More matches, less SWF dodging



  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited November 2018

    @purebalance said:
    SWF is about the complete opposite of "matchmaking" SWF is a feature that literally breaks the game. I think you have an unhealthy obsession with being illogical.

    Having 2+ survivors in your lobby quicker doesn't help match making? What the ######### are you talking about?

    Post edited by Mc_Harty on
  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    @Mc_Harty said:
    The only thing I got outta of this thread was @purebalance thinking that business should treat their customers as children with all these family comparisons.

    Weird then I guess you don't support the change right? That's what I'm getting out of this. Either you support the change and SWF should have never been made since they're treating killers like children with the change or you don't support the change and they shouldn't be treating either like children.

    The joining at once was a SIDE EFFECT of getting quicker lobbies. Its not a conspiracy to prevent killers that are afraid of swf from dodging.
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Carpemortum said:
    purebalance said:

    @Mc_Harty said:

    The only thing I got outta of this thread was @purebalance thinking that business should treat their customers as children with all these family comparisons.

    Weird then I guess you don't support the change right? That's what I'm getting out of this. Either you support the change and SWF should have never been made since they're treating killers like children with the change or you don't support the change and they shouldn't be treating either like children.

    The joining at once was a SIDE EFFECT of getting quicker lobbies. Its not a conspiracy to prevent killers that are afraid of swf from dodging.

    Except it isn't. They literally said you will see all 4 at once and said nothing about the lobby filling instantly due to what they did. All that says is the new plan is to hold all of the survivors in limbo until it's formed. You're making up nonsense now which makes sense since you can't seem to use logic.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited November 2018

    @Carpemortum said:
    purebalance said:

    @Mc_Harty said:

    The only thing I got outta of this thread was @purebalance thinking that business should treat their customers as children with all these family comparisons.

    Weird then I guess you don't support the change right? That's what I'm getting out of this. Either you support the change and SWF should have never been made since they're treating killers like children with the change or you don't support the change and they shouldn't be treating either like children.

    The joining at once was a SIDE EFFECT of getting quicker lobbies. Its not a conspiracy to prevent killers that are afraid of swf from dodging.

    Except it isn't. They literally said you will see all 4 at once and said nothing about the lobby filling instantly due to what they did. All that says is the new plan is to hold all of the survivors in limbo until it's formed. You're making up nonsense now which makes sense since you can't seem to use logic.

    No, they said you MAY see all join at once. Because of how it pools together people. Did you just not read what was posted and just get riled up over not dodging swf?

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    @Carpemortum said:
    Rebel_Raven said:

    If I can't detect and/or dodge SWFs, I'm going full survivor main, aside from rituals, until the majority of SWFs I run into get the hooks out of their asses, and stop trying for ultra efficient gen rushes, being toxic, and BM, and generally intent on making sure I don't have fun, and/or I get compensated for the difficulty spike. 
    I suspect I'm going full survivor main for a while since I have low expectations on them upsetting the survivors by doing anything concerning SWFs except make it easier for them to get matches. Killers can probably go screw themselves.

    I'll figure out how to detect SWFs again if needed. If survivors that aren't SWF get dodged, I'm not bothered.

    No, I don't have fun with the difficulty spike, them getting an easier game while they make mine harder, them getting free perks if not breaking the game, and so forth. 

    I didn't sign on to fight coordinated teams. The game isn't balanced for it. It's not worth the effort.

    The only person who controls your fun is you. Dont let it get to you. Take it as a challenge and get better.  Not every game has to be hard or easy to be fun. It's a game. If you want an easy game, try civilization? I hear Its great.

    Secondly, you didnt sign on for anything other than an asymmetrical horror pvp game. 1v4 whether doorknob survivors you can straight line chase or well coordinated swf, is asymmetrical.

    Also, saying that if non swf get dodged, you're not bothered, literally says you dont care if someones alone or swf, it sucks to be them, because you only want solo games? 

    Yeah, and I listed what I don't find fun.
    People casually getting together to curbstomp me isn't my idea of fun.
    It's akin to if the game had a survivor that was helping the killer out by telling them where the other survivors are, and actively sandbagging them so the killer wins. The game isn't balanced for that sort of thing, because this game isn't balanced for that level of communication at all, be it between survivors, or survivor and killer.

