Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe question
How do you feel about Syringe? How do you feel about it being affeccted by healings buffs but not healing debuffs? The mechanic of it, how fair it is?
In my opinion, Syringe should be all or nothing in terms of healing buffs/debuffs.
It is completely beyond busted and unhealthy design. It allows for simultaneous healing while working on another action. That by itself is already absurdly powerful. Take this example:
Without Syringe, healing requires either a medkit or teammate for a standard 16 seconds. With CoH only/Self-Care/healing penalties/etc, it’s even slower. And then afterwards, you can spend another 16s on a generator or Exit Gate switch or teammate heal or whatever else.
With Syringe, you simultaneously do both. It’s twice as efficient, but actually even stronger because even a 2X speed isn’t as strong. Even if the heal was 8s instead, if you get interrupted in those 8s, it’s effectively useless until they can finish it, as if they never tried to heal. Also even if you get interrupted after, that means less time on anything else. Eg, interrupted 10s in is only 2s of progress on something else.
With Syringe, you lose zero time on either and can passively finish off the heal while escaping even if interrupted. Eg, interrupted 10s in is 10s of progress on something else.
It needs to be a static 32 seconds. AKA, no matter what, nothing can change how long it takes. It should be less efficient than a regular heal because it is passive and allows for working on other actions, removes the need for a teammate, and even allows running/escaping if you get interrupted anyways. 32 seconds makes it far more risky, because you are essentially betting you will not be interrupted or hit for all 32 seconds while you work on something else.
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Even making it 24s "static" seconds would've been nice. Not perfect but something more tolerable.
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The reason it is double is because it removes the need for a teammate. Instead of two survivors being busy for 16 seconds, it’s only one, and that one survivor can be busy doing something else instead of healing - essentially removing the need for a regular medkit self heal for the 16s. 24 is still efficient for one person passive self-heal.
The reason static is important is because it should be a very large risk because it gives such an absurdly strong effect. Nothing should speed it up ever. Nothing slowing it down either is consistency reasons.
The reason it’s longer than 16s is because it being so strong and extra efficient more than just a 2X speed boost is unacceptable for a passive heal. It should be slower in order to compensate for said strength.
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From what it looks like, I'd rather the Syringe lowered the Medkit's charges by 8 and only IT is used, not the entire medkit.
Syringe should give 12 seconds of Endurance and suppress blood pools for the duration.
Styptic should be the healing item - and it should take a flat 16 seconds regardless of healing modifiers.
I don't think drugs in my veins should be worried about Coulrophobia
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I’d say it is the equivalent of killer iridescents.