99% survivors just double back when I play Nurse, it's kinda funny

So I have not played Sally in 2-3 months so I thought I would be rusty, but even without double range add ons it's has been a breeze and I just give mercy hatch, but one thing I noticed despite me facing survivors with Dead Hard and Iron WIll and all the hard stuff most of them without mistake always try to double back, and even when I obviously outplay them by blinking to the place they last were multiple times in the same match and get that easy hit they still do it, almost always, and it's not babies, I legit checked some profiles, it's people with at least couple of hundred hours.
So idk where they saw this, I suspect it works on people who are learning Nurse and playing the prediction game , but I honestly thought it was common knowledge not to do this when you see the Nurse knows what she is doing, the play is always to push forward and then try to lose LOS if possible.
The reason for this thread is that I saw multiple people here complaining about Nurse, legit thought I saw a thread ''what's the point of Nurse'', and was like, even after all these years people still refuse to do the basic Nurse counterplay
Do not get me wrong, after a while it gets boring for me to play her and I would welcome some kind of rework that's still fun (since her power is just so addicting / fun to use) since she is super OP when learned and I always have a miserable experience myself against fellow Nurse mains since team just falls apart in most cases
Yeah, most survivors are super predictable or have obvious tells against Nurse. I think there aren't that many good Nurse players out there, so players don't get a ton of experience against her. Survivors often make a move on the first blink but have nothing for the second blink. So if the Nurse gets LOS after the first blink, the survivor is toast. They often don't give themselves a chance.
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its understandable for the most part nurse doesnt have any sort of counterplay, and poeple say "try duble backing" "try losing LOS" none of that works cause she 100% doesnt have any counterplay is on her being bad and messing up. so people try "something" wich in the end are just gimmicks to try and outplay an impossible power to outplay. (unless again, she is bad).
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My favorite survivors are the ones that try to pallet loop nurse. It just makes me ask "you know that doesn't work on this killer right?"
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Honestly on a map with very open structures that's all you got making line of sight is impossible at that point
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Nurse is my favorite killer to go against so i always try to get chased and am pretty good at it against average nurses but it's probably because i have no idea what i'm doing so i'm quite unpredictable. I think i only double back against good nurses when I'm actively trying to outplay them because i'm going down if not, and usually get downed anyway lol.
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Yeah, I honestly find it boring because people just hold forward AFTER getting hit and then waiting for me to fail for dead hard and that's it, that's the chase most of the time, after that they just seem lost even tho there was a lot of stuff around us they could have used and extend the chase by at least 10-15 seconds
However, I do think there are a lot of good Nurses, not obviously god level, but since mostly veterans play her these days you will rarely face a nurse who will fail for the double back, that's why it was strange to me
Also I forgot to mention, the pallet camping, I legit laugh every single time this happens to me when I play Nurse and a random Meg will hide behind the pallet and expect me to chase her around it, sometimes I do it for the lols
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omg I always laugh, sometimes I give in and chase the random Meg against the unsafe loop so she can stun me
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There are situations where there is nothing you can do and is best just to run to the corner of the map to waste her time while she is picking you up, however saying Nurse lacks counterplay is not true
When you are playing Nurse, after your first blink you have to make quick decision if you are going to succumb to fatigue or use the second one. If you have LOS on a survivor who just double backed of course you are going to just blink again and hit them since they are near or you already got lucky because they messed up by doubling back exactly where you landed and you get an easy free hit, but if they pushed forward you have to blink again just to catch up and then they can use los and then you have to find them again. Eventually you will win the chase but not going down in 10 seconds but in 40 is already a huge thing for the team
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Yes they do, then wonder why they get destroyed so easily and have to come to the forums requesting Nurse gets nerfed.
I found when I was playing a lot I got quite sloppy due to most survivors being completely brain dead and having two tactics in their repertoire: Double backs and pressing E to outplay.
When I faced actual decent survivors I often got caught out as I just expected the usual one trick survivors and when I had to actually think I struggled.
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This is completely false though. Sure, a basic telegraphed double back on the first blink won't work. But a delayed double back on her second blink has a good chance of working. And you can even get double backs to work on the first blink if you're mixing it up between holding W and doubling back assuming your camera positioning is consistent and not giving away your moves.
Are you looking back at the Nurse in chase to see where she's aiming before you decide to double back or not? Are you using trees and junk tiles to obscure LOS? Are you constantly strafing left and right in the open to give her a moving target? If the answer is no, you can't say she has no counterplay because you aren't attempting her counterplay
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It worked plenty of times for me but obviously you can't keep doing it. And you can't be obvious about it.
But sometimes making them think you are doing it again can trick them into making a wrong read.
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even if you tape your W key down, and consistently lose LOS on the psyche ward map, a good nurse will just ignore that and blink ontop of you anyway with her info perks.... So no counterplay at all. At least with baby nurses you can walk towards.
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Get better at mindgaming.
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Mindgaming an info perk? How are you gonna mindgame someone when they have vision on you through walls? Have you ever played against a Nurse high MMR?
