Little kindness acts could save many "lives"

Guys, i wanna start this thread by saying that i am not a killer main. I PREFER to play killer, but i play both sides equally.

After playing this game for roughly 3k hours i've managed to understand many things. One of the most unsettling and unfair of all is that survivor is way more enjoyable and chill than killer and it's not even a personal thing. As survivor: you have the chance to play with your friends, coop with them, chat with them and play "against the evil killer". With every upcoming chapter, you don't really have to learn anything new, your work is always "Shift+W", "hold m1", "press space" (Not trying to be offensive, it's just how it is). As killer: You can't relay on anyone but yourself to pull out something good out of the match. With every new killer there are killer powers/addons and perks to learn and try to comb or counter or play around. You are not chatting with anyone (apart in cases like streamers or discord streaming for friends, but i still believe it is not the same thing as playing with them in the same match). You are not cooperating with anyone, you are all alone to face 4 players with 4 different minds, 4 different skill levels, 4 (most of the times, but not always) different perks and many times similar, if not, equal outfits to create confusion. With all those things (and all the unbalances that RNG of this game brings) being killer and managing to have fun or at least enjoy your doing is veeeeery hard and keeping things chill is even harder, trust me.

With that being said, i am now here to share my idea to try and improve bad moods when playing dbd: Even though there is SBMM active and even though every game seems to be a race to be at the top of everything and everyone. Whenever there is a killer that is clearly struggling with the character, whenever there is a killer that even when chasing good and outplaying many times will still manage to have no kills "just" because he/she is not hard camping or hard tunneling and the map is very unfavourable. Think about dropping your item at the exit and running toward a hook and presenting a kill to the killer. This act of kindness could really toss a bucket of cold water onto the burning rage of someone that is literally just trying to have fun and enjoy the game when instead everything is working against him. This WILL NOT improve his game situation. he/she will still need to improve, but THIS could really turn a "i'm never gonna play again / i'm gonna camp and tunnel next game with mori and noed" into a "maybe i just need to play more and improve". I'm not saying that you HAVE TO give free kills every game just because someone can't even land an M1 or something extreme like that. I'm just saying that kindness goes a long way and can bring so much improvement to this game and community that has become waaaay too much toxic imo.

Ofc there is even the other side that can think about being kind in the same way: Whenever you see a survivor dcing, whenever you see a survivor that doesn't even look behind him, goes straight and drops every pallet (i call them cuties), whenever you have a match where you end up having like 6 hooks and 0 gens done, Think about giving the hatch or let them farm after they are all on death hook and let them escape. I've done this SOOO many times because killing someone for me is really meaningless. The only thing i care is chasing and outplaying the hell of those dirty clicky clickies that make my games juicier whenever i down them! (<3)

I hope that someone will like my ideas and start making this community and this game a healtier place!

Waiting for constructive responses, will totally ignore and report flame.


  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,284
    edited April 2022

    I always try to be positive in the end game chat. Say GGS even if i lose because im not going to be salty about dying in a game.

    I've had killers that had really rough matches getting matched against people that had 1k+ hours to him/her and yeah they were broken after the match even little salty sometimes. I talked to them calmly and in the end they ended up being super nice and we wished eachother great days.

    As a killer i don't do pity hooks. I get its usually from kindness if im having a super tough match i just carry the survivor back to the door. You beat me fair and square take the win i'll try to improve for the next match. I think a lot of killers don't want these pity hooks.

    Sadly there are always going to be people in this game that will want to hurt people, but what i wish is that people would not get so upset about losing. There is no point hurting another human being just because you lost in a game. You don't know whats going on in that other persons life and you being toxic might just actually hurt them quite badly.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I do things you mentioned pretty often.

    The only problem is that as a solo surv you need to keep in mind of your mmr at least a little bit. Like, keep your escape ratio at 50% for example. Not to drop too low or you will get paired with new players.

    Never happened to me even tho I play how I feel these days but some people say they are in "elo hell".

    As a killer, letting survs go is actually better for you. Complete opposite.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    I understand your POV about pity hooks and i agree if this doesn't make you feel any better! But sometimes it's not about pity, it's about the game not rewarding fairness! If a surv sees that the game went this bad for RNG reasons, i would gladly take/give a kill to make it a little bit better, but everyone it's own medicine! :) Thanks for replying <3

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    As a killer who often gives hatch or will just get 3 kills and go AFK I can see the thoughts behind this.

    I made some rlly gr8 friends playing killer because I gave hatch, I wish I had recorded those games (I met so many great peps through this).

    I have rarely given kills to goofy Myers builds b4. I guess I personally don't really think about giving kills to new killers (in the back of my mind I think of the learning and expectation they will have for future games ig.

    This said though its a nice thought I will try and do it more.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    Yeah i'm kind of in elo hell for this xD I don't play swf often so i don't survive a lot, but still i don't feel like being kind toward someone who deserve it! :) I'm very happy to hear your reply!

