Blood echo could be the next Deadman's Switch

Faulds Member Posts: 903
edited April 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

If the cooldown was removed, i think killers would have a great new tool to their arsenal. Every killer knows how tiring it is to go against exhaustion perks in general (especially because of dead hard)... so i think that giving them a tool to get rid of it consistently would be great. On the same note, Fearmonger is good (and other exhaustion add-ons)... but 5 seconds of exhaustion is really little (i think 15 seconds wouldn't be busted).

I'm a bit sad that exhaustion counters aren't very well developped... because i can feel the drop of power of the survivors when you cheekily take away their exhaustion perks. It feels really really... REALLY good.


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Yes, if it were buffed heavily, it would be a decent perk. What's your point?

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    Is it that hard to understand? I made it clear: killers would feel better with a good exhaustion counter. DMS was trash before it got buffed. Maybe Blood echo could have the same treatment and become incredibly good after the right changes.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I'd say its issues are that it does not activate when survivor is healthy. Its too much of setup to injure every survivor and than hook a survivor when everyone is injured.

    Even for Legion who injures survivors much more easily, Its hard for them to get value out of the perk. I would say for other killers to even consider running this perk, It would need to be changed to work on healthy and Injured survivors.

    Plague really only one that gets to use this perk at full & consistent value and that is only when survivor specifically choose to not cleanse. Its not that counter are not developed, Its that they're purposely weak and safe. huntress used to have 90 sec exhaust hatchets and clown had solvent jug exhaust bottles, so those got complained about presumably from countering dead hard. Ever since, exhaustion was dialed down.

    you do not see this perk talked about much because its situational and rarely anyone uses it from my experience.

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    I don't think that the injured survivors requirement is the problem. You can't just get an exhausted effect for free on the whole team by just hooking one survivor.

    Having used blood echo on plague, it is actually quite good. Whether they overcleanse or get surprised by the exhaust... it really comes biting them in the back.

    Clown and Huntress exhaustion add-ons didn't need to be gutted like that in my opinion. Exhaustion perks are supposed to be bonus. I don't understand why it would be such an issue to give killers adequate counters to something that makes survivor stupidly stronger... for free.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited April 2022

    I mean survivor need equip an exhaustion perk. its not free. The killer is equipping a perk slot to potential nullify survivor perk slots.

    All perks are suppose to be free bonuses, not just exhaustion perks. The drawback is that you only get to pick 4. I would say that blood echo falls in line with chase perks like brutal strength, enduring spirit fury etc. For a chase perk, its inconsistent value makes it not worth selecting on pretty much all killers.

    I'd say only killer who would make great use out of blood echo if it was not inconsistent perk would be Nurse. Canceling dead hard could be a time-asset for her. I would say buffing blood echo is mostly buffing a possible nurse perk. I would rather use m1 plaster fix chase perks than use blood echo. Its just too much of luxury-type perk for killer in my opinion. Don't think it will ever be meta at all. Niche perk that killer-player that enjoy stacking chase perks might use.

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    You don't understand what i mean. I'll illustrate. A survivor equip dead hard. He get an ability to reset the chase for free. Compare it to save the best for last for killer. You don't get 40% cooldown reduction for free, you have to actively work for it in game to get it and keep it. That is what i meant.

    Blood echo is way weaker than brutal strength, enduring, spirit fury, save the best for last, bamboozle.That is why i think it could be buffed. I didn't try fearmonger/ blood echo yet, but i don't think it is at enduring/ spirit fury level of greatness.

    Every time a perk is good it is going to be even better for Nurse. That is just how it is.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,276

    I think if it gets buffed, it's definitely gonna get called OP whether it is or not, especially after this Hemorrhage buff.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    The thing is, I'm still unsure whether dms itself will survive much longer in its current state.

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    I hope it will, it is such a good rework. We need more of that.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    The cooldown is redundant anyway. You're only going to get hooks every so often, generally speaking.

    I honestly wonder how good it would be if it just applied exhausted to ALL survivors, and hemorrhage to injured survivors.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294


    Here's a good Blood Echo buff:


    Upon hooking a survivor, injured survivors scream and suffer from Hemorrhage and Exhausted for 10/20/30 seconds.

    When the duration ends, survivors afflicted by this perk that are still injured scream, revealing their location.

    This effect can stack.


    By simply removing the cooldown and letting the effect stack on consecutive hooks, the perk rewards those who leave the hook to rapidly pressure survivors. The Oni is the debut killer for this perk, and it should best compliment his snowball playstyle. As it stands, the lackluster value and lengthy cooldown make this perk difficult to work with – by making it stack consecutively, it becomes a ‘rich get richer’ perk. The direct counter is healing – remaining healthy and playing the game safe, much like when facing an Oni in general, counters the perk. Buying time for other survivors to heal and repair by sacrificing pallets – by refusing to trade health states, this perk becomes much less useful. It is only powerful on a killer that is able to re-acquire their prey within seconds of a hook action and push them to the ground quickly. As the game drags on, applying pressure this way becomes increasingly valuable to the killer – while survivors must make the choice to heal up or try to rush objectives to escape before their health and hook states are burned through. It’s a very simple change that completely shifts the paradigm and nature of the perk and how people interact with it on both sides.

    Fearmonger is another story:


    Survivors repairing a generator, cleansing a totem, opening a chest, or opening the exit gates are Blinded and Exhausted. This status remains for 2/4/6 seconds after.

    Description: “The otherworldly nature of your form numbs the thoughts of your prey when they are most vulnerable.”


    By extending this perk’s value to other objectives and not limiting it to generators - it becomes far more attractive, especially with a 20% increased timer for its post interaction duration. This perk has a chance to have limited returns. It will always reward killers that keep high pressure on objectives and focus on interrupting survivors when they work towards their escape.