Auto Dead Hard and other hacks are still a problem

Hello sweethearts!
As we all know, DBD has some big problems.
- Map Design
- Bugs
- Balancing in general
- small pp hackers
I still tolerate the first four points. But cheating is where it ends for me. I now have at least one cheater in every third match. It's mostly these small, inconspicuous cheats that you don't immediately notice. In my matches it's mostly auto dead hard, speed hacks, teleporting, wall hacks or exhaustion reset. At least I haven't had insta heals and insta gens for a long time.
How do I always know it's hackers?
So I have a lot of experience in DBD, have been playing since 2017 and have almost 7k hours. I always look at people's perks afterwards and I also watch my VoDs. In other words, I can tell quite well whether someone is playing fair or cheating. Most hackers I meet are people who are really bad at the game. They only w-shift, never look backwards and don't know any mind games. Nevertheless, they are able to dodge perfectly a non-lunge attack. Sometimes they completely disappear behind a wall. No scratchmarks, no blood, no moaning anymore.
What other hacks are out there?
If you are interested in this topic, I can recommend the following video.
So what can we do?
Literally nothing. We can only hope that BHVR devotes more resources to narrowing down this issue. Of course, I don't blame BHVR for this, but cheaters not only ruin DBD, they also cause economic damage to BHVR. Unfortunately, cheating is not a criminal offense in many countries and that's a shame. Nevertheless, BHVR could reduce the bureaucracy of reporting a cheater. It is ridiculous how many time Ive to spend only to report a cheater. That's also the reason I don't do it anymore. There are just too many and I don't have much time to play after work.
What are your experiences with cheaters?
How often do you meet them and what cheats do they use? Do you notice when people cheat or maybe you don't even pay attention? I would be interested in your opinions.
These subtle hacks are even worse than the obvious ones. Obvious ones I can just blow those games off because whatcha gonna do? But subtle hackers...
Are they hacking? Am I just playing badly? Did I miss that swing or did they cheat? Did they actually time DH that well or is it an auto one and I'm wasting my time "baiting" it? Where the hell did that guy go, I was RIGHT on him? Did he cheat or did he just trick me with some fancy footwork? Where did my pants go (that might be unrelated to DBD, still investigating).
It's even worse cause I know I've had games with a subtle hacker who did a poor job of the subtle part but they did EVERYTHING to be super annoying to get me to waste my time chasing them. Lucky for me I figured it out real quick but how much time do players burn chasing after a uncatchable player before they realize it (and at that point, the damage is done as gens are popping like popcorn now)...
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Although this is no breaking news, I agree.
I have 700h+ on pc, and about 200h on dbd mobile.
On pc, I might have played with or against cheaters that I didn't notice except one very obvious flying ghostface throwing hatchets. On dbd mobile, it's about 1/20 game has a cheater, mostly speedhacking survivors. Yes that's a lot.
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I agree, sometimes it's really hard to tell if they're playing fair or cheating. In those cases where I'm not sure, I look at my VoD when I've recorded the match. But if, for example, a badly playing W-Shift Meg divinely dodges a non-lung attack 3 times in a match without looking backwards, then I no longer believe in coincidence :3
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So far I got self-(un)hooking, speed-running, flying, dropping through the floor, insta-gen, exit-door walking, insta-wiggling, wall-hacking and impervious to poison and hits.
Some were subtle, some not.
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They are also cheating on DBD mobile? O.o That is really sad...
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I notice the disappearing hack a lot. It's usually after a M1 attack they literally teleport from my position and gain a huge amount of distance or outright vanish. I guess that subtle hack is used a lot because it's masked by the speed boost and you have a number of things to deal with in those few seconds after M1 hit like tracking & direction. I look at the perks and they aren't running anything like overcome. It became really apparent to me after I started playing survivor a bit & realised that you just can't get the same distance as some of these players from the speed boost from an M1 attack. Sometimes their scratch marks just stop randomly at a lone rock or something with no trace of them (with no perks like iron will etc).
It's possible that it isn't even a teleport hack and maybe they have all exhaustion perks like sprint burst, dead hard, overcome, lithe etc that are being chained together with no cool downs. I've seen videos of players having every perk in game so it's definitely a hack that's going about.
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Well there should be no debate at this point that auto-Dead Hard does in fact exist. There's no way it doesn't because of some of these crazy whiffs. A survivor will 360/push into you 2-3 times AND THEN Dead Hard at the exact right moment in response to a short hit? No way that's legit. There's probably a plethora of other hacks that we mistake as legit gameplay as well, like those magic disappearing scratch marks, or silent footsteps, or Iron Will for free.