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    If you wanna see more kindness in this game it should start with BHVR,its their game after all.

    The community just follow their behaviour.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474
    edited April 2022

    yeye ofc! I would not give kills to someone who is new bc it would disrupt the learning process! Making mistake and losing is the best way to learn how to play! But i will explain the example that brought me here to write this:

    I was solo q playing vs a player who was playing the artist, she never camped a hook and only went to defend gens. she chased me the first time and she outplayed the hell out of me. The second time, since the artist is one of my favourite killers, i started playing around her weaknesses and sadly i went for a good 5 minute chase and at some point i fell under a pallet and randoms saved me and i was like: "bro i'm so sorry!" I was so close on standing still and giving the hook but there were still 2 gens left so i had to keep going till she eventually lost me and went back to def gens... At the end just meg died and i was at the door, left the item and told her to kill me. Ofc i left a +rep on his/her profile because the game was veeery enjoyable for me, but for the killer must have been so frustrating and annoying :\ These are the exact matches where i gladly give kills because i know those are kills that will make the killer think: "this player knows i worked my a** off for this and i practiced hundred of hours and i still didn't get rewarded for it"

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    Don't ever expect something from others if you are not the first one to give it :) BHVR runs this game as a business. they are not obliged to make things in a kind way, they have to do their best to sell their product. Also they are trying to make things much more fair, slowly, but they are!

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    Yeh I understand, I have even had killers do the opposite and just let us go if they did not do so well lol.

    Wish more peps would keep this in mind tbh. I think for me as a killer all I would want is for the survs to just leave and try not to drag it out or teabag at the gates. That said though I do not mind tea bags or clicking during a match since its a blessing cuz gens are not being done (again more peps need to keep this in mind).

    If someone gave me a kill (which I don't think anyone ever has come to think of it) I would probs refuse on the basis it would not be satisfying given I did not earn it. But that's just me. That Artist u talked about reminds me of when I first properly played back in 2018/2020 lol.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    Saying GG at the end of the match is the equivalent of "Thoughts and Prayers"

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    Tbh, I only do the survivor thing as a killer main. That's because I as a killer don't want pity kills, it's really that simple. It also contributes to false escape/kill rates, which only makes the developers jobs tougher, and tbh it is way more impactful to your MMR as a single survivor to allow yourself to die to weaker killers.

    As a killer if I'm playing, I will pretty much only let a single survivor leave at the end if they played very well or if they had horrible teammates I saw obviously sandbag them (without reason). But I presume the other side wants mostly real games, so the only case in which I will let more than one escape is an extremely obvious blowout (5 gens uncompleted, team playing extremely panicky off a series of good plays, everyone ended up slugged etc) but it's best to just always play with the intention of winning imo

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    If you actually play both sides of this game for long enough, you may come to the conclusion at some point that the tilting is partially an intended mechanic, and this game probably wouldn't even be as enticing overall without it.

    I'll say things like "oh boy, her comes the bully squad" but when I'm saying that it's partially facetious because it's like... They are being jerks in a game where the mechanics are all about being jerks to the other side (sometimes your own side, right no mither users?).

    It comes from a place of expecting the wrong things, like you shouldn't expect your opponent to try and do everything within the games parameters to win (of course this does not apply to actual cheating or hacking, that much should go without saying but.. eh). Both sides should always be trying to win, if not it is essentially a waste of the other sides time (who paid money to play real games against real opponents). It's why I see some survivors straight up DC if another even attempts to grab my intention for the purpose of farming (which I just mostly refuse outright now because it's boring for everyone involved) better to get a 5 min game where everyone gets 15000 BP and move on

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    If that's what some killers want, but your just retaining them in an MMR where they will have more crap games than fun ones. I would understand if he was playing a killer like Freddy or something (still wouldn't do it) but Artist is bordering S-tier, and if he was going to physically patrol gens all the time instead of utilizing his crows to save him time (and chasing you for 3 gens) he's still probably has a bit to learn.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I for one usually give the last survivor the hatch or allow them to open the door as long as they don't okay toxic or bm. I even tend to let two survivors go if someone DCd because that is not fair especially if it's from the start or someone just suicides on the hook.

    Now from the other side I was practicing with Nurse because I want to learn the Killers I don't normally play to get better with them, Nurse's Blink, Oni and Billy charge/chainsaw dash etc......well I was playing Nurse and I was having difficulty as expected learning her blinks, but I managed to get 1k (I was proud to get that lmao) but two of the players saw I was learning how to play er and gave me 4 pitty hooks and I allowed them to unhook each time and then they allowed me to down them at the exit gate just to get some points.

    They were nice and said they saw I was trying to learn her but was decent, not good just decent lol, and they wanted to give me some points. Those players made that slightly stressful game less stressed at the end because of that little kindness. The entire community should learn from players like that and I think we could actually come to a understanding that both sides have it tough.