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Killer types

Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

What I mean by types is what kind of killer they are, like how Ghostface is a stalking killer along with Michael, etc

DBD has alot of different types of killers (which i'll list in the way I see them below this) and I wanted to list them, then bring up what dbd is missing

Trapper (Trapper), Wraith (Stealth/Movement), Billy (Movement/Hard Hitter), Nurse (Teleporter), Michael (Stealth/Hard Hitter), Hag (Trap/Teleporter), Doctor (Zoner/Area Control), Huntress (Ranged/Zoner), Bubba (Punisher/Zoner), Freddy (Trap/Teleporter), Pig (Stealth/Map Control), Clown (Oppressor/Zoner), Spirit (Oppressor/Movement), Legion (Snowball), Plague (Zoner/Snowball), Ghostface (Stealth), Demogorgon (Zoner/Teleporter), Oni (Snowball/Movement), Deathslinger (Ranged/Zoner), Pyramid Head (Executor/Zoner), Blight (Movement/Oppressor), Twins (Zoner/Summoner), Trickster (Ranged/Snowball) Nemesis (Zoner/Evolutionist), Pinhead (Punisher/zoner), Artist (Ranged/Zoner), Sadako (Snowball/Map Control)

To explain a few of these, Pig's power isn't meant as an execute but more of controlling the map by preventing the survivors from wanting to do gens (thats...atleast how its supposed to work). Charlotte releases Victor, its not a transformation or else Victor would be able to hook survivors. Nemesis "Evolves" its power whenever getting infection. Zoner and Area control sounds the same, but actually its a little bit different, Zoning survivors is controlling the survivors, while area control is controlling the area around the survivor. Ghostface isn't put as Hard Hitter with Michael due to how Ghostface doesn't mark every survivor when marking one, so Ghostface is more of a surprise killer. Plague has alot to her, but her two she does the best is zoning with her power and snowballing due to broken status. Punishers get alot of pressure out of survivor mistakes, more than other killers, if survivors ignore Pinhead's box then chases will be EXTREMELY painful against him, if survivors stick together too closely when against Bubba (or are down a narrow hallway), he can get alot of pressure out of that

Now whats some options BHVR can make that are none of these? Surprisingly easy to say, hard to do however

ShapeShifters: DBD is already a very hard game to balance, Shapeshifters are even harder to balance than others as now you have to balance 2 killers to balance one, similar to how Summoners work but unlike summoners, these are like 2 entire killers that can do killer stuff, but can transform between two states

Environmentalists: Similar to Pyramid Head, controls the environment with their power, except most of the chase and map pressure comes from this power, instead of a secondary effect doing the most of it (Imagine if you could move faster in PH's trails or reduce survivor movement speed for x seconds when they enter the trails, stuff like that but not on pyramid head), basically just a killer that can control the environment around them more

"Off the Grid": This one is actually I name I am giving to specifically killers that cannot be seen until you enter a certain state, Old Freddy for example. These killers are intended to make your life a living hell whenever you are affected by their power and make you want to get out of it as fast as possible, however this type of killer is extremely hard to properly balance without overloading their kits

Disclaimer: This is what I refer to the killers as, or atleast how I think their powers were intended to be used as, they can be wrong and they can be used differently. The other kinds of killer types that haven't been used yet could technically not be getting used due to how hard they are to make or how hard they are to balance, just take all of this with a grain of salt