but I at least can have fun against Nurses, Spiritsand Twins sometimes.
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I don't see how they have fun to be honest. I am playing top rated killer with same perks everyone else uses. I am using add ons that allow me victory. My Blight is indistinguishable from an NPC played Blight. We are all the same. Fear us. You will take the orange needle.
Born to follow. Results achieved. Scanning for next meta build I must follow.
(It's kinda sad because a lot of love went into the Blight and he was teased forever and ever by the devs. Shake it up a bit.)
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I don't see how they have fun to be honest. I am playing top rated build with same perks everyone else uses. I am using items that allow me victory. My Survivor is indistinguishable from an NPC played Survivor. We are all the same. Fear us. You will take the decisive strike.
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Yep, that's just a typical Blight match for me. And Nemesis.
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I just had a couple of games where I played legion using agitation, mad grit, coulrophobia, and insidious.
Nobody expects insidious legion!
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You honestly can't. At least if you are solo. Maybe SWF has more chance, idk. I am not SWF player.
If killer is Nurse or Blight and if they have strong meta perks, y'know it is lose. At least you are facing Blight with NOED. Lucky, you did not face Nurse with PR, DMS, Corrupt and NOED. Ofcourse we had so much time to cleanse all totems against strongest killer.
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Both sides use strong things
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It makes me deeply sad to hear how these meta NPCs are ruining the good reputation of Talbot Grimes :(
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Blight matches are sweaty
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That is meh build honestly noed on blight? 😂😂😂😂
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What are we gonna do, break the totems?
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Easy to counter i never had problem with noed yea it seems unfair when killers is doing bad and gets downs in end because of it but if blight uses noed he is 100% bad 😂 because exposed dont work with his rushes
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Noed is really not that good just be ready for it and cleanse it or do that before to prevent it or start playing killer to see how 4 dead hards ds feels hah
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Pain resoance and dead man switch is overrated btw deadlock+corrupt+no way out is much better combo for me
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You can't really break totems when the player is good.
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I was a Killer main before I retired.
Just because something is bad doesn't make something else okay
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Git gud.
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Retired? 😂 I cant take this anymore bye haha
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Kinda weird.
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No sweaty nurses only blights? Wonder what your mmr rating might be 🤣
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We had one Nurse yesterday. She took us to Midwich and let us all bleed out. Someone hurt her.
Other than that though, it's been mostly crack Blight
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No it’s not bro 🗿
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I can't remember the last Blight I faced that didn't have Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer/Pain Resonance w/ Alch Ring/Crow or Adrenaline Vial yes the ######### it is.
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I must respectfully disagree. The typical EU Blight will also burn an Azarov's key, Mcmillan's bone, or an ebony. Seems like OP is still versing Blights who haven't quite reached full enlightenment, although they're on the right path.
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One of them did take us to The Game.
That was the one with C33 and Alc Ring. I wouldn't have been so pressed if he didn't literally not leave the hook and then tunneled the guy straight off. He was actually insane, he flicked around so many pallets. He also may have had large ping. He was getting some very questionable hits.
Ironically, @GoodBoyKaru's theory about EU Blight might legitimately be on point, at least with one of them.
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Most of mine use white wards bc they get that map anyway
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I speak from experience exclusively but I fear it's because Nurse takes too much effort
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Could be. Blight's definitely easier, got some really fun Killers on the 28th and 29th, less so today.
We did see a Twins player two days ago. I have still been keeping stats and this is the 3rd Twins in over 512 games.
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Well idk I just don’t use gen regression and still win 90% of my games 💀
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Not sure if I was quite as unfortunate as you, but I too had sweaty matches yesterday as survivor. But I had really good teammates (par one player) every game and that was fantastic. I found it to be a fun challenge considering that the survivors on my team were good (they are usually potatoes gone wrong).
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Blight Games can basically be the most fun and the most miserable experience. Like, two days ago I played against a Blight who was basically using my Build (Corrupt, BBQ, Shadowborn, Lethal Pursuer), with the difference that they used Speed Add Ons. This guy went for different people all the time, they got a 4K with 12 Hooks. Was a very fun game to play and this Blight player also had A LOT of Rushes on the DBD-Leaderboard.
Probably not really winnable for us Survivors, since they were so experienced, but still, lots of fun.
And yesterday, there were the blights who run 4 Slowdown-Perks and Alchemist Ring. Like...Yikes. MMR for the 29th was better than MMR for the 30th, in general, yesterday the Killers I went against were pretty sweaty.
(In general, it looks like the 28th was very loose when it comes to MMR and it was tigther with each day afterwards....)
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If killer has slow-down perks, you have not enough time to cleanse all totems. You just can't. You are obviously saying: Cleanse totems and give enough time to killer kill all of you or don't cleanse totems and die by NOED.
I agree with Dead Hard, it is unfair perk but DS? We still have people who hates DS lol?
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You're also not the majority of Blight players??
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I dont hate i just said survivors have many more second chances while noed is only end game and can he dealt with easy if you are ready for it
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Survivors have not many second chance perks. Only Dead Hard. BT, UB and DS are not unfair perks. Survivors have not any game mechanic to fight against tunnelling, camping and slugging. So this perks are here for counter this strategies. Only Dead Hard is second chance perk and unfair.
And NOED is another problem. You can play with mobility or anti-loop killer with 3 slowdown. And last perk NOED. How exactly survivors will fight against this?
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You forgot self care as second chance, and boon COH, ....
Hope is the counter to noed, just most survivors do not want to run a perk that does nothing during the match until endgame, like noed ;)
oh and doing totems is ANOTHER noed counter.... you have multiple to choose. Detectives hunch helps find totems too, the list goes on and on... people just dont wanna do bones anymore because COH
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Self-Care? Seriously? It is killer perk. And CoH is not second chance perk, it is heal perk. It is broken but it is not second chance.
Is Hope ignoring exposed statu? No? Then it is not counter of NOED. Why you are acting like speed bonus makes NOED broken.
And again please tell me how you will counter Nurse with 3 slowdown + NOED perks. How? Tell me? How much time you will have cleanse totems.