Killers often slug for 4k. "Last" survivor needs something for that



  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    If you can't handle people just removing themself from something they don't like then you should quit as well because as there is the option to D/C its is also part of the game regardless if it is abused or not it is part of the game

    Wrong. DCing exists for EMERGENCIES.

    Excuses don't matter if someone doesn't want to lay on the ground for four minutes because you feel you need to ruin their day then they have the option through the game to click the exit button and leave

    Wrong again. This is where Survivors flail and acts like Killers are evil by attributing their own perceived notions of toxicity onto their actions.

    If I slug; it's because I want a 4K. I'm not trying to ruin someone's day. And it's not my fault that a Survivor wants to use that as an excuse to shove fake emotions onto me to excuse the DC they want to do for sore-looserism.

    You argument that these are part of the game is dumb because so is D/Cing

    Wrong again. Slugging, tunneling, camping, loops, etc. ARE MECHANICS.

    DCing is meant to be for emergencies. Not 'I'm butthurt I lost. Time to blame the Killer for my actions!'

    I am not advocating for D/C just saying if you ruin someone else experience they can do the same to you.

    Once again; attributing toxicity to a legit mechanic is BS.

    No one wants to D/C

    Rofl. If someone wants to DC; they want to DC. They are just looking for an excuse.

    being a slug cause of a jerk isn't fun and they owe the game nothing if they feel their time is worth more than this they can leave

    Once again; attributing your own notions as to why someone slugged, then using it as an excuse for DC.

    No, they can't DCing is against the rules. Slugging is not. See the difference? If you start inventing garbage excuses to let people DC; they will use those garbage excuses every time they start to lose. DCers DC regardless, and slugging is not 'done by jerks to ruin peoples games'.

    This is BS done to shame Killers into not going for 4Ks. 'Be happy with the 3K' and 'Slugging is for jerks'. Etc. Stop. It. Slugging is not against the rules. DCing is. Stop inventing excuses.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    Yes, killers can’t camp a surv at egc to have a pity kill after losing. Oh, wait!

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Once again; Survivors have not won until they LEAVE THE MAP.

    5 gens? Not winning.

    Open gates? Not winning.


    Ergo: A Killer killing you AT ANY TIME is not a 'pity kill' just because Survivors want to invent unenforceable win-states.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    I read this whole conversation, and I have some thoughts.

    1. Why do you think slugging (which isn't against the rules and has no penalty) is comparable to disconnecting from the match (which is against the rules and does have a penalty)? I get that you don't like being slugged, but not liking something in the game doesn't make it comparable to something that is explicitly against the TOS of the game.

    2. Why are you so certain people playing against you in a video game want to "ruin your day"? No matter what side I play, or even what game, I promise I don't think about anyone I played with 30 seconds after the match is over unless they are such toxic pieces of ######### that they stand out. I just don't think the level of Animus exists that you seem to believe does in this game. The person playing killer is out to get your character, not you as a person.

    3. I replied to this post if yours specifically because it sounds like you didn't like how a discussion was going, so tried to talk ######### to someone in a private message only to find they disabled it. I'm hoping there's some other, less juvenile explanation, but I'm having serious difficulties thinking of one..

  • DriplordDrew
    DriplordDrew Member Posts: 246

    Where did I say it is comparable? I know I never did. Second do you think the person slugged is having fun as a killer? No there for you are ruining their fun which can ruin the day. The intent doesn't matter you are doing something you know does ruin a persons fun. I wanted to speak privately because I don't feel like this conversation needs to be read by everyone or even pushing this convo forward. Anything else you fell you need to know? Can I ask you why do you even need to stick your self into a conversation I ended with the person I was talking to because I felt like it was a waste of time to speak here? Why did you feel the need to talk in public about this when you could have messaged in private? Could it be that you wanted to be Juvenile are you are implying that I am?

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Honestly most of the reasons people give for disconnecting (as survivor) don't make sense.

