Leave Grades hidden

Literally no need to share this information, and it's constantly causing confusion.
Instead, in the end game screen, replace them with character portraits since I never know who anyone was in the match.
What's the point of grinding rank 1 then ?
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It's just for blood points. It's not impressive.
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Its easy at this point I hit 1 just by playing.
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Many don´t.
Even if it is good if they are hidden it is not good as you want to see what ranks/grades your teammates and killers are. Would be disappointing if you see nothing anymore.
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yeah, i don't grind anything. it just... happens by playing. i wouldn't even know how to grind this, except by playing sweaty all the time so the pips go up up UP!
and i too would like to see the portraits of the characters instead. i know you can go to options and look at who was who, including ping etc. but it would be so much cleaner. :)
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But the grades of other players don't matter, so how would it be disappointing not knowing someone else's grade?
They don't impact you.
You only get rewards for your personal grade at the reset of every month.
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I agree, not seeing grades takes away the placebo of,”oh I lost cuz they were a higher rank than me,” which is already false cuz they are grades not ranks now.
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Agreed they should remain hidden.
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They could just use the symbols they put there now to show who's in a SWF. Make them the same colour as their SWF teammates. And leave the solo ones white.
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There has never been a point. When they still had ranks in the game it was already very easy to get there. 300 hour players could reach rank 1 just like 10k hour players. Do you know how big the skillgap is there? And now they have replaced it with monthly reward Grades. They are there to keep you playing every month, it's not Ranks anymore, its Grades.
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100% agreed. I fully believe grades are creating a really negative placebo effect on the matchmaking system. I would love to see them replaced with character portraits. I often forget who was who anyways so it would help with that.
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I must admit I like the idea of character portraits instead of names + Grade, I'm awful at remembering names in general and would find it a lot easier to see who was who in the match if character portraits were included.
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You're not showing unique portraits ingame anyway...since they all only have one portrait per character. If you aren't going to give us our MMR values, give us a relative value...show us how well matched you thought the MMR was for the match. I like the idea of coloring SWF together and showing who was solo (which should affect MMR imho)
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On dbd mobile, ranks aren't shown in post-game screen even though ranks still exist there. This is one of dbd mobile's feature I expect to see coming to regular dbd
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I genuinely love this idea!
But also, I can't help but imagine the rage it would induce when some killer mains realize just how many solo q's they actually encounter and can't use "swf op" as an excuse for every match.
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Technically, grades shouldn't be shown... but mmr should be in their place then.
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I'd like to see grades still. It's not indicative of skill, but is indicative of play time.
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If "grades" don't matter show us the MMR why hide it? It's so annoying people can't see if they had a fair match up or were totally unmatched
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I think Portraits should ALWAYS be involved, even if the emblem system is fixed or changed for the better.
The problem is that the information granted from emblems is worse than useless - it's loudly inaccurate.
Until emblems are either purely customization options - or reflect an actual, quantifiable game statistic - it's basically useless.
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just from an average killer/ survivor player PLEASEEEE THAT'D BE SO NICEE. 1 vote of support about the idea. Also as feedback in general, I've liked the grades being hidden, personally.
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Or keep the symbols like they have them now. But change the colours when they're in a swf. So you can see if you played against a team or not.
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If I tried a new build/killer and or just didn't want to sweat.
I would fully expect abuse in chat because I'm iri 1.
You can't assume people have brain cells.
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I 999999% agree, we have absolutely no transparency about MMR, we don't know how much it increases or decreases after a game, we can't see others MMR (so we don't know if this thing actually put players that have the same MMR together), we have nothing but a clo- a dev saying with a big smile "imagine a MMR that put yourself with players of your level, wouldn't that be great ?!" when the MMR is implemented since ages
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Why are you so afraid of showing our mmr? You want to remove grades but not show us our mmr, its like you dont know what you want this game to be: is it a casual game? Then why did you implement SBMM. Is it a competitive game? Then why are you not showing us our mmr so we can see if we are climbing in skill? Hypocrites the whole lot of you.
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I’m way more interested in putting the character portraits in the spots where grades were. Knowing which player was which character at a glance at the end is much more interesting to me than what their grades are.
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Also in favor of removing grades.
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personal goals, not only is rank even more meaningless now, its easy to manipulate too.
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Do it!