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Devour Hope Broken (With Video)

Loaded into game on midwich as survivor and after multiple hooks the killers Devour hope activated when I was hit. However I did not go down. For the rest of the game when survivors who are healthy were hit they only got injured devour hope was clearly activated and the exposed status effect was shown on screen for the match.
- Nea Karlsson
- Borrowed Time, Resilience, Dead hard, Spine Chill
- Midwich
- 100% in this scenario that I know of since update.
- I was streaming at Twitch.tv/Elexious_Gaming and this happened at around the ~3 Hour mark if you check the Vod That should suffice as video.
You weren't downed when devour hope was first revealed because you were hit by her ambush attack, which is a special attack. Special attacks reveal devour the same way basic attacks do (once the killer has 3+ tokens), but only basic attacks will actually cause the instadown. (Worth noting, this is NOT how noed works - noed will only be revealed by a basic attack.)
You can also see later that the meg was instadowned near the hex totem when she was trying to heal you, so it's not broken.
What happened after that was since she had devour and ruin, devour hope was cleansed right before Yui was hit, so she wasn't exposed anymore (but you were still cursed by ruin and you were still exposed due to MYC). Then you cleansed ruin yourself. So I don't think there's anything wrong here.
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Ah you could be totally right I apologize if that is the case I did not notice a meg go down instantly.
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I dont think the HEx we cleansed was devour however After thinking about it the Exposed status effect was still up after cleansing the time for MYC was over so it should not have been their.