    They're upset about tunneling/camping? Congrats, you just gave the killer an easier match and rewarded him for tunneling/camping

    They think it will make that killer get nerfed? Let's ask nurse on that one, see how well that worked out.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,854

    Well the fact the killer has to slug to avoid the last survivor getting a free and often undeserved escape is due to an entirely survivor sided mechanic - the hatch.

    The hatch is of no benefit whatsoever to killers, it is there only to give survivors another option to escape. As a survivor main I hate the hatch and want it removed for the exact reason it forces the killer to slug and being slugged for minutes at a time while the killer tries to find the last survivor is not fun. I don't blame killers for doing it, I blame the hatch mechanic

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    While you are completely correct; the game would be worse without the hatch.

    The hatch forces the Survivor to move around and look for it. Without it, a Survivor would just immerse and hide for 40 minutes while the Killer tries to find them. After all, without the hatch, they can't do gens, and they can't open the gates.

    I guess an alternative would be that the gates power up when 1 Survivor is left, but depending on the map & Killer; that would either be a guaranteed escape or just a slow death. And not fair for the Killer, since he stopped 3/4 of the team before 5 gens popped, only for them to pop anyways.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    1. You directly compared the two, that kind of shows you believe they are comparable. That's literally how language works.

    2. I've never once, in all my games as survivor, felt that my day was "ruined" by any single match. The closest was against a dick playing wraith who just blocked me in the corner all game, but even then I put the controller down, grabbed a Bueno, and had myself a treat while I waited for my teammates to escape. Being slugged certainly isn't enough (in fact, I'm one who will do their best to hide as a slug)

    3. Whether or not you are having fun playing a video game is completely on you.

    4. Just to reiterate, since this seems to be something people here don't understand. Whether or not you are having fun playing a video game is completely ON YOU.

    5. I don't do private messages to discuss forum topics. I'm on a forum to engage with multiple people about a game we all (hopefully) enjoy. Unless trying to share gamertags or private details to set up a match together or something, there's just no reason for me not to post publicly, where if I type something asinine, there are people here I respect who will call me out on it.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,854

    That is actually a good point that I had not considered and I remember before EGC how there would be those very annoying survivors who would just hide and hold you hostage in a match that was already over.

    Well either way, I am not a big fan of the hatch mechanic and would be open to suggestions on how to change or at least improve it

  • Sylhiri
    Sylhiri Member Posts: 178

    Yes please, even after 1 minute. Having to bleed out from full health while the rest of the team is on hook while the killer stands over you is really boring.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Move to a hook?

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    I think they're talking specifically about when the killer will slug survivor 3 to go find survivor 4 and try to deny the hatch. Honestly in those cases I start crawling away to try and find where I think the hatch will spawn myself.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited April 2022

    IMO if you don't wanna bleed out, don't move.

    if I down you (3rd surv) and I see the 4th I am going to go for them. Problem is survs think its good to crawl and hide in grass on other side of the map. I won't bleed you out, but I don't see why I shouldn't go for the 4th if I see them.

    Don't want to bleed out, crawl into visible area, but in my experience survs do their best to hide to deny you the hook, then complain about slugging.

    I would've picked you up 2 minutes ago if I could find you. Bleeding people out as griefing is not my thing, but if I see the 4th, I am going for it.

    edit, added: If I don't see the 4th and I downed you, I dont slug, I hook you and use BBQ chili to find last one, sometimes I get them, sometimes they get hatch, I don't care at that point really.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Only if everyone else is slugged, hooked, or dead, IMO.

    We don't need yet another mechanic Survivors can use to self-terminate ASAP to give their friend the hatch. If they could not do this on the hook; Killers would not have to slug for the 4K.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    And that's totally fair to me. That's why I don't complain about bleeding out. Can't help but try and crawl away, after all, I live by the Historical Dicuments creed. "Never give up, Never Surrender!"

