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hex perks...

yes yes yes, hex perks, to me I feel like they SHOULD feel very overpowered forcing survivors to find the hex (be prepared to feel hex ruin) devour hope shows this on token 3, ruin on the other hand can be countered by gen tapping and well, hitting great skill checks, noed can be countered by cleanses totems before last gen is done, third seal when in tier 3 and hitting all survivors will deal alot of damage if 1 survivor is hooked, haunted grounds is countered if the killer literally has no other hex, and I think I have mentioned all of the hexes but the hex perks that are easily countered need to be feelin something like a buff, noed can become what it once was, not a hex perk and on a timer, and tapping a generator when hex:ruin is on effect should be feeling a explosion after tapping a generator twice within 5-7 seconds, hex haunted should be a illusion hex, making the survivors think that you have a different hex instead. Ruin should also show the killer who is effected by it by showing a curse around the select survivors effected by the perk


  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    I forgot about huntress's lullaby, that perk is also effected by gen tapping

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    edited November 2018

    But Ruin 3 effects everyone anyways
    Hm with Noed idk
    Gen Tapping is a strat. Same as dribbling. (also it takes waaaaay longer to finish with gen tapping)
    Hex: Haunted Grounds. You mean in a way the hex thingy dissapears?

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited November 2018

    Lol, the two best hex perks in the game that require zero input from the Killer to have significant impacts need to be buffed? You're joking right?

    The rest need to be buffed, sure. But Ruin and NOED are literally as good as they should be.

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @Milo said:
    But Ruin 3 effects everyone anyways
    Hm with Noed idk
    Gen Tapping is a strat. Same as dribbling. (also it takes waaaaay longer to finish with gen tapping)
    Hex: Haunted Grounds. You mean in a way the hex thingy dissapears?

    hex haunted grounds can be countered because if you dont have any other hex but that, in the higher ranks nobody would cleanse the totem unless if they see devour hope in the corner

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @Visionmaker said:
    Lol, the two best hex perks in the game that require zero input from the Killer to have significant impacts need to be buffed? You're joking right?

    The rest need to be buffed, sure. But Ruin and NOED are literally as good as they should be.

    Just saying im a survivor main and Ruin can be easily countered same with noed, Ruin tier 3 is effectiveish but I would find survivors with generators almost done withing the first 50 seconds of the match and im applying bloody pressure,

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @alivebydeadight i love how you ignored the rest and skipped to haunter grounds >.>

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    edited November 2018

    Maybe give Hex Totems ties to Generators?
    Like so...

    Say HT1 (Hex Totem #1) is tied to G1 (Generator #1).
    When G1 is fully repaired, HT1 gains Entity Blockers, removing the ability for Survivors to cleanse HT1.
    The ties would be random btw: HT4 could be tied to G2 this match, then G5 the next match.

    When you power the Exit Gates, all Generators get repaired.
    This would mean every Hex Totem would then get Entity Blockers.
    But Hex: No One Escapes Death would not benefit from this: The game would first check if there's Hex Totems to block and THEN apply H: NOED.
    I do this because, if it gains Entity Blockers the moment it activates, it might as well not be a Hex Perk.

    If a Survivor is cleansing a Hex Totem, an other Survivor finishes repairing a Generator and those two objects are tied, naturally, the almighty Entity would cancel their cleansing interaction and block the Hex Totem.

    It may even slow down games a bit maybe perhaps?
    Idk, i like thinking of ideas.

    P.S. Do note this only applies to Hex Totems.

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    I don't understand the complaints about Gen tapping. I've been playing since right before the huntress came out and I've seen it maybe twice. If Gen tapping causes an explosion of you tap it twice within 5-7 seconds rip freddy.
  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @KingB said:
    I don't understand the complaints about Gen tapping. I've been playing since right before the huntress came out and I've seen it maybe twice. If Gen tapping causes an explosion of you tap it twice within 5-7 seconds rip freddy.

    rip freddy anyways, hex perks dont work well on him due to his weak offense

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @Milo said:
    @alivebydeadight i love how you ignored the rest and skipped to haunter grounds >.>

    oh sorry, I went after the question, NOED is countered too easily due to it being an endgame hex, so cleansing all totems will lead to the hexes demise fast, gen tapping does take longer but you will avoid skill checks if you do it right

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    KingB said:
    I don't understand the complaints about Gen tapping. I've been playing since right before the huntress came out and I've seen it maybe twice. If Gen tapping causes an explosion of you tap it twice within 5-7 seconds rip freddy.
    Yeah I dont get it. A buddy of mine will hunt down totems every game, but if he finds ruin running hell just tap the generator and waste more time than looking for the totem.

    Stupidest thing I've seen since you mention freddy, is we had a Freddy last night, running overcharge for some unknown reason.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    Haunted Grounds doesn't have a thing to do with NOED. NOED requires a dull totem. Haunted Grounds are 2 lit totems. You can completely ignore haunted grounds, and disable NOED.

    You can basically ignore all lit totems and disable NOED.

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    Haunted Grounds doesn't have a thing to do with NOED. NOED requires a dull totem. Haunted Grounds are 2 lit totems. You can completely ignore haunted grounds, and disable NOED.

    You can basically ignore all lit totems and disable NOED.

    I never said that it was related to NOED