What rarity of addons do you use in your average killer game?

Schinderella Member Posts: 11

Balance is always a hot topic, but in the end many of us may play a completely different game depending on the killer and on the addons we use. That’s why I wanted to ask you what type of addons, if any, you regularly use for your killer games.

What rarity of addons do you use in your average killer game? 32 votes

No addons
SacrilegeGGRoboMojo[Deleted User]darkcloudlinkBwstedHex_IgnoredIcaurs 7 votes
Brown addons
Seiko300Schinderellaanarchy753Cyanide2817 4 votes
Yellow addons
F60_31Aven_FallenMrPenguinsteponmeadirisGannTMThatOneDemoPlayerBennett_They1Them 7 votes
Green addons
WalterBlackChordycepsblackfoxx_xGlamourousLeviathanDoomedMindQwQwTricksters_Wife[Deleted User]Ula 9 votes
Purple addons
ValikChiky 2 votes
Iridescent addons
dugmanAurelleHanzo_Hasashi7 3 votes


  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    Iridescent addons

    I use a mix of green, purple, and Iridescent addons.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    Iridescent addons

    In fact I don’t just use Iri add-ons, but rather I tend to pick the rarest add-on combo I currently have that I can use at least three games in a row. I like to prestige killers so my add-ons get reset, and after that happens I have a while where I just don’t have as many purples and reds to play with. So I combine yellows and greens and sometimes browns instead.

    Also I like to pair add-ons with stats that stack since getting double a bonus is fun. 🙂 Things like two action speed boost add-ons or two duration increasers, etc.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 564
    No addons

    None... addons are just that things to add onto the killer if you are playing to win. There is a big difference to playing a killer with or without addons and if you don't learn to play the killer properly, as in base then you will struggle unless you keep feeding BP into that killer to keep buying the addons you need. There is nothing wrong with addons inherently but if you are going to boost your power to artificially do better, then you need to be fine with survivors bringing items to do the same. FyI this goes for survivors as well.

  • Ula
    Ula Member Posts: 276
    Green addons

    I play all rarities of addons, but I think on average I pick greens (I mostly play hillbilly).

    I disagree. There are addons that are strictly bad if you're looking to win and offer different ways to play the killer. That also depends on what killers you're playing.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited April 2022
    Brown addons

    After all the time I've sunk into the game after nearly six years now, I began to realize at a certain point that not running add-ons is truly just an absolute waste. On my killer mains I've got more than plenty of add-ons to last me a very, very sizable chunk of time, and not using them is essentially just hoarding them for no real purpose.

    So my standard is to run the two add-ons that are the most abundant in my inventory. Generally speaking this means I'm running brown add-ons most frequently as they're the most common in the bloodweb, but sometimes if I've been using brown add-ons for a while that means my yellow add-ons will become my most accumulated rarity, in which case I'll gravitate toward those.

    I also just like running brown add-ons because it's not a huge difference (although depending on what you're running it CAN be a huge difference) either. So it's not totally dissimilar from non-addon related gameplay, which is important because you want to be able to play well without addons and not be add-on reliant.

    But yeah, playing without addons and just hoarding these virtual addendums that aren't significant or important in any other way is beyond a waste.

    In most cases (not all) yellow add-ons and up are the "real" add-ons and if you caught me using them, it's probably for an actual conscious purpose.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 564
    No addons

    I'm guessing you mean things like the joke addons, such as not injuring survivors when they step on bear traps, that drastically alter the power, but I don't know any killers that play most matches like that. However you state that you play mostly green addons. Most green addons across most killers are not gimmick but rather just a straight power boost. Even addons that decrease the timer on things by even one second changes what the killer is capable of. The power boosts are nice, but if you learn to play with them by default, you will struggle if you don't have any.

  • Ula
    Ula Member Posts: 276
    Green addons

    Not necessairly the joke addons.

    For instance for hillbilly there's the purple carburator for hillbilly that is bad (you get much more weaker on any loop), the engravings (I can't say if hillbilly is better with or without).

    Obviously myers' vanity mirror and scratched mirror are in the same category. Myer also have the combo of purple + green p3 extension that makes him worse (the 1st p3 is very long to achieve), but it's fun because it installs the doubt on survivors that you may be infinite p3 myers.

    There's much more funny addons than that, not all of them are browns!

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    edited April 2022
    Yellow addons

    On average, I use Uncommon Add-ons the most, but I do sometimes used higher rarity Add-ons if I have enough of them, and if they're better than lower rarity ones, which they aren't 50% of the time.

    My second most used Add-ons on average would have to be Common ones

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294
    Purple addons

    I have most of my killers topped off. Most of the actually good items are purple - with IR items occasionally being valuable, but otherwise proving both rare and clunky enough to make them less as generally useful as most purples.

    With the bloodpoints I get to grind up my killers, I often want for little and have more than enough to pick the best attachments from the roster - which are often purple.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,176
    Green addons

    I normally just use add-ons up to green. Purple and Red add-ons normally change the killers playstyle by a lot or are so rare that you can't always count on them, so I don't find them reliable.

    With that being said, ofc I like using some of them. Cigar Box and Compound 23 are among my favourites.

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545
    Green addons

    Fizz spin soda is my absolute favorite add on for Trickster. Even more so when it's paired with Bloody Boa or Melodious Murder (all of which are green add ons). I try to use these every typical match.