Chokepoint Maps

Dead By Daylight features 3 chokepoint maps. These are maps that typically are split in half, with 3 gens on one side, 3 gens on the other and 1 gen in the middle. If a 3 gen is executed correctly, the match becomes killer sided. If a 3 gen is avoided, they typically become survivor sided. These maps are Azarov's Resting Place, Suffocation Pit and Sanctum of Wrath. Of these 3 maps, which is your favorite and why?
Chokepoint Maps 16 votes
Sanctum of Wrath
Because while the generator in the middle is important, it is not game winning/losing.
If you're the survivors on Resting Place or Suffocation Pit - you NEED that middle generator or you're going to have the worst 3 gen headache the world over. It's possible it won't be so bad, but it's highly unlikely.
The killer will try to defend one side of the map and extend out to the midway point to try and keep it up as a security measure. That middle generator IS the most important one in the map. In Azarov's and MacMillan it's also the most difficult to repair as it is boldly placed in the midst of strong loops - making it both a pain and priority for both sides to push into.
Sanctum Of Wrath feels a lot more open - so getting that middle generator is not as paramount a priority as in the other maps, I feel.
That and, as a killer, losing the middle generator is not an instant loss - as the map lacks the supremely strong tiles of MacMillan or the pallet hell of Azarov.
It's just an overall more enjoyable map on both sides IMO.
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Suffocation Pit
Suffo merely because of the visuals.
All 3 suck, though.
Azarov spawns a 4 gen at least 50% of the time.
Suffo is a nightmare for killer in main building and mid area.
Sanctum has got too extreme rng.
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Sanctum of Wrath
Sanctum is the least awful.
Whoever decided to stick 5-6 strong tiles next to each other in the center of the map was a sadist.
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Sanctum of Wrath
I cant tell if that last part is referring to Azarov's, Suffocation or both.
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Sanctum of Wrath
Sanctum Of Wrath is the best one out of the 3.
Suffocation Pit and Azarov's Resting Place are just awful. You have to do gens in a specific way to even have a chance of escaping. Even with that, the killer will typically try to defend one side of the map, making it near impossible to do gens on the side they are on. Also all of the strong loops in the middle of the map is a pain for killers.
Sanctum Of Wrath is more open, the gens are spread out a bit more, and you don't have to complete gens in a certain way. Even if the killer decided to guard one side of the map, you can still get gens done on that side. Not that many strong loops, but there's shrubbery and bushes to hide in if needed.