it's just not fun any more.



  • Knytrix
    Knytrix Member Posts: 59

    I just wish that for a game with what is it now 191 perks that I would see more then the same 4-6 perks every game on both killers and on survivors we all know what the 4-6 are on both. So basically there are probably 180 perks that you will never see in any game. Would be nice to have more variety and see different playstyles but that would be fun and that's dangerous.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    You're right in the sense that the current meta being quite unpleasant. The prevalence and strength of second chances on the Survivor side can sometimes force Killers to play dirty to win, which sucks. At the end of the day though, the meta clearly isn't going anywhere. I mean, COH has been nerfed 3 times now and it's still insanely broken. Best we can do as players is try to find enjoyment in the chase and off-meta stuff. Enduring Spirit fury is quite fun if you're annoyed with or bored by basic M1 gameplay. That kinda thing.