Plague needs a buff
Plague is a unique killer I feel and should be fun to play but she is super frustrating to play.
Audio is an important part of the game, you got to listen for sounds and that can really help you a lot as a killer. However, when you have a corrupt purge going, you have that annoying chanting that makes it hard to hear survivors, that chanting needs to go.
Also, Plague's Corrupt Purge needs to be changed as the pools can really be out of the way and Plague doesn't get around maps fast.
I think Plague's Corrupt needs to be changed to something like the corruption meter Sadoka has, there is a level system to the meter, fill it 2/3 times to unlock Corrupt. It will need more bars than Sadokas corruption meter.
You fill the meter by successfully hitting survivors with the vile purge, and infecting gens and pallets as well. Hitting survivors adds more to the corrupt meter, while pallets add much less, gens be somewhere in the middle of survivors and pallets.
Example: Survivors: 3 bars - Gens: 2 bars - Pallets: 1 bar
These two changes would make Plague more enjoyable to play as the chanting is annoying, and it frustrating going out of your way to a corrupt pool.
I've always believed that her vile purge should feel more threatening in exchange for corrupt purge being nerfed.
I play plague a lot, but it's somewhat boring when no one wants to give corrupt and it becomes an m1 game with everyone coughing.
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Plague is one of my primary killers, and I really don't think she needs a buff, but you are spot on about the chanting. Trying to listen for environmental/surv sounds while her power is active is nearly impossible.
IN particular, I almost always struggle to find the hatch while in power.
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The sounds during corrupt purge should be vastly reduced. I wouldn’t change anything else about her though.
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Her puke doesn't hit when it should, and her chanting deafens you.
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I main Plague, Plague doesn't need a buff, Scourge hook Floods of rage or Otz' pentimento & retribution build are strong enough to win against most swf.
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I think I was wrong in using the word buff, "change" is more the correct word, Plague needs a change by removing her chanting sound and changing how corrupt purge works.
Time is everything for a killer, so taking time out to go get a corrupt pool does hurt Plague and she is not that mobile on big maps, I really think it helps her out greatly.
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I don't think she needs a buff but don't think undeserved for buff neither, especially when her power can be basically countered.
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This is not necessary.
Sure remove the chanting because it is annoying. However, the whole pool thing is a map problem rather than a plague problem. You could kill 2 birds with one stone if you made the maps smaller in this case.
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I don't agree with the map issue, I like the variety in the maps, there should be large and small, the only fix needed is Plagues Corrupt Purge.
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Plague is fine imo. She's really good and easily counters CoH and even DH when her Power works, which isn't her fault it's just servers being funky
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If the maps were made smaller this would address the corrupt purge issue. Plague is an A tier already very good killer, with some unfortunate rng like this and if the maps were smaller (you have to agree that mother's dwelling is way too big) then it would address the issues a lot more. Maps can be different sizes but there has to be a size limit.
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Yes it would resolve the issue but it would come at the cost of variety in maps, I value variety in maps over resolving corrupt purge issues.
No, I don't agree on mother dwellings being too big, it's the biggest map in-game for sure but there SHOULD be big maps, there should be big, mid, small maps, this gives us variety, which is why I still think how Corrupt Purge should be changed to how I suggested.
Hopefully, devs at least get rid of Plagues chanting alongside the new Ghostface chase music.
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This comment is very interesting to me because for some time now I'm starting to think I lose out on more 50/50 hits, like the tip of the weapon or pallet/window vaults because my ping isn't as good as other players, wonder if the same thing going on with Plagues power.
I was on 6/7 Mbps upload speed but on May 5th I get upgraded to 30 Mbps, not 100% sure but believe upload speed factors into ping, be interesting to see how much it helps.
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Worse ping hurts, a lot. Killers lose out on hits that they otherwise should've gotten and Survivors get hit after they've already vaulted the Window or dropped the Pallet
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yeah I see it at pallets/windows at times and when I get juked by survivors. it sucks but May 5th I will be a pro DBD gamer lol
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She's mostly fine as is.
The only potential buff they should look at is her slowdown.
If they increase the time it takes to cleanse from a pool of devotion 1-2 seconds longer (From 8 seconds to 10 seconds or so)
They likely will not do this, because she's pretty good where she is - and the rework hasn't done much to slow her down. Pros still swear by her. In actuality - she's stronger now than ever, because Circle Of Healing is stomping the meta, and she directly counters it.
Her power is arguably the strongest in the game other than the Nurse's. The only issue is that survivors are keen not to give it to you in many cases - making a 10 second cleanse time less as useful and more of a deterrent than anything. The chanting is actually in the game for the exact reason you described. The power is STUPIDLY strong - so by having it give a light audio cue, it gives survivors a slight edge to unwary users. But - let's be clear - if you're holding one of the strongest abilities in the game and a little whisper ruins the game for you, the whispers ain't the problem in the first place.
Besides, the devs love their 4s and prefer numbers that easily are divisible by 4s, so they probably wont do 10 seconds anyhow.
That being said, she's plenty strong where she is.
I do appreciate the creativity in your approach that pools of devotion should be cumulative and absolute. It's an admirable suggestion, however the indiscriminate nature of her power means that any specificity either nerfs the power (Which isn't why we are here) or becomes so broad that it makes her unstoppable and completely imbalanced, which would make cleansing such a problem that baby survivors would be the only ones who would fall for it - making it redundant and unfun. Good suggestion! But, sadly, impractical.
Right now, the Plague is in a win-win scenario with the use of her power. Survivors are broken, and they cannot heal - and spread this corruption. This means that there isn't much concern about lengthy chases or protection hits. So survivors that do not hand you one of the most deadly powers in the game will suffer greatly from the limitations of being injured.
Making her fuel her own power, though, gets rid of this option - it makes her far too oppressive as a killer. She'd be able to tactically 99 her ability (similar to Meyers) and reap the benefits of the power of the sun in the palm of her hands... all while continuing to keep survivors in an oppressed and sensitive state.
Placing the most powerful ability in the hands of the survivors is the way to balance this eloquently.
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I don't see how having a map as big as Mother's dwelling adds anything. As a killer going in, you know that no matter how good the survs or how good you are, your chance to win just dropped a lot because of a bad roll. It can even screw over the survs. We can have plenty of variety without this sizing issue. Just look at the Haddonfield rework, that map feels incredibly different and has been shrunk in terms of loop spacing and gen spacing.
Remove the chanting for sure, but other then that I don't see any other issue. Plague is a strong killer with huge build variety and a multitude of strong addons. Honestly the variety she has is what we need to aim for with all killers.