Solidarity & Resurgence - New Hemorrhage

With the new Changes to Hemorrhage these two perks (Solidarity- Jane Romero) & (Resurgence - Jill Valentine)

Will be Indirectly Nerfed.

Would anyone mind if these two perks resisted the effect of new hemorrhage?

health gained from these perks should be Kept.

Other buffs or QoL if would give these perks


  1. Now tells your teammate you have it so you can stop fighting on who gets to heal first.
  2. Now works with Med kits.


1.Tells your teammate you have it.

2Keeps this health until you are fully healed again ( I know this might sound a lil strong? but you can only use this twice. so more use out of it if the killer is tunneling.)


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    I agree, the partial progress from those perks shouldn’t be lost.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Honestly both of these perks could be buffed and I don't think anyone would be upset so long as they don't end up broken like Boil Over was.

    Resurgence could either flat-out give more healing progress (75% for example) or maybe instead of starting you out at 50% progress, you get healed over time up to 50% after coming off the hook, during which time, haemorrhage would not interfere with the Resurgence healing effect.

    Solidarity I'm not really sure how they could buff or alter so that it doesn't get screwed over by haemorrhage. It's always been a bit of a problem child perk because healing an injured survivor while you yourself are injured is just never a good idea unless you're both absolutely safe. Honestly if it were up to me I think it should have a 100% heal conversion rate to reward this risky play of healing an injured teammate while you're injured as well. If that's "too strong" then give it a lengthy cooldown or make it work a limited number of times per match idk. For Solidarity to ever be worthwhile though I think it needs 100% conversion

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    its one of my favorite perks so anything to help it would be fun. i usually run it with autodidact.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    I know they probably don't recognize indirect nerfs. but they need to start looking at them