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You've been playing since 2007? Sigma grind.
Yes, small pp hackers are bad
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I honestly can't tell if cheaters are using auto dead hard swings or not. Is this a thing?
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sry, my mistake 😂 I meant 2017
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Yeah, I wish the devs would implement something internally where when a ticket is submitted it automaticallh generates a data file for customer service that they can use internally to review the game rather than require players to manually record their own games and attach them on the website. Unfortunately Mandy mentioned a little while ago that Behaviour determined it isn’t feasible to implement a reply system, even internally, which kind of means we’re stuck with having to record our own games if we want to report anything actionable.
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So how exactly do you discern someone just being good at using DH and being a cheater?
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I ran into a guy with a lvl 1 steam account and under 100 hours in the game that had a maxed meta perk loadout and never missed a dead hard, even if it made them face plant a wall.
I got suspicious and would teleport right on them but not swing. But they would never use it until i actually attacked...
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I've met cheaters, but how do you even program auto dead hard? How does that even work?
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It doesn't.
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While i have no love for any type of hack I think the real problem is how BHVR goes about detecting a hack being used for Auto DH. I mean others that alter parameters that a client shouldnt be able to alter is one thing but auto dh if im not mistaken is taking into account client server lag. It then adds a buffer in order to time itself on the animation it detects being played which is alot harder to detect and process unfortunately. I just dont see a way they could properly prevent it but I am no software engineer so I could be completely wrong
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I've known about Auto Dead Hard for awhile. I had someone I work show me how they hack games and I told them to try to hack DBD. They did it in a snap. It was no problem. I was just sitting there, amazed at how easily he did it. I actually got to watch them on their brand new DBD player account fly through the sky on about 10 matches or so and still not get banned. It was see just how easy it is to hack this game specifically...... Feels bad man... :(
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As a killer main I started getting suspicious after I got at least 300-400 hours on my account. The main cheats I notice are :
- auto dead hard, especially on m1 killers it’s very obvious. Against my Nurse or Blight I will give you the benefit of the doubt, but against my Artist, there is no way you can be that lucky when you evade so many m1 after I tried to "bait it out" multiple times.
- running speed cheats.
- vanishing / teleportation cheats. When an injured survivor completely disappear in a dead zone leaving no blood, no marks, no sound / crying (and he doesn’t have iron will). These are the most frustrating.
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I run into them all the time. It's not just hacks but a lot of lag switchers as well. Whenever you're about to down a certain survivor you get frozen in place and they vanish over and over.
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I cannot tell u how it works, but it exists for sure.
Yeah, that is very unlikely. I mean god survivors will have perfect timing here and there. But not 3-4 times in a row. But when inexperienced survivors who don't play very well time every dead hard perfectly, then something is seriously wrong.
Btw Im not talking about DH for distance. I mean that DH when you are in close contact with the survivor, try to bait unsuccessfully, then try to make a short attack and the survivor activates DH the moment you press M1. That's really annoying.
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Thing is you would never know this survivor was cheating if you didn't use nurse who can repeatedly test it.
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Most are very subtle. As a survivor, I've been running Distortion a bit and I can see how common wall hacks are. Most will try and be subtle and come right to you after hooking, thinking you'll assume it's BBQ & Chilli. But when I don't lose a token I obviously get sus and wait to check perks. Usually it's just that killer's three starting perks. A few times I've purposely waited in a corner where a completed gen is for a laugh and they'll still come directly to me lol
The next most common one I see is a survivor "escaping" the game when exit gates aren't even open, or else the instant gen one.
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I noticed that during the night-morning time, most of all hidden hackers. And many of them play through a smurf account. Many of them are good survivors, but at the same time they abuse teleportation, traces, dead hard, instant healing
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Nevertheless, they are able to dodge perfectly a non-lunge attack. Sometimes they completely disappear behind a wall. No scratchmarks, no blood, no moaning anymore.
This has happened to me so many times, okay so there is a chance that they were cheaters.
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I have seen my fair bunch of subtle hackers my self. My favorite are the guys who lopp normally but then when you get close they suddenly get faster but just enough to be out of range for you. I once saw a guy while watching a streamer he thought he was super smart but the experienced streamer immediately saw through his wall hack when you could hear the footsteps changing directions perfectly behind the big bookshelf in the library. Later he even turned it up a notch and just ran to a small cover and suddenly he was gone like a real magician