If you die to Nurse, you got outplayed

It means she had to calculate (and execute) the chase exactly to her specifications, taking into account your perks and hers, the position of line of sight blockers, the progress of generators and the general "feel" of the match (an ability that has to be honed through years, maybe decades of what you call merely "gaming").
Indeed, to be killed by Nurse is to realise that you have found your better, both as a player and as a man. Your mettle failed you, but the Nurse player is solid steel -hard, cold, reliable- and as she secures slugs and you anxiously await the bleedout timer, her mind is still operating at full capacity preparing strategies for a near infinite number of possibilities.
I'll be taking my BPs now, make sure you do your offerings correctly next time.
Defending Nurse is about as wild as defending Dead Hard.
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but what if you're in a dead zone and she's 25 miles away and suddenly crawling up your ass?
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It's just a video game, man.
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should have used a high quality gaming chair i suppose
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Why? Because if a Nurse player plays perfectly, she wins? If a survivor player plays perfect, he wins 100% of the time yet nobody complains about it.
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Plays perfect by doing what? Using the first blink to close the gap and second to get secure a hit? It’s unreal how overrated Nurse’s skill cap is to play as and against.
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I'm sorry, at least put the hard to play killers in a post like this. Nurse you can slap on the wallhacks (im all ears) and 3 blinks and take a dump on pretty much every team if you are not bad at video games.
Billy, Clown, Blight, etc are so much harder to play well even if they are not as strong.
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I’d put Pinhead up there too.
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Plays perfect by doing what? Using the first blink to close the gap and second to get secure a hit?
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It doesn’t feel rewarding to play as or against at all to me lol. You do you though.
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You do you though.
I will!
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*Puts the best addons on the best killer*
*Puts the best map on the best killer*
"Yea... I quess I should equip 4 dead hards next time."
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Artist is totally broken too, once mastered. Blight as well.
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Fun fact, Nurse has got the worst killrate of all killers.
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Blight yes. Artist is just mainly boring.
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Man you really think you're top stuff huh?
Newsflash: Nurse is only hard and 'high skill' in the context of DBD. Which isn't really not that demanding in the skill department. You're not gigabrained, you're not faced with impossible odds, and you're not that special. The quicker you realize this, the faster we can get less cringey threads.
It's the opposite. A perfect nurse will always win, because a survivor realistically has nothing to work with if her power is used to its fullest potential. You're projecting your inadequacies as fact and seeing anyone better than you as 'playing perfect' when there's really no such thing beyond cheaters.
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"It's the opposite"
*proceeds to exactly paraphrase my post*
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piggy has one of the highest, what's your point?
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Probably because your contradict it yourself. I've chosen to address the survivor portion since it's untrue in more than just the Nurse's case, and can't be 100% of the time if Nurse wins if she plays perfectly.
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Pretty much.
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needs a nerf
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Yeah he is pretty hard too, but it's not too too hard to hit the chains. It's mainly hitting the chain at the exact right part of the loop.
As opposed to like Billy, where you gotta start the saw at the exact right moment and make an insane flick usually and STILL hope they don't dodge it. Or clown where you may need to predict the survivors position, your position, and both of those many seconds in advance as well as have the mechanical skill to lay the bottles in the correct spots. Blight isn't super difficult but still can be taxing to play and way more than Nurse.
Nurse was honestly pretty easy to get good at and even years of not playing her later I can still use plaid flannel and 4k with her.
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My point is that Nurse is not a "free win" ;)
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If a survivor plays perfectly (against anyone other than Nurse [or maybe Blight]) , they win 100% of the time. This is ok!
If a Nurse (and maybe Blight) plays perfectly, they win 100% of the time. This is very very bad, help me BHVR nerf Nurse (and maybe Blight) please noooooooo!
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Because her Skill Floor is the highest of any Killer. However, the difficulty of Nurse overall is really overrated. It takes some time to get used to her Blinks, but once you got that, it is not hard to play Nurse. Even easier now that she is bugfree (at least I did not encounter any Bugs which made it hard to play her).
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what and pig is?
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Oh hey Otz didn't see you here!
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Very cute.
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So you're clarifying your comment. Okay now we're getting somewhere. Let's address something else I've said: There's no such thing as playing perfectly unless they're cheating (or exploiting somehow). Killers like Artist can guarantee downs if played 'perfectly', or as close to perfect given there is little you can do if she sets up correctly or even skillshots like a God (definitely possible with info perks, mastery and game sense).
No one is calling for a nerf in my comment so I don't know why you're whipping out this bait-tier response. And Blight isn't even that egged on when it comes to nerfing. His only real issue are his addons which, let's face it, are indeed busted. Nurse is a broken mess for people who want to win a lot (or play tournaments for some reason) and are willing to put in the hours for it. I'm honestly kind of fine with this, over having more baby ragers.
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Not as overrated as the difficulty of playing survivor, that's for d*rn sure.
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Nope, if both sides play perfectly, survivors will always win 100% of the time with all killers beside Nurse/Artist and Blight. Against those last three killers, they will still win most of the time but a mistake could cost a victory from time to time.
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I'll defend both, no issue.
As for the OP, I hope you have the same way of seeing when survivors use dead hard and you lose, after all, you just got outplayed.
