New Killers VS New Maps?

Title is pretty explanatory.
Would you all rather get more new maps in the future or more new killers?
I ask this because we frequently receive chapters with no map, but with a survivor/killer.
Not if it's another racoon police department layout.
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New killers. RPD, Midwich and the reworked Game made me wary of new maps; Eyrie of Crows just makes me dread the idea of any new ones. The new Haddonfield seems fairly good compared to those, but if the anniversary gives us another safe-pallet filled giant map with no grass, buggy collision, every generator on a platform or with wide LOS lines and eight breakable walls you have to break to turn infinites into slightly weaker god loops, I'm going to scream.
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Seeing as new characters just add on to an already monumental grind, I'd be happy with more maps in the future.
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Id like to have both like the old days , It feels alot more like a real chapter drop when we get both and when we don't it's just kinda a let down for me because learning the new layouts and finding good strategies to use is fun.
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More Killers. Every new map we've gotten weren't even close to being balanced, so I'd rather we get new Killers
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The last three Killers have been pretty unimpressive.
Pinhead is weak and the NFT thing will forever taint his image. Artist is exceedingly unfun to play as and against. Sadako is inspired but pitifully weak.
The last three maps have also been horrid.
Eyrie of Crows is a nightmare. RPD is literally the worst map on the game. I still see people mass DC when they get it, Survivors and Killers alike. Midwich is hold W city and is also a bad map, just not to the level of RPD or Eyrie.
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New killers ofc, they don't know how to design maps at all. Theres a reason why tourneys ban so many maps
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New killers. When it comes to maps, I’d rather they rework/rebalance the existing ones to make them better before adding new ones.
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Id rather have maps for the next couple of chapters and focus on ironing out current killer issues.
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Maps. 100%. I rarely see new killers/survivors used.Most people have their mains and stick with them. At least new maps give all players something new to engage with on a semi-regular basis
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Want maps The city , beach ( island ) and space ( on the moon )
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New maps.
They can slow down a bit with new survs and killers imo.
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I like both but new killers over new maps I think.
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A giant basement map would pretty cool.
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New map as long as it doesn't have 5 frigging variations.
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New haddo looks brutal. I saw maybe 3-4 good pallets, which would still be pretty unsafe vs the antiloop killers. It looks like you had house of pain and that's it. Deadzones that are gonna make the swamp maps look pale.
Something tells me you are not going to be getting sent there nearly as much (bar someone finding an infinite)
Eyrie of Crows is old Ormond 2.0, probably one of my most lost on maps as killer. So safe and you can frequently have the boons like a 30s+ trip up the stairs to kick so you basically have to leave them up if it's a really close match.
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I definitely would like to see some new maps, cause a large number of the ones in the game I'm not a huge fan of right now.
I'd like to see a lot less of the "very large map with strong central building" layouts though. Some maps more akin to shelter woods and new Haddonfield would be cool.
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new maps are always better! last time i was super excited about dbd was the release of rcpd. god, pre boon rcpd was Heaven
seeing how every killer can interact with a new level is neat.
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I want both. I love scary movies and I can think of tons of new killers/ maps to use. Any news as far as new killers/new maps?