Should Deathslinger get his quickscope back?

DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

Deathslinger's balancing patch that happened some months ago was definitely controversial, but while many people have said that they want the quickscope to come back I've yet to hear opinions from anyone other from killer mains/Deathslinger mains. Keeping in mind that many people said that it was frustrating or even unfair to play against before the nerf, I'd like to see a total show of hands about whether the majority people want him to get his quickscope back or not.

Should Deathslinger get his quickscope back? 59 votes

Yes, he should
GibberishWalterBlackF60_31DimekBabyCameron10pizzaduffyhp90musstang62BullettimegodEnderloganYTGlamourousLeviathantenoresaxValikAdvorsusCrowmanTeabaggingGhostfacekaskaderTsukiYureigetuy45u4iuNOCTURN_05Adjatha 35 votes
No, he should not
White_OwlBlueberryv4lorMiriamGGcarraraAven_FallenPepsidotThe_Grim_Reaper99ChurchofPigWampiritadugmanAnnso_xIlliterateGenocidePSPsyainHaunterofShadowsjesterkindsizzlingmario4CarrowBothSidesEnjoyer 24 votes


  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513
    Yes, he should


    maybe not in full, but it was maybe nerfed too hard.

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142
    Yes, he should

    Yes, these crybaby survivors need to stop whining when the killer is good and they cant beat them they always talking about nerf them they are too op I cant beat them wahh idk survivors just need to be quite they are annoying and make killers weak because they cant be toxic to them js

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited April 2022

    If it's not quickscope then Deathslinger needs something else because he feels terrible to play

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108
    Yes, he should

    He feels so clunky without it

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 498
    Yes, he should


  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,845
    No, he should not

    I would prefer it didn't.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016
    No, he should not

    i would like a mid way, instant spear gun often felt unfair.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    No, he should not

    He needs a rework. I don’t want his quick scope back but he also needs major improvements on his current state.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371
    Yes, he should

    Of course. It was that made Deathslinger Deathslinger.

    What needed to be done is removing the fact that walking backwards basically removes all control survivors have when chained. There's no reason for intended counterplay to being speared to have a situation to remove said counterplay.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    Yes, he should

    If his terror radius is going to stay at 32 meters, then yes.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    He needs all his base-kit changes reverted.

    All he had was his 1v1, and Survivors didn't like that they weren't in control of the 1v1, so they whined and got it nerfed, along with his TR so now he can't even get into a chase against smart Survivors

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,613
    No, he should not

    The quickscope was the entire problem that warranted changing him to begin with, bringing that back just brings everything back to square one; Deathslinger is a bad killer, and he sucks to go against because he denies any agency in the chase.

    Move forward, not backward.

  • DriplordDrew
    DriplordDrew Member Posts: 246
    No, he should not

    My biggest issue with deathslinger (gunguy) is that his terror radius is very small and he is a ranged killer. I know that his harpoon does not insta down though he does have an add-on to expose a survivor. Now my main reason for saying no is that this is not a shooter game. Huntress and Trickster both annoy the heck out of survivors because they are able to hit from so far away (once you know the counters they are annoying not hard) and often when you see ranged killer people D/C or just give up. Both of them have a load time that means they can not just start range attack right away so why would gunguy be given this? If you want to play a killer with a range power then take the slower movement and load time because that gives a little balance.

    Oh I forgot the Artist... Never see her so I forgot she does a shot. I don't know anything about her really she just fell into useless cannon I guess.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    No, he should not

    He probably shouldn’t get the quickscope back, but I do think he turns too slowly while aiming. I think he’s he only ranged killer whose turning speed slows to a crawl while aiming his shot, it feels like walking through mud. If he could swivel at normal speed it would be more fun to play.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060
    No, he should not

    Improvements - yeah, sure. But really, not the Quickscope.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707
    No, he should not

    DBD isn’t an FPS game and shouldn’t be treated exactly like one. The quickscope nerf was necessary and should not be changed back.

    What should be changed back is his terror radius. If monitor is really a problem, then give him a 24m lullaby as well, but making his TR 32m was completely unnecessary.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033
    Yes, he should

    This is both a yes and no. He shouldn't be completely reverted back as he was an issue before.

    Previously he could shoot and hit you before you ever heard his terror radius, problem.

    If he was in a chase, he could raise his weapon and lower it very quickly. Meaning it created this situation where survivors were forced into a lose/lose scenario. Either take the shot and get reeled in, or just taking the m1. A good slinger could make his 1v1s impossible for survivors. Problem.

    However, they did Nerf him too much and kinda ruined his identity. The whole idea behind him and what made him a unique ranged killer was his built in reload and quick shots. You didn't have to reload at lockers, but instead after every shot with the reload animation being a large slowdown. His quick scoping was his kind of high risk/high reward ability that kept him on par with other ranged killers. Now there's no real reason to use him over other ranged killers.

    I'd simply revert just the aiming speed animation. Keep the terror radius and the lowering speed Nerf though. This means he can still pull off rewarding quick shots, but can't just lower his gun instantly to m1, which would fix the bad 1v1 he had before.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274
    Yes, he should

    The fluidity of pressing a button to quickly bring up the iron sights should be in the game.

    However, they should make it so that it must be held to make an accurate shot.

    If you want to spear a survivor, sure you can 'quickscope' for a blind chance of hitting them, but if you want to have accuracy and range - you're going to need to hold the button down and aim for a second or so.

    Lets people have fun movement, a little risk/reward gambling, but also rewards skilled players who lead their shots.

    They should also remove the on-reel-hit Deep Wounds (Only use that on a chain break) and make the projectile move a bit slower with a slight parabolic trajectory, IMO.

    Personally, I'd give him an additional 1.5 seconds of animation time on a missed shot and an additional 2.5 second animation time on a landed one, which automatically reloads the weapon.

    4 or 5 round magazine with a lengthy reload animation at a locker.

    This would make him a lot more aggressive and able to chain together shots if used properly, but lining up and leading shots takes skill - and bad shooters will have to leave chase to reload, while skilled shooters will be able to score consecutive hits.

    Even though he'd take a lot of skill - like Nurse - He'd also be very rewarding to play in the hands of those who are capable of leading their shots and know the perfect timing for when their 'bloom' narrows enough to make an accurate shot.

  • The_Grim_Reaper99
    The_Grim_Reaper99 Member Posts: 53
    No, he should not

    I’d say no mostly because it gave him free zoning just by existing.

    Thing is though devs really needed to give him a lot more to compensate than move faster while ADS. Something like one of the reload add ons base kit or giving him stealth would’ve gone a long way to make him somewhat good.

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941
    Yes, he should

    They need to stop nerfing killers and BUFF them. Deathslinger didn't need a nerf, he should have been BUFFED. The nerf was undeserved and should be made undone.

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809
    No, he should not

    please don't, Deathslinger players are terrifying ;-;

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371
    Yes, he should

    Deathslinger has free zoning currently. The quickscope was never the thing that allowed him to zone.