The Artist should get a Queen Of The Damned Legendary Cosmetic!

I think it would work perfectly with her size and frame. I don't know if they would go to the trouble if getting it modeled after Alliyah (that would be asking alot) but they're own take on a black vampire cosmetic that sends bats to swarm, with her own voice lines (maybe just an evil chuckle) would be cool!
Anyone agree?
They should abuse the legendary cosmetic template more, for RE you have; Ada, Carlos, Ashley, Ethan, Rebecca, Barry, Mikhail, and Brad for potential skins. For Silent Hill you have; Maria, Harry, Angela, Henry, Douglas, and Mary for potential skins. For Hellraiser you have; Butterball, Deepthroat, Doctor Channard, and Female Pinhead for potential skins, and you could probably do a Doctor Loomis skin for Laurie which would be great in my opinion even though the actor has passed away.
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I agree, I know licensing is part of the issue, though, so I doubt it's 100% up to them.
Personally I really enjoy seeing their interpretations on established character designs (minus Nemisis. I much prefer his original model, the nose on him annoys me).
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I think the problem is that the cosmetics need to make enough money to justify the license. If a licensed skin makes barely any money than it's not financially viable to make a ton of skins.
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Most of the RE skins are economically viable, especially the RE4 ones like Ashley since RE4 is getting a remake soon by Capcom. Harry and Maria from Silent Hill and the other 2 OG Cenobites would probably make their money back also.
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That does actually make sense. I'm not sure how many in the world are a big enough a fan to make that skin financially viable.