You Can Choice One Killer and Survivor...?

You can choice one killer and one survivor and you will use them forever. You can not use other killers and survivors and their perks. Only chosen characters and general perks. So who are you choosing?
Meg because her all perks are alright.
And Nurse because i don't need on her any perks.
I mean I’m technically almost already doing that. Spirit forever ❤️
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What about survivor
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I mostly play Cheryl and Hillbilly, so I'll pick them. I don't mind Cheryl's perk not being the best of the best.
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Yui most definitely.
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Trapper? You are brave one.
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Cheryl (Lisa) and to be honest I have no main killer at all, I play pretty much all of them except for Deathslinger
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I'd have to go meg for survivor, use SB Adren resil spine chill.
For killer I'd choose blight. For perks, I'd use Blood Favor Undying Whispers and probably NOED for the last one can't think of anything else off the top my head
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Jill and pyramid head. I’m a demo main but I love pyramid head too and he’s better
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Oof. That's a toughie.
Probably Artist with PR and Penti (no idea how I'd get penti to work) or Hag with Ruin, Devour and NOED.
Survivor...hmm. Probably Claudette for SC+BK+Empathy, but I'd really miss WOO.
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Huntress & Feng Min :)
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Bunny enjoyer i guess? :)
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I don't use the bunny much anymore, sometimes my friend wears the pink one with the mime skirt and striped leggings so I'll wear the green one with the same skirt / leggings thing.
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Already did it. Meg and Legion. Meg because Legion LITE.
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Mikey and Dweet.
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That's a very loaded question, due to the fact that there's a new killer added every 3 months which could possibly fit my playstyle more, but as of right now if you were to put a gun to my head and asked me to choose, I'd have to choose James Sunderland for survivor, and Nemesis for killer. Survivors are just skins basically and all of them play the same and James is one of my favorite video game characters of all time, and I basically force myself to play Nemesis due to how much of a RE fan I am but overtime I think I've gained a form of Stockholm Syndrome (?) where I legitimately enjoy playing him now.
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I only play Jake and Oni
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That would be either hunters or demo
Feng min
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Meg and Nemesis, if I'm choosing for perks + character only. Maybe Artist.
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I would quit this game without Lightborn, my lord and savior. So, I would literally have to pick Hillbilly, which is fine, in some ways I consider him to be among the most fun killers. I would just need to get my curves on point and facecamping would start taking a tiny bit of effort. I could live with that.
Kate already carries me, she is an obvious choice. Not necessarily my favorite, but I need those perks, cuh.
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Claudette and artist.
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Legion and Jake
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Zarina and Artist. Artist has decent perks and can hold her own. Zarina because she's my favorite survivor.
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Claire for Survivor and Susie for Killer.
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elodie and billy or blight
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Another Claire main?
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Trapper and Dwight since they're my mains and I'm happy with them. I have everything, but they're still my favorites five years later.
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I see, you're a man of culture as well
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Probably Demo.
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Pyramid head with Alessa for me
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It should be choose rather than choice, not being clever, just telling you as English isn't your first language.
but on question, Bill and Anna.
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Probably ? If i may ask, what is your second choice for killer ?
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Nemesis or Legion
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Demogorgon and Steve.
Demo might not have the best Perks in the game, but he's Demogorgon so I can't complain.
Steve has pretty good Perks. They're not the best but I like Guardian and Renewal
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Bing bong boi AKA The Wraith all the way.
As for survivor than will be Yun Jin Lee.
Not a difficult choice to be honest 😬
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I can choice? Cool
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Jiwoon my beloved, I don’t need to play anyone else
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Probably Yui and blight.
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Oh that's easy.
I'm already a Kate main and I have all perks on her. And I pretty much only play Nurse because she's so god damn fun. So my answer would be Kate and Nurse.