PTB Ghostface stalk zone changes


Hello, I'm a ghostie player and noticed they changed the stalk zone for the ptb. It extends really high now and is a lot clunkier, such as the accidental marking of survivors becomes a lot easier. Also, and I know others have mentioned, is that I like to lean and stalk from the top of my circle just to watch an area without the risk of accidentally marking anyone, and still being hidden, known to many ghostie players as "the recon stalk." Please bring this back, it was very fun to do and kept with the theme.


  • rororoxor
    rororoxor Member Posts: 179
    edited April 2022

    Thanks for bringing attention to this, i agree with everything you said, upvoted

    simply revert the stalk circle to what it was before

  • rororoxor
    rororoxor Member Posts: 179

    Although it probably won't affect myers as much

  • the_ghost_man
    the_ghost_man Member Posts: 17

    Ye prob not, still hope BHVR reverts the stalk zone changes