    And I signed up for an anti-social multiplayer game because of this excerpt from an interview:
    "It’s anti-social multiplayer where survivors have to collaborate and cooperate up to a certain point. The old saying is that you don’t need to be fast than the killer, you just need to be faster than your friends. Whereas the people playing as the killer, they just need to straight up murder everyone.
    Read more at "
    SWFs are very social, you see. Goes against what the spirit of the game is.
    So, yeah. I want to vs 4 strangers. If they win, they win. If they die they die. I don't care. I don't care if they're on par with Monto, Noob3, HybridPanda, or any other streamer so long as they're not communicating.

    People get what they give. I'm not seeing survivors, solo or otherwise generally doing much of anything to make sure the killer gets a fair shake, or fun, nor do they generally play that way. That said, I don't care much if solos get caught in the crossfire, and I'm prepared to suffer the same because I -only- solo.
    Gives me some satisfaction that the worst a killer gets from the lobby is me, and an Ed, Edd, and Eddy.

    If you've followed my posting habbits, I generally don't complain about much, but I'll stand up for killers, and survivors alike to an extent.

    You picked up the game because of an interview held during the halloween event? I call bull.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    @Carpemortum said:
    Rebel_Raven said:

    @Carpemortum said:

    Rebel_Raven said:

    If I can't detect and/or dodge SWFs, I'm going full survivor main, aside from rituals, until the majority of SWFs I run into get the hooks out of their asses, and stop trying for ultra efficient gen rushes, being toxic, and BM, and generally intent on making sure I don't have fun, and/or I get compensated for the difficulty spike. 

    I suspect I'm going full survivor main for a while since I have low expectations on them upsetting the survivors by doing anything concerning SWFs except make it easier for them to get matches. Killers can probably go screw themselves.

    I'll figure out how to detect SWFs again if needed. If survivors that aren't SWF get dodged, I'm not bothered.
    No, I don't have fun with the difficulty spike, them getting an easier game while they make mine harder, them getting free perks if not breaking the game, and so forth. 
    I didn't sign on to fight coordinated teams. The game isn't balanced for it. It's not worth the effort.
    The only person who controls your fun is you. Dont let it get to you. Take it as a challenge and get better.  Not every game has to be hard or easy to be fun. It's a game. If you want an easy game, try civilization? I hear Its great.
    Secondly, you didnt sign on for anything other than an asymmetrical horror pvp game. 1v4 whether doorknob survivors you can straight line chase or well coordinated swf, is asymmetrical.

    Also, saying that if non swf get dodged, you're not bothered, literally says you dont care if someones alone or swf, it sucks to be them, because you only want solo games? 

    Yeah, and I listed what I don't find fun.

    People casually getting together to curbstomp me isn't my idea of fun.

    It's akin to if the game had a survivor that was helping the killer out by telling them where the other survivors are, and actively sandbagging them so the killer wins. The game isn't balanced for that sort of thing, because this game isn't balanced for that level of communication at all, be it between survivors, or survivor and killer.

    And I signed up for an anti-social multiplayer game because of this excerpt from an interview:

    "It’s anti-social multiplayer where survivors have to collaborate and cooperate up to a certain point. The old saying is that you don’t need to be fast than the killer, you just need to be faster than your friends. Whereas the people playing as the killer, they just need to straight up murder everyone.

    Read more at "

    SWFs are very social, you see. Goes against what the spirit of the game is.

    So, yeah. I want to vs 4 strangers. If they win, they win. If they die they die. I don't care. I don't care if they're on par with Monto, Noob3, HybridPanda, or any other streamer so long as they're not communicating.

    People get what they give. I'm not seeing survivors, solo or otherwise generally doing much of anything to make sure the killer gets a fair shake, or fun, nor do they generally play that way. That said, I don't care much if solos get caught in the crossfire, and I'm prepared to suffer the same because I -only- solo.

    Gives me some satisfaction that the worst a killer gets from the lobby is me, and an Ed, Edd, and Eddy.

    If you've followed my posting habbits, I generally don't complain about much, but I'll stand up for killers, and survivors alike to an extent.

    You picked up the game because of an interview held during the halloween event? I call bull.

    I picked it up because it was free.
    I -hate- PVP with a burning passion so I didn't play it immediately because, obviously it's all PVP.
    Also I watched some early early play and it was way different, and didn't appeal so much.

    I researched more. I found the interview, and yes, that was what gave me momentum to play the game.
    Most PVP is heavily team based, and I hadn't played much in the way of asymmetrical games.
    Anti-social? Interesting!
    Hey, I'm not going to be expected to talk to anyone!
    I'm not going to be expected to be a part of a social team which will generally demand me go along with meta!
    They can't ######### tell me how to play because we can't communicate! I can play how I want! FREEDOM!!!
    Finally! Lets do it!

