Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

What’s up with the head gear on the doctor?

archive0seeker Member Posts: 54

So… as a person who plays as doctor not too regularly now despite how much I played as him since I began, I always found myself wondering why he wore such a torturous looking contraption with wire like veins to boot.

people might say that this might be how Dr. Carter catalysts his power granted to him by the entity and probably only wore it for the following.

-it was a experiment on himself because he was on the run and didn’t have any test subjects to test it on. But then the entity arrived and said “how about that be the source of your power… no? Get use to it”

-was forced on his head by the entity.

-he just likes wearing it.

what you guys think?


  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    I think it's the entity torturing him like what he did to others.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    It's either torture or a way to strengthen his power I guess.

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    It's probably a form of "encouragement" from Entity.

    Cuz Doctor is definitely down to have some fun in Entity's realm. But probably was stubborn to follow it's rules

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    Also he's the type of person to play with his food, so I can see it like he wanted more of the actual torture than killing.

  • DredgenWar237
    DredgenWar237 Member Posts: 85

    It was confirmed that that headgear was put on there by the Entity.

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    The headgear is in his video if you unlock it, it's how he tortured people.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Like some of the other stated above he definitely comes across as the type that would have taken things way too far and I could 100% see him initially prefer into torture and experimental the survivors as opposed to sacrifice and partaking in the trials.

    Which probably lead to The Entity giving him a little bit of "encouragement"

  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    The Doctor is at or near the front of the pack compared to the cast of killers in terms of being a cruel individual. His primary motivation in the lore is pushing boundaries of knowledge related to the human psyche, largely for its own sake or to please a sense of personal curiosity moreso than with an interest in producing some kind of valuable outcome for others. It seems to me like his cooperation with the CIA as an interrogator was more of a sick mutually beneficial relationship (the CIA getting information they wanted, the Doctor being permitted to indulge in the most intense, inhumane forms of torture he could concoct so long as it generated productive outcomes).

    I'm not sure if it's clear why his personal switch flipped and he went rogue at Léry's, but it's possible that he decided the relationship was no longer in his interest (most likely, too constraining)

    With these things in mind I'm inclined to think one of three things:

    * He wears it voluntarily, as a means to enhance the quality of his work for the entity

    * He wears it voluntarily, because he is now experimenting torture methods on himself in lieu of a steady supply of captive test subjects.

    * It is an ironic punishment from the Entity for some unwitnessed disobedience.

    Given that the Doctor's mori is to immediately murder the survivor via electrocution rather than try to abduct them (or take the opportunity to take a token, like Clown does) it's also possible that the Doctor's lost interest in academic pursuits and really just exists as a sadistic husk of his former self.

    HOMOGRIMOIRE Member Posts: 49

    I like to think of it as an ironic form of mockery, like how The Entity made The Oni an oni, which he detested being compared to in life. But, a part of me thinks Doctor might not mind. He probably even finds it hilarious too. Hell, it might even be a conduit for his power, since in life, his greatest strength was his mind. His power is called Carter's Spark, spark being a reference to the phrase, "a spark of genius." Thus, we can assume his power still stems from his mind, just as it always had. Only now, he can perhaps use the electrical signals in his brain and amplify them via the apparatuses on his body to create the static charge and blast we see in game. And again, this irony probably isn't lost on The Doctor. The very same tools he used on victims are now used on himself. Except instead of harming the wearer, it now harms others. It is perhaps also a symbol of what he is to The Entity: another thing to play with and watch with glee. He is her patient, although they have a better arrangement than the ones doctor had with his patients. It's also a reminder that if he no longer proves useful or entertaining, she will dispose of him as he did countless others.

  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421

    According to the devs, the NTT tortures the killers in order to force them to comply or as a punishment. A rule of thumb is that the more maimed and disfigured a killer is, the more the NTT had to make them suffer before they would start doing its bidding. Killers like the Legion, Clown or Huntress are still mostly the same because they went in the Realm willingly and enjoy killing people. While you'd expect Carter to go along with the NTT agenda willingly because of his sadistic nature, you could also argue that he'd be ultimatelly too prideful to submit to the NTT and would rather keep doing his research or something and so the NTT had to give him some encouragement.