What is your way of dealing with sabo squads?

I bleed them often if I manage. It is scummy but so is denying my objective in that way.
If they refuse to go on hooks they want to be on the ground I guess.
Sorry for another thread in such a short span, but I just wanted to ask since I had a match like that just now.
Slug as needed, but preferably find out who is the one sabo’ing and get them hooked. Usually it’s just one.
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If I'm sure that no other survivors are around or if a hook is really close, I will hook them. Otherwise, I'll just slug them. If you don't want hooked, that's fine. Have fun being on the ground.
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Fortunately the last time I went against one I had STBFL so it was really easy to deal with them since they couldn't sabo before I could hit them again.
But yeah, normally I just start slugging if I feel like I have to.
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Can I ask if survivors do choose to sabo your not toxic to them are you? Like have all 4 bleedout on the ground?
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Just bring franklins and ruin their entire game pace in 1 perk.
Franklins is just one of those perks thats always handy, no matter what time it is, its always FRANKLINS time. They got a toolbox? Franklins. They got a key? Franklins. They got a flashlight? Franklins. They got a health kit?....???? Franklins!
Franklins is such a good perk you might get addicted to it and start crutching it.
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It depends what you mean by a sabo squad.
1-2 people running sabos? Wait for them to approach, drop and attack the person saboing. At worst, you'll come out even generally. It can be annoying, but it's not too bad.
A full team built around using sabos and other complimentary perks to basically take a game hostage and stall things out to try and make you DC? Yeah, those are annoying and on some killers, there really isn't much you can do unless you can finagle someone into basement.
It depends how they are doing it? A few sabos? No issue. A stall squad abusing it? You bleed.
I had a game a few months ago that still haunts me. Premade from Russia, all of them TTVs. They came with DH, Sabo, Exponential, Breakout, Unbreakable, an Eyrie offering and multiple further hook offerings plus a bunch of other stuff and simply refused to do the last gen - instead basically being unhookable and damned near impossible to slug. The game lasted forever, and eventually I just went AFK.
I was on Wraith, and I had STBFL. It didn't matter, because I simply couldn't get people to hooks or keep them slugged.
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I assume they brought eyrie just so they could keep booning the upstairs totem, too? Yeah there's not much you can do against that.
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Initially, but they eventually moved to the area by shack - as there are only 1-2 hooks in this region that can be reached if you go down in the corner, and it's a trek either way.
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No if the whole team is not into it.
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Hangmans trick.
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Slug them and then when they tell me to stop playing so boringly laugh in their face ✨
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I HATE when I get slugged for the 4k as a survivor but if the survivors are gonna make it impossible to hook slug it be
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Hi yes hello
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Just info perk tho. While helpful in some scenarios sacrificing two perks for franklins and meme perk without even being sure I am against sabo squad is not worth it.
Franklins is a good perk but I still rarely use it.
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They die in the bed they have made.
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Just like the others said, individual Sabo survivor? Just deal with it.
A whole Sabo squad aiming to deny any and all hooks ferociously? Either mass slug OR depending on how frustrated the evening until then was, just afk in the basement facing the corner.
They don't want me to play or derive their fun from hardcore denying me? Let me be just as petty and deny you your game and any more BP. Bslest time then to get a refreshment or take a leak and relief myself.
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Mass slug or if possible bring them to the basement and facecamp.
I always run Agitation + Iron Grasp, maybe throw in Starstruck if I see 4 toolboxes.
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Until survivors start predropping items to save charges. At least I've noticed this as of late.
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I've been running the meme taxi build for ages now, so sabo squads are a non-issue for me.
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Lightborn s, agitation, mad grit, iron grasp
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Slug them and facecamp if I manage to get the hook. Hit them on hook and nod too as they always throw a hissy fit over it.
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Agi and iron trapper laughs
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Why run Franklin's to counter flashlights when you can run lightborn, the aura reading is amazing imo