Bigfoot, The Great Lord of the Game! Chapter Concept

A creature so prevalent as to be talked about in folklore and mythology since before humans painted on rocks! Whether it be friend or foe, Bigfoot is undoubtedly the one being that shares prehistory with humans from around the globe.
Below we will go over Bigfoots unique abilities and stats, and a little bit about the mythology of the creature. It is up to you to figure out why The Entity would take interest in this Lord of the Hunt!
Bigfoot by nature is very passive and stealthy... Most of the time... And as such, the concept is based primarily on those traits.
- Bigfoot uses the Siwash Noodle! as a weapon
- Throw Rock: Active Ability: Bigfoot takes aim, and throws a rock at a survivor's cranium, causing a crippling staggering effect, slowing the survivor's movement speed for a short period of time. Bigfoot must find another rock (or piece of rubble) in order to use this ability again. This ability doesn't deal direct damage.
- Spider Crawl: Secondary Ability: Bigfoot crawls on all fours, removing its red stain, moving silently until it stands back up. This ability doesn't suppress the terror radius. More on that in the stats.
- Curse of Siwash!: Passive Ability: The first Survivor Bigfoot comes into contact with, and hits, is cursed: repairing, movement speed, and healing are reduced by 5%. Hooking the cursed survivor removes the effect. Only one survivor can be cursed at a time.
The Siwash Noodle, along with; Curse of Siwash! Comes directly from a story from the Chilliwack Tribe, in British Columbia.
Described as a strange tool resembling a snake, it was used by a Female Bigfoot to curse a hunter for mistaking her friend for a bear and shooting him (A seemingly normal boy who was probably abducted by bigfoot and stuffed inside a log) The results of the curse were debilitating, and he was to never harm another bear again. The Tribes of Douglas are a very storied peoples, a good read for those interested in this particular Tribes stories/lore relating to the subject of Bigfoot.
- Weapon: Siwash Noodle!
- Bigfoot's speed is 110%
- For Dbd's Purpose Bigfoot is between 7 and 14ft tall!
- Bigfoot is pseudo-backwards-undetectable, emitting a map wide terror radius to survivors who are far away from him, which fades as he gets closer to his prey, stomping loudly until a chase ensues.
As for Bigfoots appearance, it ranges on region greatly... well not that great.
Resembling a hairy man, having either a normal shaped head, or a conical cranium. Bigfoot has been described in folklore, and by eyewitnesses, as being anywhere from a 3ft tall Apple Sprite, or the more common 9ft behemoth!
Having ranges of hair color to that of man! NEAT! Although most folklore does not describe their skin or eyes, most eyewitnesses say its face is ash grey with eyes like solid black orbs. NEAT!... Also creepy...
For DbD purpose, we'll break away from the norm a little bit, and go with my favorite eyewitness depiction, the creepy slender black/gray variant, with spooks mixed in. (Pics related, credit to whoever drew em)
(I'm not even sure if I properly uploaded the images)
Wall of bigfoot lore below!
In North America alone, indigenous tribes have hundreds of names describing this species. My favorite; Tsul'Kalu from the Cherokee tribe. Hi Mom.
In Honduras Mexico, they called them Sisimito (near where the Mayans once lived). If you travel further south into the South Americas, there are about 6 similar, and different names for the creature, potentially more, but scholars assume that the Spanish conquest, and continued forced conversion/loss of traditions due to Spanish spread Catholicism resulted in the loss of this knowledge. It's happening to this day.
In China they are called Yeren, or Yeti in Tibet, Mande Barung in India.
Hibagon is the name given to a similar creature in Japanese folklore! Nippon Samsquamch!
In the Middle East (In parts of what could potentially have once been Babylonia) There is a creature known as Sulawa, which is speculated to be the origin of the Succubus monster! It shares similar habits to some Canadian tribes! Although the Northeastern American Tribes have tales of them stealing, and boiling children with hot rocks, rather than doing lewd things to unsuspecting men...
Slavic countries such as Poland, Ukraine, and Russia even have their own Bigfoot, the name given "Abominable Snowman" or famously, "The Yeti" comes from Russia! Mecheny is the name given to the creature in Siberia! Slavic countries span a great area, and not all are the same, even culturally, the links chosen, and names given, are to represent a general broader area that most people are familiar with, and with ease of reading. Not for just one or two countries in particular. Mecheny itself is from one of Russia's own native peoples, who have long dealt with cultural suppression from Catholicism, similar to the New Worlds indigenous peoples.
Australia has the Yowie!
Even Hawaii and South Africa have their own bigfoot like creature!
Sasquatch, Sabe, among hundreds of others, from Canada!
In Europe there are also several names, most of which translate to the same thing as their eastern, or New World counter parts: Hairy man, or Wildman. Ywain, a knight of Arthurs Round Table, befriends such a creature! Describing the beast as an incredibly large, hairy man, dubbing it, "Waldschrat" which my research has found to be German for Troll, or Hairy Giant!
This Link talks about several varieties of Bigfoot like creatures from around the world! The Chinese government has a vested special interest in the Cryptid, how strange!
why bigfoot?
In most Canadian and American Indian cultures, this creature is not just a myth, or Legend, but a flesh and blood animal often on the same totem pole alongside other animals including humans. This being, known in the States as Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, is a widespread oral tradition that predates writing, and even cave paintings! Spanning continents, cultures, and languages alike, all having their own unique names and interpretations based on the experiences they've had with the beings. All share key commonalities, making it more than mere coincidence. FACINATING!
All over the globe in remote (and not so remote) regions, people go missing, not even scent hounds or professional trackers can find a trace! Folktales abound warn of the "Boogeyman" or the "Night People" beings that snatch up victims wondering alone in forests and hills, in the night, or by broad daylight! Perhaps it is Bigfoot after all, or something more sinister that we've yet to discover, or accept. NEAT!
This is one of many resources talking about the strange phenomena among other earie topics!
This Link is a theorem on why so many cultures around the world (namely China and Canada) describe the same creature as Bigfoot.
Here is a very fascinating story from the Chehalis Native Peoples of Washington! Here and Here.
All of Bigfoot's traits, and presence throughout all of human history, make it the perfect candidate for The Entity to use in its Trials!