I Honestly Don't Understand How CoH Ever Got Added



  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    And honestly at this point you should know most of the dull totem spots if you run boons so even if you miss one dull totem you will know where it's at lol

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    We are done here. You're clearly trolling by claiming Survivor meta is only useful against unfair killers.

    On top of that, you are completely ignoring that placing the boon pays for itself, and Survivors can place a boon and still have other Survivors doing gens. As I have said repeatedly, but your reply is basically 'But they can't' with no supporting argument other than vague silence and dodging the issue.

    If you're not going to argue in good faith or just going to troll; please leave my thread. I don't want trolls here.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    Neither of us agree with his points but he was definitely arguing in good faith. I don't think you understand what that phrase means.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    The generality is based off of my personal observations and opinions.

    In truth, no choice or change made to the game will please EVERYONE.

    But, generally, this is definitely a case of 'people don't know what they want until they have it'

    All the survivors are complaining that boon totems are weak and aren't worth bringing, they lack impact.

    All the killer mains are complaining that boons are infinite weeds that ruin the game.

    By giving survivors super powerful perks, they will be happy. By giving killers the ability to void those perks if they take the time to snuff them, killers are happy.

    There would have to be other changes - making the boon a little bit harder to find, getting rid of blessing actions and making all boon perks apply to the first totem cleansed, etc.

    Killers will complain about boon totems, but as long as they will be able to remove them from the trial - they will come to terms.

    Losing their perks may be a travesty to survivor mains, but give them a powerful buff - and they will appreciate their occasional use.

    If there isn't an issue with the other boon totems, you'd see them used more often.

    They hardly ever get any play - and even when they do, people complain that they are hardly useful.

    CoH may be strong, but being super weak is just as bad and unhealthy for the game as being too powerful.

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    Here's my proposed rework of COH

    +Increase healing speed to 100%

    -remove ability to heal self (medkits and self care heals at their ordinary effective speed)

    +all survivors outside the range can see auras of injured survivors inside the range

    This would allow it to help survivors be patched up as intended but you would still need another person to do it.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    That's still broken. Yes, 2 Survivors are now needed to heal, but they heal in 15 seconds.

    And it's still not addressing the actual flaws of Boons, which is that they can be replaced infinitely. Survivors are rewarded for taking 30 seconds to place one.

    Whereas Killers are punished if they leave it (faster heals) or punished if they remove it (time spent not pressuring gens, and it gets replaced 5 seconds after they walk away).

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I'm not ignoring anything. You are ignoring a huge time sink in boons and why people are realizing that and not using them as much. I have calculated from several trials that I can have a gen finished before I can find a totem and bless it. And watching a killer walk right by it and disable it is ridiculous. Why should I waste all that time when I can bring self-care?

    It doesn't pay for itself. It is a net loss. If the killer steps on it, survivor is further in the red.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited April 2022

    Stop trying to pretend Boon perks help the killers it's embarrassing

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    I don't know why you were engaging Sluzzy in the first place.

    They're funny and trolly, but not to be taken seriously.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    I am sorry but you are wrong:

    1 Survivor spends 30-45 seconds booning a totem. In that time; 3 other Survivors are doing gens.

    Now, 2 Survivors get hit, but the Killer drops chases to kick gens that are near to popping. Those 2 Survivor run to the Boon and heal. Between them, it took them just as long to heal BOTH as it would have to heal ONE without the boon.

    In those 2 heals; the boon has now paid for the time that went in to placing it. It's, literally, now showing a net positive for time on Survivor's end. They have no longer wasted time, since they spent LESS time placing the boon & using it twice, than they would have healing without it.

    It's only a net loss, ONLY, if the Killer finds it before it can be used. If it gets used twice; it's a net gain for time; less time spent healing.

    You being unable to see that, or you ignoring that, does not change that fact.

    And if the Killer spends 15 seconds finding, and stepping on, it, and then a Survivor re-boons? Kilelr has lost time away from gens & chases.

    Whereas that ONE Survivor is replacing a NET GAIN for time, while the other 3 continue to work on gens uninterrupted by the Killer, because he was stepping on a Boon that got replaced 5 seconds later.

    I'm sorry but your arguments are false. They are baseless nay saying with no evidence to back them up. It's a bald fact that the problem with CoH lies in how it is infinitely replaceable. And Killers lose if they Snuff it (time) or lose if they ignore it (fast heals rewarding Survivors with less time spend healing).

    Again; your argument is false and baseless. You're basically saying 'Survivors lose because I said so' with 0 evidence to back it up.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    You are wrong saying my opinion is baseless. Everything I said was fact from experience. I quit using boons since the last nerf because they are bad to use and helps killers win. I've been a hook watching someone boon just to heal themselves. Awful. If BHVR continues with their nerf, they are nothing more than a meme in the game, a perk worse than Pebble.

    Here is where you are wrong;

    If they are healing, you lost the chase. They can't heal if you are actually chasing them. The killer's fault if they are healing.

    You don't have to cleanse a totem. If you are losing games because you are abandoning chases just to try to find the boon, that is a flaw in your strategy. Let them heal, down someone and put them on a hook to get pressure.