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What info perk? BBQ? Unless you mean I'm All Ears, but you shouldn't be taking windows against a Nurse unless you have Lithe anyway
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I've had success with double-backing, though I usually pull it when I see the Nurse charging for a few seconds since then it's more likely to overshoot.
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Every single info perk has a way to play around it.
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I’ve never faced a highly skilled nurse. I’ve seen better the average (not baby) and then baby, but never a Nurse that ended the game with 5 gens or within minutes slugging us. I mean, Ive seen videos of top nurse play and it looks terrible to face but since I’m a Killer main and I’ve only gotten Iridescent Rank for survivor twice, I’ve never felt how powerful she is personally.
Double back seemed legit strat for me~
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I've been playing nurse for a long time, and the things I found to hurt me/ work against her the most are:
1) Double-back after losing LOS
2) Keep moving in the same direction she last saw you before losing LOS
3) Lose LOS and move away from the tile instead of doing point 1 or 2.
I swear to god most survivors in my matches do point 1 90% of the time and by the time they understand it doesnt work they're on death hook already.
Playing against nurse is about mixing these 3 points together and to be unpredictable as possible, you can also avoid doing things like looking behind you if you're about to double back because that just gives it away a lot.
But when I face survivors who do a combination of those 3 things it really messes me up.
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Also from my experience scratch mark removing perks work pretty well gotten far away from nurses before just because of deception
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Number 3 is a big one. There's zero reason to hug the tile on her second blink. 99% of survivors do this. It's a big fat guess for the Nurse if you break LOS and put yourself somewhere in the void between the tile and the map wall.
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the easiest nurse counterplay is the classic pile of tires on autohaven still works for some reason lol
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What do you do against a Nurse where you can't break line of sight for long enough to do one of these strategies?
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Okay. Let's put you into a scenario. You are being chased by a Nurse and already took a hit from her, though you managed to break LoS. Mid chase the perk "Bitter Murmur" pops, due to the last gen being done. She now has 10 seconds to blink directly ontop of you. How do you play around 10 seconds reveal? You already lost the advantage of LoS.
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By dodging the blink? It’s like dodging a blink in the open. You can still do it.
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If you have absolutely nothing to break LOS, you can try to force inaccurate blinks. Depending on how much distance you have, fake the double back as she charges her first blink. You can even briefly moonwalk if your confident on mouse and keyboard. You just need the first blink to not hit you.
The follow up blink is trickier depending on how long her second blink has to be. This is like dodging a Huntress hatchet on a timer here. I like to rapidly fake left and right for a beat or two, then send myself fully in one direction. Other times I'll double back after faking left and right.
The gist of it: give the Nurse a lot to think about out in the open. Don't let her simplify it on her end. Sometimes they'll simply aim well and hit you. No different than a ranged killer in that scenario.
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That's assuming they're even trying in the first place, a lot of them are just waiting to get downed so they can suicide on hook and find a Nurse free game...
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I really doubt you gonna dodge a high skilled Nurses M1, sure with dead hard. Which just delays your hook another three seconds...
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Err, what is the outplay.
1. Block line of sight.
2. Use dead hard if youre running it.
3. Try to double back.
Half the maps you cant lose line of sight effectively so its gameover.
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You do realize there are equally high skilled survivors that know how to play against Nurse, right?
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Main outplays for Nurse are of course double back but that seems to be all survivors do. It pays to shake it up and not do the same thing every time, also faking window vaults, running wide and generally being confusing can all make a Nurse second guess. You want to force them to predict rather than allow reaction.
Though much like Bubba, Billy or Huntress and many other killers, if you get caught out in the open you are probably going to go down if the Nurse is decent. But DH is a free second chance to get to a LOS blocker and also never underestimate holding W against a Nurse (unless they have range).
Being super stealthy is also annoying for a Nurse as her base movement speed is so slow she cant afford to spend too long walking around looking for you. Immersed survivors are one of the most annoying things imo but it can actually be quite effective
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yep, and same happen dealing with decent survivors as most killers
game is very one sided if both faction players are somewhat humanly skilled
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completely false i stopped there, because i know the rest is CAP when u make such statement from the very beggining i can see the biass from the very start.
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the scary thing about nurse is that while all these mind games do exist the real threat comes from her perks. when survivors don't know you can see them and they can't see you then they really have no defenses. it doesn't matter how good they are. when hex:retribution/haunted ground go off at the same time they're going down. when they start healing and nurses calling activates and they can't see you; they're going down. when scourge hook: floods of rage activates and they're safely running somewhere you shouldn't normally see; they're going down. there are no mind games here, it's all up to the nurse to make the right blink and the good ones will 9 times /10.
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I mean sometimes loops help if you predict her blinks point black and end up stunning her with the pallet.
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I'd hate to be a dev. There's an entire thread here of Nurse players detailing how to counter them, and a there's always a percentage of players who see that and say, "No."
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Looks like the killer playerbase is fed up with weak killers and are turning to nurse. Can't think of any other reason for the sudden rise in Nurse threads.