Stop disconnecting you cowards



  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    Let them disconnect.

    Only TRUE survivors get gud

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    You're not helping survivors by quitting. First off, if they care at all about pips, you're basically keeping them fr pipping and more than likely they're losing a pip.

    If they care about blood points, you're preventing them from getting as much blood points than they would have got in an actual match.

    In terms of quality of match. The game isn't designed to be a 3v1, so obviously the match is going to suck more.

    You know though you may be on to something. You're doing the other players such a favor by disconnecting, don't just limit your service to us all there. Why not uninstall? That's the peek in terms of avoiding a bad game on an individual level, but also helping those that actually want to play the game. You should do that instead.

  • fixdeadhard
    fixdeadhard Member Posts: 134

    The DC rate when playing solo is so high. If I see how annoying the round will be and stay, then some1 else will in most cases or just suicide on hook. Why would I uninstall when I'm actually having 10 times more fun games compared to if I play them all?

    Killers can see swf in lobby and just dodges, that's a luxury survivors don't have. We can only see later in the game how trash the match is or will be.

    Trying to make a point that some1 shouldnt DC because it's not fun for others is kind of dumb since at least 50% of games are tunneling camping killers...

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Some people will DC once they feel the slightest discomfort. Doesn't matter the killer, map, or teabagging survivor.

  • F em’ one less bastard to ruin other peoples games. Let them sit in timeout like the children they are

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358
  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    The fact that anything can happen in that trial? Who knows, maybe this blight only wants to 2 hook every survivor, maybe Kate will loop him for 10 minutes, maybe you will all die within 30 seconds, anything can happen and you always have a fighting chance if you guys don't DC at the start

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    If your skin is too thin where you feel the need to disconnect, then PvP games aren't for you. Play something else.

    I wish they would hard ban people that say the DC because of this or that. It would make the game much better for those of us that actually want to play it.

  • IndigoWendigo
    IndigoWendigo Member Posts: 30

    Survivors just love to DC when they don’t get to be the dominant role in their match.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Speaking for myself, when I encounter this as killer I switch over to farming mode. Play semi-serioisly for points but let the remaining survivors get done and leave. Seems the best way to saddlebags something from the match for all involved.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 465
    edited April 2022

    I've had people DC with other killers just because I downed them lol

    I'm having a few games with nurse just to use up offerings.

    Already had DC's early on.

    I don't like using her much especially without the comb and add on to show where you are blinking.

  • HelloKitty2022
    HelloKitty2022 Member Posts: 146

    Its just a question of calculation. As many already said nurse is op if it goes vs random group. Even good SWF got problems against a good nurse and most nurses are well played. Otherwise it would make no sense. But a dc saves your time and your nerves. A dc is not illegal. If too many survs dc when it comes to nurse or blight we have 3 options.

    1.) Dont play nurse or blight

    2.) Devs nerf both

    3.) If you dont like 1 or 2 just accept that some dont want to play nurse.

    It has nothing to do with bein a coward since dbd did not requires courage to play 😉

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    I don’t dc, I just bow out early, “it’s strategy”, see how that works?!?

  • JeanCharpentier
    JeanCharpentier Member Posts: 370

    You scare me

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,545
    edited April 2022

    We have multiple threads about this.

    You are completely right.

    The almighty "it is no fun" and " i payed to have fun"... "my game always crashes when RPD loads up...".

    I hate that. I think it is embarassing.

    I also don´t like certain killers - but i never dc. I try my best. And sometimes maybe i learn a new trick.

  • t0007319
    t0007319 Member Posts: 176

    Problem is the solo q is an easy win for most killers, I can confidently say If I’m playing wraith and hit a solo q I’ll most likely win the match without breaking a sweat.

    I don’t blame them for DCing the devs really need to fix mmr or do better balancing for solo q. If the sole focus is on surviving and your teammates are on a whole different level and don’t understand the killers etc you’re in for a bad time, especially when most killers equip themselves against swfs with meta perks and you’re in a match with no mithers haha

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    Nurse? Understandable. Blight? He isn't that bad (unless he uses certain addons).

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    If I hear Nurse blinking and a teammate going down in 5 seconds, I wont DC but I'm probably gonna kill myself on hook. Why bother playing a lost game?

    And yes, a good nurse against a solo team is a lost game.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    Eh from my experience people mostly disconnect against legion due to annoyance

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    I never DC but I won't lie that recently there was this streak of Blights that I just couldn't support anymore and after the 4th Blight in a row (the third using that insta down addon) I just killed myself at the first hook before even 1 gen could be repaired and left the game to pray for god to forgive me for what I had to do to my poor teammates

  • NemmyMan3000
    NemmyMan3000 Member Posts: 228

    Wellll 1, not a surv main I only play when Im bored, 2 I could care less If im called a coward because Im actually helping the killer get a win, and 3 If I dont wanna go against a blight then I dont

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Then you're just ruining the game and the chance of the other 3 survivors

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    yesterday I played as pig and brought the video tape add on, once we loaded in 2 survivors immediately DC’d like come on are you serious??

