Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

From The Dirt

Ivory_Partnaite Member Posts: 89

In the year 1950, at an Excavation Site in Sudan. A strange gem was found 500 feet under ground which possessed the life of thousands of worms...

New Killer: The Crystal


An asteroid from galaxies away flew into the Milky Way and crashed into the giant rock that would be known as Earth, the asteroid got stuck into Earth and stayed there for many years. When Earth begin to have sand, water and mushrooms, the asteroid began to break up into rocks until the only thing intact was left besides a small pinkish red crystal. Many years later, in the year 1950, a group began excavation in Sudan, Africa for historical artifacts. Little to their knowledge they were going to uncover something beyond their expectations, they uncovered a glowing pink crystal that covered itself with worms around the dig site. These worms turned carnivorous due to the crystals effects. This monstrosity then went out to devour any living creature it laid it's senses apon. After killing almost all of the archeologists at the site, Amelia used an excavator to split the creature in half, breaking the crystal. Fog suddenly surrounded the area encapsulating the broken crystal and Amelia.

Physical Description:

A glowing pinkish red crystal covered in earthworms that shape itself into a somewhat human shape.

I was too lazy to fully draw it.

Power: Extra-Terrestrial Control

Control the mindless worms that holsters you.

Special Ability: Dig Under

Hold Shift to activate Dig Under. Seep into the ground and move 35% faster. Survivors will see a trail of raised dirt from you're location.

Special Attack: Wound Infection

While Dig Under is active, press the ability button underneath an injured survivor to grab them by the leg. Both the killer and survivor will do skill checks until the other person misses a skill check, skill check zones are 10% bigger for the killer, skill checks will progressively decrease in size.

If the survivor misses a skill check, they will be inflected with an infection.

If the killer misses a skill check, the survivor will break free and the killer will be stunned. (Stunned underground)

Infection is a new status effect that disables all self-healing abilities and slows any healing on that player. (-10%)


Teachable Perks:


Traverse threw the darkness with Spaceborn, this perk alters your sight, making dark areas 30%/40%/50% brighter in your vision.

Extraterrestrial Senses:

Listen to generators from a large distance. Listen to generators by looking at the aura of a generator from 42 meters away, Extraterrestrial Senses has a cooldown of 40/30/20 seconds.

Power Conversion:

Consume the sweat of exhausted survivors for an energy boost, for each survivor exhausted, gain a 8% haste effect. When all survivors recover from the exhausted status effect, Power Conversion deactivates with a cooldown of 120/90/60 seconds.


Addon Ideas:

Ultra Rare: Iridescent Frequencies All auras of crows within 38 meters of the killer are revealed for the duration of the trial. If a survivor startles a crow, they will scream and become exposed for 5 seconds.

Makes Wound Infection skill checks 25% smaller for the killer. (Starting number at 10%, so -15%)

Ultra Rare: Gamma Radiation Glow in a 100% bigger radius. Injured survivors in your glow radius for more than 45 seconds get infected.

All survivors start the trial injured.

The worms are slowed down and move at 4.2m/s.

Very Rare: Slime & Mucus The worms are more efficient at producing slimy mucus. Decrease the size of Wound Infection skill checks for survivors by 10%.

Very Rare: Dronabinol Dig Under speed is increased by 8%

Very Rare: Cancerous Sunscreen Glow in a 20% bigger radius, no longer get burned by flashlights.

Rare: Deer Corpse Walk 2% faster, Dig Under is 4% faster, glow in a 10% bigger radius.

Rare: Ghrelin When underneath blood while in Dig Under, move 18% faster.

Rare: Moldy Havarti Infected survivors that stand 8 meters from another survivor for longer than 14 seconds. (Longer than self-mending)

Uncommon: Dead Rat Walk 4% faster, Dig Under is 2% faster. Glow in a 8% bigger radius.

Uncommon: Excavation Shovel When underneath the ground, move 500% slower, everybody becomes exposed for as long as you're underground. Wound Infection gets replaced with a basic attack.

Common: Asteroid Shard When Dig Under is active, dirt above around is no longer viable. Disables Wound Infection


Amelia Roth is an excavator who digs in various places in hopes to uncover history.

New Survivor: Amelia Roth

Her personal perks, Hidden Clues, Invader & Excavation allow her to find tools and locate the killer efficiently.

Teachable Perks

Hidden Clues: Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability.

After opening a chest, gain a token up to a maximum of 1/2/3. Tokens determine the quality of the item, press E while opening a chest to use all your tokens. 1T= Uncommon, 2T=Rare, 3T=Very Rare with an uncommon addon.

Invader: Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability.

When inside the main building, gain aura reading abilities, if the killer is outside the main building, you're aura will be revealed to the killer. If the killer is inside the main building and within 8/12/16 meters of you, see the killers aura.

Excavation: Dig up hidden treasures from beneath the ground.

Once per trial, press the use/ability/left mouse button to dig up an item. This does not work indoors, it takes 80/60/40 seconds to dig up an item from the dirt. (Does not work if you're holding an item)


Map: Sudan Excavation Site

The map would look something like this.