Share Your Current Killer Tier List (Based on Your Favs)

Which killers do you love play as and which killers you hate play as? Share your tier list.
Is this about general likeness or who you like to play more?
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Good timing, I made this tier list like 5 minutes ago lol
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Who you like to play more
Lucky me.
My both killers are so low on your list, this kinda sad...
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Here's mine
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My list.
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My skill range is not great. Mikey is my main. Once in a while I'll play some Clown, Plague, maybe some Wraith. The rest I either mainly play only for dailies or not at all.
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Nemesis used to be A Tier for me before but he got old pretty fast, Pyramid Head is far more fun for me with all the crazy shots you can hit with him.
And Sadako I just find too simple, I prefer killers who have alot of potential and I can spend alot of time learning all their tricks.
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Nemesis my beloved
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I absolutely love vroom vroom killers!
Hillbilly will always be my ride or die. But i also have tons of fun with Onroyo, Nemesis, Spirit. I also have a lot of fun with ranged killers! Huntress, Trickster.
I know Blight is right up my alley if I can get him to bounce where I want him! I might have to turn down my sensittivity!
The setup killers are the real tough ones for me, because my mind is zooming all around and I don't have the patience to set things up! I just want to GO!
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From most to most to least enjoyable to play.
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Yes I do change these based on the day (no order from left to right except for Pyramid being at the top)
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How could you?
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Yes all my favourite killers are licensed, feel free to call me a pleb
Also yes I'm dreading the rumoured Twins tome coming up, I'm not looking forward to it if it's true.
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Why Ghostface? I understood others but Ghosty is just m1 killer.
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idk which placement you disagree with im ngl
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Based on how much fun I have playing them and loosely based on their lore and cosmetics (but I only care about those things on killers I actually play, so if anything it'll change a killer that would be at the bottom of A for example to the top of A.
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that's where the trauma part comes in :sparkles:
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The Billy Boy and Bam Bam
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oh i cant actually help that i just don't enjoy headaches and vomit that's why they're at the bottom
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But they can ignore Dead Hard
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Bit of an old list but I still agree with it (and don't mind top tier that just means I really enjoy playing them and nothing else).
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I'm guessing you have a thing for projectile killers
Except Huntress, is it because she's annoying to play for you or?
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doesnt matter if im throwing up
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She's far too clunky and slow or me. Plus she feels like she takes less skill than other projectile killers (since I'm on console trickster is absurdly difficult).
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But they get to go zooming
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That makes sense!
I have trouble hitting knives on PC so I can't fathom what it's like for console gamers. Especially with the performance issues.
It's nice that you can enjoy him despite that though, he's really fun and surprisingly addictive even if he's not the most powerful or unique killers
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You must have mad resilience
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Here’s mine
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Honestly really enjoy the asthetic of some of these.
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As a console player, I WANT to like some killers, but simply can't. My order of enjoyment in playing them:
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heres mine
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For context: I ranked this by how much I like their character in lore; If Freddy was Robert Englund Freddy he'd be Mid-S, I'm a big fan of Saw and I love Amanda but her brother accomplices like John and Hoffman are better characters to me, and Artist is last because her lore is far too tryhard for me trying to tell a 'deep' story and all that, and it falls flat on it's face. Just to explain a few of the hot takes on here.
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factually correct tier list
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Legion best killer
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The Legion chase music patch is only a week away
Oh and there's like another buff/some map rework in that same patch too I guess
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Sorry but hate Sadako
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At least we agree on that Hag is worst,
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I hope I never play against you. Literally all the ones you like are ones that I hate going against (aside from Blight)
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Here’s one I did recently, probably still accurate
- Nurse is my least favorite, she’s the only killer I actively don’t play. If she didn’t stare at the ground all the time I’d reconsider.
- Doctor is probably my favorite because of his tracking, it’s nice being in chases all the time from that.
- I like the melee killer playstyle more than the ranged style, and I like Stealth.
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New killer main here..
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Bit skewed tier list since I don't own like half of the killers. I love Nurse because I love to sweat sometimes, Nemesis because Nemesis, and Legion is actually a bit of an anomaly since I have no idea what I love about them but I do.
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Micheal is kinda on the edge of top tier for me.
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Well for starters, all it takes for Billy to bounce off something is a 3 cm piece of F*****G REBAR
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Well……………… you get to use it and the devs hate Hillbilly not much to do sadly.
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That is my fav list, but definitely not my tier list
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Im just worried there gonna ruin/recon twins lore when it is the best lore in the game other than maybe plague.
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The Best - My mains and killers I love playing as.
They're Great - Killers I like playing, but don't play as much as my mains. I play them when I want to switch things up.
Neutral - Killers that I don't mind playing. They're ok, but I don't play them a lot.
Meh - Killers that I don't mind playing for dailies, but other than that they are boring.
Hate Them - Killer's whose powers are frustrating to use or just have boring gameplay. I rarely if ever play as them.