    I started the game, and played my first game as Huntress, and kinda fell in love.
    I read up on Min, and saw she was sort of a lone wolf objective do-er, and tried her. I liked survivor, too!
    And it was PVP. Blew my mind.
    The rest is history.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    @Carpemortum said:
    Rebel_Raven said:

    @Carpemortum said:

    Rebel_Raven said:

    If I can't detect and/or dodge SWFs, I'm going full survivor main, aside from rituals, until the majority of SWFs I run into get the hooks out of their asses, and stop trying for ultra efficient gen rushes, being toxic, and BM, and generally intent on making sure I don't have fun, and/or I get compensated for the difficulty spike. 

    I suspect I'm going full survivor main for a while since I have low expectations on them upsetting the survivors by doing anything concerning SWFs except make it easier for them to get matches. Killers can probably go screw themselves.

    I'll figure out how to detect SWFs again if needed. If survivors that aren't SWF get dodged, I'm not bothered.
    No, I don't have fun with the difficulty spike, them getting an easier game while they make mine harder, them getting free perks if not breaking the game, and so forth. 
    I didn't sign on to fight coordinated teams. The game isn't balanced for it. It's not worth the effort.
    The only person who controls your fun is you. Dont let it get to you. Take it as a challenge and get better.  Not every game has to be hard or easy to be fun. It's a game. If you want an easy game, try civilization? I hear Its great.
    Secondly, you didnt sign on for anything other than an asymmetrical horror pvp game. 1v4 whether doorknob survivors you can straight line chase or well coordinated swf, is asymmetrical.

    Also, saying that if non swf get dodged, you're not bothered, literally says you dont care if someones alone or swf, it sucks to be them, because you only want solo games? 

    Yeah, and I listed what I don't find fun.

    People casually getting together to curbstomp me isn't my idea of fun.

    It's akin to if the game had a survivor that was helping the killer out by telling them where the other survivors are, and actively sandbagging them so the killer wins. The game isn't balanced for that sort of thing, because this game isn't balanced for that level of communication at all, be it between survivors, or survivor and killer.

    And I signed up for an anti-social multiplayer game because of this excerpt from an interview:

    "It’s anti-social multiplayer where survivors have to collaborate and cooperate up to a certain point. The old saying is that you don’t need to be fast than the killer, you just need to be faster than your friends. Whereas the people playing as the killer, they just need to straight up murder everyone.

    Read more at "

    SWFs are very social, you see. Goes against what the spirit of the game is.

    So, yeah. I want to vs 4 strangers. If they win, they win. If they die they die. I don't care. I don't care if they're on par with Monto, Noob3, HybridPanda, or any other streamer so long as they're not communicating.

    People get what they give. I'm not seeing survivors, solo or otherwise generally doing much of anything to make sure the killer gets a fair shake, or fun, nor do they generally play that way. That said, I don't care much if solos get caught in the crossfire, and I'm prepared to suffer the same because I -only- solo.

    Gives me some satisfaction that the worst a killer gets from the lobby is me, and an Ed, Edd, and Eddy.

    If you've followed my posting habbits, I generally don't complain about much, but I'll stand up for killers, and survivors alike to an extent.

    You picked up the game because of an interview held during the halloween event? I call bull.

    I picked it up because it was free.
    I -hate- PVP with a burning passion so I didn't play it immediately because, obviously it's all PVP.
    Also I watched some early early play and it was way different, and didn't appeal so much.

    I researched more. I found the interview, and yes, that was what gave me momentum to play the game.
    Most PVP is heavily team based, and I hadn't played much in the way of asymmetrical games.
    Anti-social? Interesting!
    Hey, I'm not going to be expected to talk to anyone!
    I'm not going to be expected to be a part of a social team which will generally demand me go along with meta!
    They can't [BAD WORD] tell me how to play because we can't communicate! I can play how I want! FREEDOM!!!
    Finally! Lets do it!

    I started the game, and played my first game as Huntress, and kinda fell in love.
    I read up on Min, and saw she was sort of a lone wolf objective do-er, and tried her. I liked survivor, too!
    And it was PVP. Blew my mind.
    The rest is history.

