Gideon Meat Plant is unwinnable for many killers if survivors don't screw up. DH makes it worse.

I swear this map has the absolute worst design in the game, even worst than RPD and Shelter Woods, and the sole reason for that is the outrageous number of god pallets.
Try playing on it as any M1 killer, you're in for a bad time unless survivors screw up really badly. Until all the god pallets are gone, every chase can only go one way: a survivor keeps running from pallet to pallet and you keep breaking them. You can't follow if you don't break the pallets and therefore you can't bloodlust. There is no choice to be made except for keep breaking pallets or leaving to pressure gens, which makes for long games where you take really long to down someone unless they make a huge mistake, so you just constantly leave chases without finishing them.
I just had a match as Sadako where I was breaking pallets all the time, and even though it was a somewhat long game, there were still god pallets for survivors to drop and be 100% safe and uncatchable by the end.
Dead Hard makes the issue worse, because survivors can just undo any mistakes they make by pressing E towards a god pallet. Effectively, it reduces the distance they need to cover before reaching another invincible pallet.
This map's rework was the worst to this day, and it seriously needs a layout change.
You played as sadako, losing against anyone with a clue about dbd is already guranteed, if you want to go toe to toe with good players, play a good killer, if you don't: just understand the implications of not doing so.
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The reason gideon has so many pallets is due to the absence of loops, the only thing the survivor can do is knock down pallets.
But I agree that there are many pallets, much more than necessary. they need to take some off or make some less safe.
the old gideon was fine, i don't know how it got to this state.
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So many pallets are safe on this map. Why does the basement have 2 pallets next to the stairs? I had a match as pinhead today. It was horrible. 3 hooks and all gens are done. Gates are 99ed. I managed to down someone near the gate. I picked them up and the other 3 all played body block because the gate was right there and they were all healthy. I had star struck. I downed a 2nd, hooked the person I was carrying, found a 3rd hiding behind a box and the 4th guy was already injured and he tried to solve the box. Telling me where he was. I hooked 3 and there were no more hooks nearby so I let the 4th bleed out. Point is that match was going terrible and I only got kills because of over altruism.
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That's why you should main Blight/Nurse
The boring and annoying meta right now encourages killers to main the strongest ones.
And for survivors, MMR and top tier killers encourages them to bring 2nd chance perks no exception.
Imo you should only play survivor if you find boring playing Blight/Nurse continuously
Even SoloQ is more fun to play than playing medium/low tier killers
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I assume you are a normal hag main. I would recommend Artist(true main), blight, and for tons of fun if you puke on pallets, windows, and choke points, the plague. So damn good on this map if you anticipate the loops around you. Longer the loop takes the more they will be infected. One hit down and can steam roll from there due to her very tall height puking over things.
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Someone was watching discovery channel and wondered if chimps could be able to play dbd, then they created this map to make it come true
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remove the map then. we will only play one map from now on!
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I've honestly found The Game to be okay for Sadako, her stealth almost works consistently.
It's also good for Nemesis and Pyramid Head
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Jump scare Myers on the game is great. Come downstairs I dare ya.
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That map is pain. Thankfully the one time I was sent to it tonight i was playing Nemesis so at least I could still hit over pallets. But God they need to get rid of some of those pallets. Pallet-palooza is pain most of the time LOL
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I've come close to winning on it many times, but survivors just had too many god pallets. 99% of the time on that map, the survivors are just toying with you.
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That sarcasm isn't necessary, especially since this is legit criticism. Maps being too survivor favoring is no joke.
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If they put window loops in they will be equally insufferable and something they run to every single time to get 3 loops out of it. Just look at groaning storehouse.
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what it really amounts to is killers dont like it because it doesnt fit their bill....if it were a killer sided map, id assume we wouldnt ever talk about it
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Not really, hawkings was really killer sided yet many people (including a lot of killer mains) complained about the map and its flaws, specially the pallets.
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It's not a matter of killers simply not liking the map. It's that god pallets are literally unfair from a design standpoint. The killer should be able to get a survivor even when they've dropped a pallet; if they can't, even with Bloodlust 3, it's literally not fair because there's no gameplay to be had.
And please, tell me one killer-sided map that exists. There isn't one, not one that favors all the killers. Only ones that hold a sliver of favor for the killer, using a specific build, under even more favorable circumstances which aren't up to the killer at all. Every map has enough resources for survivors to use to run the killer for 5 gens and then some.
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Sort of.
The map is very, very oppressive to paly as certain killers - but usually because it relies on a very particular type of gameplay that is currently non-viable by the meta.
The Game is a map about late game power. Loops rely greatly on pallets - which means they can be shredded into veritable dead zones. By the end of the match, survivors can often stretch out their resources and find that they have little to counteract your advances.
This makes the game less about chases and more about generators. Pressuring generators and bleeding out health states by making the trial take as long as humanly possible is the key to the game. While some meta regression perks accomplish this well enough, this map actually favors non-slowdown perks and good prioritization.
Knowing where survivors are, being able to engage chases - extract a health state or pallet - and return to generators is the name of the game. Bringing perks like Brutal Strength, Cruel Limits/Claustrophobia, Coulrophobia, Save The Best For Last, Enduring - these are perks that find heightened value on this map. Perks that allow you to chew through health states and pallets over longer periods of time - allowing you to get hits and get back to pressure other survivors rapidly. True, survivors may finish generators quickly at first, and pallets will be sacrificed - but if you don't commit and keep on generators, survivors will eat up their resources in the long run.
This map is all about slowing things down so that you can break the loops into dead zones.
Problem is - most high velocity matches don't let you get this far, which forces many killers to get creative or wait until an end-game mishap to secure a victory.
Moreover, Circle Of healing has turned matches in this map into a farce.
The entire dynamic is to force survivors to either choose between generators and healing. They can extend their health states with pallets - but you can pull them down deeper and deeper. If survivors spend time healing each other, it's to your benefit - but with CoH being a thing, it completely turns the tables of this map's dynamic on top of itself. Now, survivors are capable of limited and fast health states - which forces killers to dedicate to chases.
When killers are FORCED to dedicate to extract value from exchanges. That is when this map becomes broken.
So... yes. It is currently broken with the meta the way it is today.
But... usually it's only a little broken with meta perks and the 'wrong' killers.
And... it really isn't broken if you bring off-meta perks on map-favored killers.
Running Sloppy Butcher, Coulrophobia, Cruel Limits, and Surge/Jolt on Nemesis turns this map into a nightmare for Survivors - as pallets are eaten faster than they can recover health states while you juggle generators while they struggle to accommodate health states that start out ubiquitous, but become grueling as their options dwindle.
Meanwhile, going Pop, Pain Resonance, Corrupt, and No Way Out as Saduko is basically a deathwish. Possible, oh yes, but much - much harder if that first down proves elusive through the pallets and dead-hards.
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Pallet-city is awful for most killers, yes.
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Yessss, DH again into the mix!!
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i see you talking about the god pallets, but lets discuss all the pallets in the game that are simply there for decor. Because in case you havent noticed, there are several pallets if a survivor drops it the killer can make it around it and hit them by the time animation ends for the pallet drop. killers never mention this when they go on about pallets and so forth
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Unsafe pallets aren’t ideal and should be used as a last resort, your aim is to stun the killer on the other side and then hopefully get out. If you lose the mind game and go down at the pallet you can also still be pallet stun saved.