Think would be cool to have a Jack the Ripper based/inspired killer?

Before anyone gets "offended", I do not mean the actual killer.
I am talking about a killer based on the media version of the person like how we have Vlad the Impaler in dbd as a vampire.
There have been tons of version of Jack the Ripper which I will list some well known ones.
Assassin's Creed
Identity V which is almost like Dead by Daylight
And freaking Marvel
Also he is an in anime.........which If I recall he is a good guy?
What I want to focus is on the idea of Jack the Ripper that has been used to describe him.
A Dapper Gentleman that always kills but was never caught nor seen by the living.
Have him be a mix between Myers and Legion, Stalks from far away but once in chase the Survivor will never escape unscathed. I would actually make him a Shadow person to represent the Entity, taking advantage of his stealth tactics.
Also a Victorian themed Slasher is pretty cool you have to admit while also it could be a Crime themed chapter since BHVR could make their own Sherlock holmes.
Lastly, again. I am not saying bring the real life character ingame but do what they did with Vlad the Impaler by making a unique character that fits within DBD.
If BHVR did Jack it would be a smash hit mostly if they did a Sherlock survivor. A supernatural Crime chapter would be awesome and bring lot of fans.
I don't like the idea actual killers in the game but if we could get Vlad as a Vampire I am sure we can get Jack the Ripper as a Shadow killer.