Probably already talked about a lot - Matchmaking

Ok, so, I'm kind of a newbie in DBD, I'm iridiscent IV on survivor and silver II on killer. I have one question -> HOW just HOW am I matchmaked? Matchmaking tests stopped, everything was good before, was even ok during some of the days, but now? I've literally played 10 games, all of the games went like this -> playing as survivor with camping killers, every single killer camped, ok, I know that's not prohibited, but it usually doesn't happend so often / playing as killer -> getting iridiscent sweaty survivors who all go borrowed time + the other meta perks, ok, I get it, meta, but why iridiscent survivors on all of my silver killer games (minim 3 iri survs per game).
I m really enjoying this game so far, but this day literally turned me off, I'm just really curious how do I get matchmaked? I just don't understand and it's getting really bad as an experience overall.
Might sound like I'm bitching like everyone about the meta and the stuff, but it's actually a bit tier difference (when playing killer at least) and I really don't see how that's fair.
Thank uuuuu in advance for pitching in! :D
PS -> I really actually don't know how matchmaking works outside of tests D:
Big* tier difference
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It's a common misconception, but the grades don't have anything to do with the matchmaking- this game has an MMR system now, so you're matched based on your winrate to put you with and against players with a similar winrate.
In theory, anyway. The system is also a liiiiiitle broken right now and doesn't account for backfilling vacated lobby slots very well, among a few other things.
In my opinion I think you shouldn't see your opponent's/teammate's grades in the endgame screen, since it's a little confusing.
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Ok, maybe it was just a bad day I guess :(
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A fair assumption. My condolences, though, that sounds unpleasant!
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Grades correlate to time spent in the game, which is analogous to having a working knowledge of the game more often than not. An iri 1 survivor is gonna be better than a bronze whatever survivor by dint of experience the vast majority of the time. It's more than a little silly to say the two are not related at all.