STOP FREE HOOK SAVES (not deliverance)

I know that you make unhook mechanic with luck, i know too that if are only 2 survivors remaining and both get down or hooked you increase the chance to unhook by yourself, thats idiot mechanic.
Was playing freedy with the nightmare offering, got everyone killed except by a feng and a david, i hooked feng and when i put david on the hook she got out healed and made a hatch standoff, and thas not the first time that *bad word * happens its common already, dont make the killer wait until the first hook bleed out just because of that ######### just fix.
4% chance to unhook himself must be 4%
Humans don't understand probability. The pattern you believe you see is not there. You are imagining it.
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@Orion said:
Humans don't understand probability. The pattern you believe you see is not there. You are imagining it.You again my man, i saw you yesterday. Maybe is my head, but i dont think so, maybe i make some videos and start to note the cases to have sure?, but if i am right you would approve as a fix wont you?
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@PatchNoir said:
@Orion said:
Humans don't understand probability. The pattern you believe you see is not there. You are imagining it.You again my man, i saw you yesterday. Maybe is my head, but i dont think so, maybe i make some videos and start to note the cases to have sure?, but if i am right you would approve as a fix wont you?
Unless you also have data on every other time this doesn't happen, it's useless. If it wasn't just in your head, sure, I'd like a fix, but I know it is in your head.
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@Orion said:
@PatchNoir said:
@Orion said:
Humans don't understand probability. The pattern you believe you see is not there. You are imagining it.You again my man, i saw you yesterday. Maybe is my head, but i dont think so, maybe i make some videos and start to note the cases to have sure?, but if i am right you would approve as a fix wont you?
Unless you also have data on every other time this doesn't happen, it's useless. If it wasn't just in your head, sure, I'd like a fix, but I know it is in your head.
Fine ill do that, i come back in one week
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Keep in mind you will need data on how many times self-unhook attempts don't succeed, regardless of the situation. EDIT: And you will need to register this data over thousands upon thousands of trials, as per the law of large numbers.
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Coming to the forums to complain about survivors kobeing.... Okay.0
tyde tyme had a vid where he downed 3 people and had 1 hooked and when he went to hook another the 1st 1 unhooked them self and healed the other 2 so what should have been a 4k game ended up being a 2k game. i'd say thats pretty bad but i'm not about to start defending the cause.
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@Vietfox said:
PatchNoir said:@Vietfox said:
Coming to the forums to complain about survivors kobeing.... Okay.
its not kobeing when you get free jail pass for playing bad
Dude, you call "free jail pass" that percentage?
Kobeing punishes the survivors by getting them to the 2nd stage, the mechanic is fine.the problem is not the mechanic when in regular game, the problem is that happening everytime the x situation i said on the post happens, the 4% not occur cause they get a free jail pass, if you dont understand please read the post again.
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@XxAtomicAlfiexX said:
tyde tyme had a vid where he downed 3 people and had 1 hooked and when he went to hook another the 1st 1 unhooked them self and healed the other 2 so what should have been a 4k game ended up being a 2k game. i'd say thats pretty bad but i'm not about to start defending the cause.i have no proof, but its a matter of time, you are doing right taking your position like that
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The law of averages states that over time the more attempts made the higher the % chance that eventually you'll succeed. I've had times where I've managed to kobe seveal game sin a row and other times where I've gone hundreds of games without getting a kobe.
You can luck offerings which increase the chance to kobe as well as the perk that gives you more chances to kobe. The 4% chance is fine and if it bothers you so much run Monstrous shrine and hook everyone in the basement.
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PatchNoir said:
@Vietfox said:
PatchNoir said:@Vietfox said:
Coming to the forums to complain about survivors kobeing.... Okay.
its not kobeing when you get free jail pass for playing bad
Dude, you call "free jail pass" that percentage?
Kobeing punishes the survivors by getting them to the 2nd stage, the mechanic is fine.the problem is not the mechanic when in regular game, the problem is that happening everytime the x situation i said on the post happens, the 4% not occur cause they get a free jail pass, if you dont understand please read the post again.
Even if that's true the percentage would still be low.
You got 3K and the 4th survivor was lucky enough to kobe and escape. 3K is a win already, but instead you rather rage and come over to complain about it.2 -
I have seen people complain about dumber stuff (by seen I mean have).this is a fine argument on both sides so I will stay as neutral as possible. This game is very hard to balance. I think that the more people downed or hooked should increase entity progress because the survivor won't have much hope but gameplay wise that's a bad idea. Stop arguing and start discussing because there is no point in being hostile it just makes matters worse.1