Fear the MMR!

I've got this advice so many times recently, "don't go for a 4k. Let one, two or even three survivors escape always so your mmr stays low and you can actually have some fun playing killer" Is this how you play killer in dbd now? Lose the match on purpose so your mmr doesn't get too high and you can actually have fun? Basically just be afraid of mmr. Who came up with this awful matchmaking system which is so crap that it makes players wanna lose on purpose lol.
I just play the game normally. If I lose I lose, if I win I win, no big deal. I don't intentionally try and lose.
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All i can say is, just ay the way you want, but indeed more kills will get you more sweaty games.
Or be like me and just quit entirely, which i find a shame cause i really loved DBD.
But as killer i consistently had 5-7 minutes games, so i switched to survivor only.
But even that became boring to me after a month, so there was 1 last option for me.
And sometimes seeing streams from different people, after 6+ months i don't miss it.
But it itches sometimes to return.
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It's not even worth doing it because if you play at a time where survivors have huge queue times, you will be matched with the highest MMR sweat squads no matter how much you try to avoid it. I don't think it even works lowering your MMR. I've been averaging between 1 and 2 kills for a while now and I do nothing but fight 3 and 4 stack meta survive with friends. I'm not getting "easier" survivors
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Lose the match on purpose so your mmr doesn't get too high and you can actually have fun?
Mmr is implemented terribly. But what the quoted lines me is that you want easier trials while still winning. There are no free meals. You want to win your games, you gonna have to work for it.
Fun is subjective. If you want easier matches, you need to win less. The more you're able to win, the more you deserve to go against better survivors. Same for survivors who want easy games.
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I thought it was helping for a while but it really doesn't do much if you only let one or two go. Letting 3 out was not something I did often. Let alone 4. One person in a random stream chat made me aware of that.
I still faced tough teams even on m1 killers by doing it. I wouldn't like it to be too easy anyway but some days are just too rough and stressful in general.
I would never go afk to lose mmr. Waste of time if it is going to shoot right back up soon. I don't see the point.
I was kinda merciful even before mmr tho so letting people go is not new to me if they weren't toxic and we had fun.
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Play basement bubba, no matter what your mmr is, you won't have to deal with their second chances at all
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But seriously i hope they remove it soon
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It's what I do. Shrug. I don't see any other way around it. What I usually do is 8 hooks, let the 4 escape.
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When survivor queue times are long, your mmr doesn't really matter. During the day I face nothing but baby survivors with my low mmr killers, but even though I always let all of them go, in the evening I get survivors that are so much better that a low mmr killer stands no chance.
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I don't play for kills especially since mmr was added just makes the game unsatisfying and rage inducing
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I don’t purposely lose because even if your MMR score is low you’ll still get matched against really good survivors in some of your matches. There aren’t enough killers, so the SBMM will match you with whatever survivor group is waiting next (regardless of their MMR score) so that survivor queues aren’t too long. Sometimes you’ll get lucky and get matched against potatoes but sometimes you’ll get matched against 4-man sweat squads with thousands of hours each.
One of the questions in the player survey was whether players would be willing to wait longer for better matchmaking. If the SBMM system was working properly, there would be no need to ask that question. Simply put, there just aren’t enough killer players most of the time for the system to function properly.
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Don't get me wrong, i don't want an easy win. I just don't want squads who complete all gens in 5 mins, take me to Coldwind Farm, and use every second chance perk available especially Dead Hard. There is very little a killer can do against that tbh.
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Don't get me wrong guys, i don't want an easy win. I just don't want squads who complete all gens in 5 mins, take me to Coldwind Farm, and use every second chance perk available especially Dead Hard. There is very little a killer can do against that tbh.
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I'd say don't lose on purpose, but switching killer builds from meta to "fun" should help keep your MMR in the fun zone.
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Since q times are more important then balance or fun it doesn't matter what you do bhvr will but you on a nice silver plate and feed you to the survivors.
I know some people will probably don't like that but they should scrap that machanik. The system should not start ignoring mmr just because some swf is waiting for 10 min+ or because some other killer dodged a q. That would probably lead to people waiting for ever for a killer but so be it that's what bhvr did to them selfs
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That's fair. You still have to deal with the fact that the more you win, the more you will and should be paired against opponents who try to win (regardless of how ill-designed the current implementation of the system is).
Is the game at high mmr fun? Well, probably not for most players, even though fun is subjective.
However, let's put you against weaker opponents while you still go for wins. Do you think that would be fun or fair to them?
You still have the option to manipulate the system. Two-hook everyone and let them go. You can have as much fun as you want and they're living out of the kindness of your heart. But if winning on paper is your priority, then you can't expect it to happen at the expense of fairness to the others.
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So you switched roles from killer to hooker?
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Having plays with the old System, MMR still has better quality of matches.
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Behavior forcing killers to play like chicken sh*ts lol. This game had so much potential, it's pretty much the only game in it's category. But still they managed to destroy it just because they've always wanted to please survivors, balance around rank 20s, second chance perks etc. Cuz survivors are the ones who buy cosmetics more right?
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The thing is, the devs aim for a 50% kill rate. and, with the exception of nurse, all killers are above that kill rate.
They dont cater to survivors, they just have no idea how to balance their game, because they want to avoid the one thing nessesary to do so: split swf from solo queue, and balance both game modes sepereatly, so the solos become stronger compared to the killer, and the killer can become stronger compared to swf.
No, i dont think its intend, i think its incompetence.
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This is what I do, I get very chill games all the time as killer, I destroy survivors, but let them go therefore I can receive bad survivors as opponent all the time.
This is how you game the system. But in truth everyone wins, you as killer fun game, also survivors can escape so everyone is happy
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I play for the win none of that throwing the game crap, I can't believe how many people actually believe in MMR after everything BHVR and big streamers have done to disprove its authenticity, but hey I guess people need a place to lay their blame when it doesn't go in their favor, just another excuse they've given people to parrot when they lose.