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Killers like Artist can guarantee downs if played 'perfectly'
Not if the survivors have mastered the ancient and very high skill ceiling tech of "holding shift+W and pre-dropping pallets" she isn't!
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Please don't diss Mandy in my presence.
I have no problem with DH (when I'm playing Nurse!).
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are you ok?
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So you're purposely ignoring the parts where I say 'set up correctly' which punishes mindless hold W, and skillshots which also counter mindless hold w. Pre-dropping is just as applicable. The strategies work FAR LESS when the Artist is seasoned the same way 'Good Nurses' are.
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Why yes I am! Thank you for your kind concern.
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Funnily enough, for me Nurse is the killer who gets countered harder by dead hard.
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I sincerely find it hard to grasp the concept of survivors failing to dodge a crow shot when shiftdubyaing through all the line of sight blockers every map has.
When I play Nurse I find getting taken for a spin with a DH not at all as punishing as when I play a killer like Susie (Legion). It's not like I don't expect every survivor and his crippled grandmother to already run DH anyway.
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If you die by Nurse you got outdesigned by Bhvr ***
Fixed it for you.
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More i play killers, more i see the game design's flaws.
It is impossible to win against good survivors (withotu camping/tunneling). There are too many counters to most killers. Also using camping and tunneling to get kills is just super boring, it is not playing, it is just waiting in front of my screen, there is no involvement from the player.
A "high" MMR killer facing good survivors with all tier A and below killers is like good survivors facing a strong Nurse/Blight/Artist.
Survivors hate the Nurse/Blight and Artist cause they feel like it is an unfair killer to face. It is exactly the same feeling that the killers (tier A and below) are feeling when facing good survivors.
This game is really bad for your mental health, more you play it more you are frustrated.
I clearly understand why killers are leaving massively and i doubt there will be many more left in 3 months.
At this rate, in 3 months from now we will be 20k average on steam, maybe less. Devs have failed to achieve a good enough balance for years now and they have forced us to play with their garbage useless terribly designed and non sense SBMM that everyone hate.
I do not expect then to fix the game at this point, i have played it for 5 years and honestly, it was way funnier 2 to 3 years ago. Now the experience is disgusting.
Awaiting for VHS and i hope to see most of you there when it is released :).
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This is exactly the case. Survivors have too many maps that favor them, have too many safe loops and too many god pallets, and definitely way too many second (and third and fourth and fifth) chance perks, to say nothing of SWF and comms. The only thing a killer can do is to capitalize on the survivor's mistakes and if they don't make any mistakes then the killer will lose no matter how good he was.
Nurse exactly inverses that relationship. Because she nullifies all the safe loops and pallets and a lot of the second chance perks, survivors have to capitalize on the Nurses' mistakes to win and they just lose if the Nurse doesn't make any mistakes. It's exactly the same position every other killer finds themselves in, but of course survivors' can't stand to have the shoe on the other foot.
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i played nurse with campbells last breath and catatonic boys treasure on rpd with shadowborn, lethal, agi/stastruck and was able to easily 4k, which is odd because 1. I primarily play billy and havent played her in a while, 2.. the survivors werent playing terribly, 3. I was drunk.
Other killers need to worry about macro way more, spreading pressure, looking where a chase takes them, calculating the time it takes to get a down. nurse needs to play 1 or 2 strong addons and survivors need to outplay here extraordinarily in order to survive. Any killer weaker than the top 4 need a lot more macro (on some also micro) skill, and even in the top 4 you have blight who is quite a bit harder.
I think the notion that nurse is difficult comes primarily from people who are not used to her unique playstyle, and give up on her after 2-3 games. i am very inexperienced with, her, i dont even have all perks unlocked on t3, and yet i was able to play her drunk and 4k. sure she needs more skill than lets say artist to down, but to win? a cakewalk.
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I have a couple issues with this take.
1. 3 blinks and range add-ons exist. This pretty much destroy her counterplay.
2. Nurse is not a DBD killer. Nurse is something entirely different. She completely disregards any and all conventional means of defense from survivors. You're essentially telling a survivor "sorry, you got outplayed because this killer breaks every single rule in the game. Git gud." Learning how to counter a killer is one thing, but having to essentially *relearn how to basically chase entirely* just for one killer is ludicrous.
3. There are perks in this game that break because of her. I'm All Ears, Starstruck, Floods of Rage, etc. All are absolutely *disgusting* on Nurse because of her ability to go through walls and bypass all defenses.
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Are you kidding me? What more does Spirit need for you people to be satisfied?
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Is this a copypasta
I swear I've seen this exact post somewhere before
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If you genuinely still think Spirit is a 50/50 guess now, I really don’t know what to say. Spirit literally gives a survivor a chance to use their defenses and is way more punished than Nurse for getting outplayed. Nurse ignores all defenses with barely any downsides and also way more busted add ons.
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Being invisible is literally her power. The invisible killer has directional audio that tells the survivors exactly where she is. What other information do you need??? The dust kicking nerf that would have made her so much more unfun to play as and against?
Whatever it’s clear you’re one of those people that won’t be satisfied with Spirit until she’s PTB Trickster tier.
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if it's a nurse with range add ons I don't really feel like I got outplayed