    CoH is no more infinite than Pentimento or Sloppy Butcher. Perks that "constantly" slow down survivors.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Don't bother with Sluzzy mate, he is absolute ignorant to the real facts because he plays really terrible as survivor (from what I've heard and seen)

    He thinks survivors are the weak role in DBD which, up to a certain point, he is correct, but only at the bottom of the MMR table.

    And don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with playing very well as killer but terrible as survivor or vice versa, but unfortunately the most people who are terrible at 1 particular side will scream the loudest about that side being weak.

    It will never change and nor will Sluzzy, just don't waste your time with him because he only cares what he thinks.

    Even if you will provide him with the hard facts right to him him, he will throw it out the window and just says he's right and you're wrong.

    It's an endless circle trying to discuss something with him

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    Exponential is more situational unbreakable that only works in abusable situations, and shadowstep is only at its most effective when it is placed on inside maps where you can break line of sight easier but it still does not hide blood pools or footstep sounds. Shadowstep is definitely ok and it is a fun perk to use, but it is situational. Exponential is even more situational to the point of not being worth a perk slot unless again, you bring map offerings and have swf teammates that can help make it work lol sorry you get beat by extremely counterable perks but that is on you

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    It takes as long to boon a totem as cleanse one. Survivors can solo about a 5th of a gen in that time. I once had a dumb survivor boon the same totem over and over and because this doofus didn't do a gen I got a 4K with three left. If you know someone is gonna run back and boon it again then snuff it, 5 seconds for you and 20+ seconds lost for them. Boons can be used by a smart killer to waste a survivor's time and clean house by smacking an injured survivor that you know will be there. I think COH is strong and needs a change but I don't find it broken since a smart killer can play around it to a great advantage.

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    "If there isn't an issue with the other boon totems, you'd see them used more often."

    Gee it's like a perk has to be either busted or extremely good for survivors who run meta to use said perk or you're get ######### from your fellow survivors if you run a boon and don't bring coh because ######### trying to use perks that are underated

    That's legit the only reason why it's the main boon being run heck the one time I used a boon perk I got ######### for not using coh which is one of the reasons I don't play as mikaela

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    No need to be hostile.

    That's kind of my point, though, I think we're agreeing.

    Non CoH boons should be made equally viable and strong enough that people would not feel the need to chastise their use.

    If you bring Exponential and no CoH - why?

    You wanted to have fun, right? It's an interesting perk, you wanted to give it some use. Why keep it so useless when it can be made to be strong enough to threaten the killer and force them to snuff it.

    Meta players are often bullies and are quick to reach for the most optimal builds, but so long as perks are balanced and carry their weight, these things will fade away.

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    Didn't mean to come off as hostile my bad

    But again the reason why you see coh over the other boons is because it's busted heck when boilover was busted during a certain time all of a sudden a bunch of survivors started running it combined with map offerings

    Like unless something is busted or unbelievably good you won't see it in meta builds

    Which the other boons aren't and are imo perfectly balanced

    Like all you have to do is remove the self healing aspect of it(which imo sounds like a reasonable change outside of getting rid of it) and I'll guarantee that 50%+ will drop it

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    Like the other boons are far from useless heck my friend tends to use shadowstep when he runs boons and we use it for shadowstep over CoH because we find the self heal portion of coh stupid and would rather not use it but 80% of the time you will see people complain that one guy didn't bring coh who also ran coh like it's moronic we don't need more than one coh boon let others use the other boons ffs

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    CoH rework

    Corrupted Boon: Circle Of Healing

    A Boon that offers comfort amidst the terror.

    • Press and hold the Ability button near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem.
    • Soft chimes ring out in a 24 Meter Radius
    • Survivors within the Boon's Radius have their heal speeds increased by 50%/75%/100% and are able to heal themselves without a Medkit
    • If the Boon Totem is snuffed, it turns into a Rekindled Totem with the same Radius
    • Survivors healing in the Rekindled Totem's Radius will have their heal speeds decreased by 40%/45%/50%

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    It's a neat idea but a few things:

    1. Can it be Cleansed or turned into a Boon again?
    2. Survivors would just not heal there. Granted; this could turn into a problem for them if they boon across the map, which I like.
  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294

    Yeah, I think we are both agreeing about the meta - that COH is only seen in the meta because it's still busted as ever.

    However, Dark Theory is not at all worth the time invested in blessing a totem - especially against select killers.

    Shadow step can come in clutch, but it is highly circumstantial.

    Exponential just gives everyone the second worst aspect of No Mither, in that killers will just hook you if they hear the totem - and you're basically never going to get value out of it.

    They aren't BAD - but they are C tier in terms of true practicality.

    If you made these boons destructible, there would be absolutely no reason to ever bother with them.

    As it stands, we should be in a game where all perks can be perfectly strong and interesting to play with from both sides.

    However, out of over 100 survivor perks, only a fraction of them ever really see any screen time.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    I kinda like CoH when playing wraith. It works like a fish net.

    Sucker punch a survivor, cloack, run to the boon, wait 5 seconds, claim your prize. No vaults, no pallets.

    It only works 2 or 3 times in the same trial, but that's OK, because afterwards they either renounce to the boon or start being very careful when going for heals, trying to figure out if you are there or not and end up loosing a lot of time. Win - win for me.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    Thought a certain forum member with a Ghost Face pfp came back from the dead for a second

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Rekindled Totems are unable to be blessed and can only be cleansed