"Due to popular demand"

BHVR are nerfing perks based on how many people cry about it now? Whatever the rationale behind it, justified or unjustified, framing the announcement like that is just going to encourage more people crying about pretty much everything they deem unfair in the hope that if enough of them voice their opinions it'll change regardless.
If I hate playing against the pig because I think RNG based mechanics are utterly horrible, should I go to the forum and cry about it in order to get her nerfed? Apparently so.
Everybody stand by for an influx of "nerf X" threads from now on, more so than usual.
Did you surprised lol?
Why they nerfed Spirit, Freddy, Deathslinger, Pinhead? Because survivors wanted nerf for them. Same for killers. They wants nerf for some perks and ofcourse devs listen for keep them in game.
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Notice that the thing they said was because of popular demand wasn't nerfing CoH to begin with, but rather "moving [a] nerf forward". The implication is that they always planned to do this, but decided to do it earlier because they saw the perk was currently very unpopular.
I think what a lot of people miss is that CoH was complained about a lot and also overpowered. It wasn't just that people didn't like it, it actually was a problem.
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A large percentage of nerfs are influenced and encouraged by public forums, now moreso with twitter being such an important marketing tool for game devs.
All it takes is the right 1 streamer to tweet something... their fans will spread it among forums,, chats until half the community is fighting the other half.
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Ironically Pigs RNG mechanic has been “Cried” about in the past and it was not changed. The devs are people with thinking capabilities I’m sure theirs more factors for a change made than “crying” or else NOED would’ve been nerfed years ago.
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They have always made changes due to popular demand - on both sides and only if they agreed at least to some degree. It’s almost like they do listen to their community..
though if they don’t agree or see the need then they don’t immediately implement changes just based on popular demand (see Noed, DH, tunneling, camping).
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Pop was nerfed... that was complained about, this shouldn't be a surprise.
Although COH definitely had alot of issues with it, I dont think anyone could say it wasnt strong though. It was a fast, unlimited heal, through walls and levels with a big radius that only 1 survivor needed.
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This is how its always been with any feature in the game. Where have you been?
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Well, to be honest I think they were going to nerf COH anyway later but due to people wanting it sooner rather than later, they decided to bump the change up to the mid chapter
If BHVR really were just basing off of complaining then DH and NOED would be dead and buried already
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Its always been something they have included when adjusting perks is community feedback. Object of obsession said the numbers were fine but the feelings from the community and their feedback told a different story so it was changed. It has always been this way, its just not so prevalent with meta perks in recent times since the big 2 got their change last year.
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Whilst yes community feedback is important (it's also not the only thing that matters). The wording in the Tweet is actually regarding WHEN the change is taking place for CoH not the change itself.
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Wording implies that they had plans to nerf it again already but the popular demand convinced them to push it out sooner.
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Also, "due to popular demand" can also mean that the majority of Devs wanted it to get nerfed.
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lmao called it
Glad to see the change either way, though. Very welcome.
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They have no faith in what they create anymore the meta will always stay the same unless they are willing to stick with what they put out vhs can not get back soon enough this game Is so stale
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At least those people cry about things that make sense instead of crying why a perk like coh gets a well deserved nerf.