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited April 2022

    I run adrenaline and crawl away myself. One of my favorite eescapes ever is when I am on ground slugged, and killer closes hatch. I am back on my feet holding that gate latch.... I crawl near a door and wait for it sometimes. I like escapes like that as survivor myself. Playing both sides, I have been bled out by slug nurses many times and know it sucks, therefore I don't do it to people either.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Ooo a 2 min timer where the doors slowly but automatically opens within the 2 min? And the survivor has to escape thru it? I could get behind that.

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    Yeah but the idea is more to incentivize an exciting chase filled ending rather then hiding till its safe. So it'll reward the better players.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 963

    If you are the last survivor, your team has already lost the game. Getting a escape there is not supposed to be easy, so it makes sense the killer has the advantage on that scenario.

  • Rookie1978
    Rookie1978 Member Posts: 75

    Hold on lad, if you genuinely get 3 people in a row knocked and nobody is even capable of picking up the person with a full recover bar, that's kind of on you. The killer is playing badly by not wasting Survivor hook states because of how quickly you can pick up a slugged survivor if they're on Get Help. Is the killer wasting a bunch of time knocking everyone? Pick them up when they go for someone else lmao. I just feel like if you even get to that point of the game you've done something wrong.

    Hatch alone is bad enough.

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    Last survivor can give up or continue to hide and do gens. Any of those are fine but if you die it's completely fair.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    They need to lessen the bleed out timer

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992
    edited April 2022

    Well, by keeping it four minutes, it ensures the killer only does it for tactical reasons. Since the survivor would die much quicker on a hook (two to three minutes faster).

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    While I agree survivors would go hide, they still can attempt to do gens or gates. Its just harder cuz they lost the other distractions survivors.

    Yeah its unrealistic to expect a sole survivor to do more than 1.5 generators on their own, Survivors dont even try to do their gens as soon they start losing, because the free hatch is easier. While im not advocating for the removal of the hatch, it is still a rather big crutch.

    I dont see why the last survivor needs another crutch. He already gets the hatch or skips the remaining gens.

    We could get more agressive crows to counter hiding survs. Afaik the crows in IdV have a timer for not touching gens in a while, maybe that'd help.

    Normally games get harder the more teammates you lose.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Yeah and thats why dbd clones are failure, in those games survivors punished for noob teammates. Its like you are dead if your team fails, so solo useless in those.

    While in dbd you can still win alone thanks to hatch

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    They do. There are plenty of perks that will allow survivors to outlast and outplay killers in these circumstances.

    You afraid of being the one who is slugged?

    • Leader
    • Unbreakable
    • Tenacity
    • Flip-Flop
    • Soul Guard
    • Blood Pact
    • Power Struggle
    • Circle Of Healing
    • Exponential

    Are you tired of being the runner while your teammate bleeds out?

    • Sprint Burst
    • Self Care
    • Botany Knowledge
    • Iron Will
    • Balanced Landing
    • Urban Evasion
    • Left Behind
    • We're Gonna Live Forever
    • Dead hard
    • Dance With Me
    • Inner Strength
    • For The People
    • Blood Pact
    • Desperate Measures
    • Bite The Bullet
    • Circle Of Healing
    • Shadow Step
    • Dark Theory
    • Spine Chill
    • Resilience
    • Distortion

    Tons of options to bring that will help you in these sorts of situations.

    If you want something to be done about this, maybe bring one or two of these?

  • dallasmedicbag
    dallasmedicbag Member Posts: 571

    counter argument: Just hook the third survivor why slug and waste you and survivors time?

  • dallasmedicbag
    dallasmedicbag Member Posts: 571

    you are taking this game way too seriously my g, chill

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838
    edited April 2022

    I am chill. It's the babies who DC who takes the game too seriously; they would rather ruin it for 4 strangers than accept a loss.

    That just screams 'Should not be playing at all' to me.

    Not to mention being verbally trashed in game because 'Boo-hoo, bruised Survivor egos over camping/tunneling/slugging/my Killer/my perks' gets really old, really fast.

  • eaebree
    eaebree Member Posts: 288

    Because i want 4k if you want to bleed and hide i'm fine with that