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    I often see nurses disconnecting when they realize they’re losing lmao so satisfying

  • NemmyMan3000
    NemmyMan3000 Member Posts: 228

    Ok, yea it ruins the game every 1 out of 5 games. I dont DC against every blight but if a blight starts slugging then the game is lost and I dont wanna bleed and sit on the ground waiting for someone to risk their life to save me.

  • HexDaddyissues
    HexDaddyissues Member Posts: 328


  • Martine1979
    Martine1979 Member Posts: 58

    I have only seen one dc and it was today. I think it was a nurse killer that got dc. It's shame because of some wait time. If i get dc or don't move in my matches it means my mouse and keyboard is having some issues.

    I recently get a new harddrive some days ago and in some game for some seconds i can't control my character at all. Well, a easy kill for killer when i play DBD and easy kill when i play Fortnite. lol :D

    However i am working on this problem so annoying; but i know my keyboard is old and my new pc hard drive have Win 11.

    So i guess it's not 100% compitable right now.

  • SpaghettiYOLO
    SpaghettiYOLO Member Posts: 234

    Cracks me up when people complain about killer meta builds, yet most games, survivors are running any combo of DH, DS, IW, BT, UB, CoH, SC, PT, and the occasional BO accompanied by predictable running into far corner or upstairs to prevent getting hooked.

    Both roles can say they're tired of the same crap, yet both keep perpetuating it. So either stop wasting people's time and play it out or just uninstall. I played a Doctor match earlier today that was over in 3 minutes and 52 seconds because the first person I downed DCed immediately. It doesn't matter what the killer is. People who do that will find any reason to justify their rage quit and it's not fair to their team. I just don't have the patience to farm anymore, so I just end those games ASAP.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,176

    Depends on the game. I think people are fully in their right to D/C if they want to, they know the penalty. I'm not someone who does D/C but dying on hook to get me out of the game faster is definitely something I've done. Mainly because of my teammates, nothing to do with the killer.

    I want good teammates who know what to do. I just had a match against Pig and I got on a gen immediately. Claudette sneaks up and blows the gen immediately upon getting on it, killer is there in 10 seconds, finds the Claudette and downs her in the next 15. Then she has Kindred so I see what my other teammates are doing. The David is crouching in some shrubs (who gets found and downed in 15 seconds as well) and then we got the 3rd teammate just slow walking on the Tractor. I realize what type of team I got and I let them all die. I can forgive the slow start but when Kindred shows what my teammates are doing (and what they're doing is pointless, a waste of time) I don't really feel motivated to stick it out or stay. I figured I'd die too anyways once I saw all that. Somehow though, I got lucky with the gates on opposite sides and timed it well, was able to open a gate and get out (she closed hatch).

    Context matters.

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    If they don't want to play the match you can't really force them. It's just part of the game. I can't blame them really considering the circumstances either. Blight and Nurse are usually painful to play against and extremely over saturated. Biggest reason I stopped playing survivor at all is because how often you run into 4 slow-down S tier killers with crutch add-ons. The difference in skill it takes to counter those sorts of things is often not matched by the kind the killer puts out.

    Now, there are certainly entitled survivors. I've had some dc because "slugging" when they die right in front of their team mate and I walk away for 2 seconds to hit them. Normally I try to play pretty fair under most circumstances but you can't please everyone. There will always be those who blame their stupid mistakes on the other players. Still, it's not always unreasonable why some people choose to not play certain matches.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Agreed. I lot of people that disconnect, run strong perks and items and drop at any sign of adversity. I'll admit, being the first player downed usually makes for a worse match, but it doesn't mean you're going to get killed or you can't at least help the others live.

    Like if a tiny bit of adversity is too much to handle, play single player games where you can reset at your heart's content.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,908

    Yeah, it can be frustrating, but the truth is that unless you are god tier, there will be games where you are the weak link who is frustrating your teammates. It will happen, with matchmaking as it is. Not a pleasant reality, but reality.

    And I guess at the end of the day, if you can't appeal to a player's sense of consideration to their fellow gamers, ask how much time is anyone really saving by DCing? By the time you fully leave the match and sit out the penalty, the match you left would be nearly over, and at least you'd have some BP to show for it if you had stayed.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,176

    Hey man I agree. I'm not an advocate for D/Cing, but I also prioritize my own fun over someone else's. I don't mind memeing but memeing/doing nothing to progress the match is just not my idea of fun. I like the teammates who actually try to win matches and try to be good teammates. Thats my version of fun. And I don't think anyone should be forced to stick through a match if its not fun for them. I'm not god tier, but I'd say I'm a decent teammate to have. I can run killers pretty well, I do gens, have awareness when to go for saves or if its even possible, take protection hits to save others from death hook, etc. I agree, it can be frustrating and D/Cing will realistically only make you sit in the lobby longer with nothing to show for the match you were in.

    But I also shouldn't be forced to stay in a game when I got 3 new players/cowards/memers (whatever you want to categorize them as) on my team who don't want to actually play the game. Don't DC. Its not worth it, especially since the timer goes up. But if you aren't having fun and you don't feel like your teammates are contributing, no one should make you feel guilty for wanting to get out of there ASAP and into another fresh lobby.