    But they cant make you play any way. You can still play solo. Other people may play with friends but if you're a killer it doesnt matter, food is food. Yeah it may be harder, but is every game expected to be easy? That would defeat the purpose.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    @Carpemortum said:
    Rebel_Raven said:

    @Carpemortum said:

    Rebel_Raven said:

    @Carpemortum said:
    Rebel_Raven said:

    If I can't detect and/or dodge SWFs, I'm going full survivor main, aside from rituals, until the majority of SWFs I run into get the hooks out of their asses, and stop trying for ultra efficient gen rushes, being toxic, and BM, and generally intent on making sure I don't have fun, and/or I get compensated for the difficulty spike. 

    I suspect I'm going full survivor main for a while since I have low expectations on them upsetting the survivors by doing anything concerning SWFs except make it easier for them to get matches. Killers can probably go screw themselves.

    I'll figure out how to detect SWFs again if needed. If survivors that aren't SWF get dodged, I'm not bothered. No, I don't have fun with the difficulty spike, them getting an easier game while they make mine harder, them getting free perks if not breaking the game, and so forth.  I didn't sign on to fight coordinated teams. The game isn't balanced for it. It's not worth the effort. The only person who controls your fun is you. Dont let it get to you. Take it as a challenge and get better.  Not every game has to be hard or easy to be fun. It's a game. If you want an easy game, try civilization? I hear Its great. Secondly, you didnt sign on for anything other than an asymmetrical horror pvp game. 1v4 whether doorknob survivors you can straight line chase or well coordinated swf, is asymmetrical.

    Also, saying that if non swf get dodged, you're not bothered, literally says you dont care if someones alone or swf, it sucks to be them, because you only want solo games? 
    Yeah, and I listed what I don't find fun.
    People casually getting together to curbstomp me isn't my idea of fun.
    It's akin to if the game had a survivor that was helping the killer out by telling them where the other survivors are, and actively sandbagging them so the killer wins. The game isn't balanced for that sort of thing, because this game isn't balanced for that level of communication at all, be it between survivors, or survivor and killer.
    And I signed up for an anti-social multiplayer game because of this excerpt from an interview:
    "It’s anti-social multiplayer where survivors have to collaborate and cooperate up to a certain point. The old saying is that you don’t need to be fast than the killer, you just need to be faster than your friends. Whereas the people playing as the killer, they just need to straight up murder everyone.
    Read more at "
    SWFs are very social, you see. Goes against what the spirit of the game is.
    So, yeah. I want to vs 4 strangers. If they win, they win. If they die they die. I don't care. I don't care if they're on par with Monto, Noob3, HybridPanda, or any other streamer so long as they're not communicating.
    People get what they give. I'm not seeing survivors, solo or otherwise generally doing much of anything to make sure the killer gets a fair shake, or fun, nor do they generally play that way. That said, I don't care much if solos get caught in the crossfire, and I'm prepared to suffer the same because I -only- solo.
    Gives me some satisfaction that the worst a killer gets from the lobby is me, and an Ed, Edd, and Eddy.
    If you've followed my posting habbits, I generally don't complain about much, but I'll stand up for killers, and survivors alike to an extent.

    You picked up the game because of an interview held during the halloween event? I call bull.

    I picked it up because it was free.


    I -hate- PVP with a burning passion so I didn't play it immediately because, obviously it's all PVP.

    Also I watched some early early play and it was way different, and didn't appeal so much.

    I researched more. I found the interview, and yes, that was what gave me momentum to play the game.

    Most PVP is heavily team based, and I hadn't played much in the way of asymmetrical games.

    Anti-social? Interesting!

    Hey, I'm not going to be expected to talk to anyone!

    I'm not going to be expected to be a part of a social team which will generally demand me go along with meta!

    They can't [BAD WORD] tell me how to play because we can't communicate! I can play how I want! FREEDOM!!!

    Finally! Lets do it!

    I started the game, and played my first game as Huntress, and kinda fell in love.

    I read up on Min, and saw she was sort of a lone wolf objective do-er, and tried her. I liked survivor, too!

    And it was PVP. Blew my mind.

    The rest is history.

    But they cant make you play any way. You can still play solo. Other people may play with friends but if you're a killer it doesnt matter, food is food. Yeah it may be harder, but is every game expected to be easy? That would defeat the purpose.

    No, they can't make me play any way but they certainly can ######### at me until I do. I didn't realize there was so much secrecy in the game, so I figured if i popped up with perks they didn't like, and they could see it (People DC when they see people with no-mither, for instance) they could bother me to change perks.

    I only play solo, but in a lot of other PVP/Social games it doesn't mean people can't contact you.
    Also because this game is geared towards 4 strangers it means I'm not relying on them as heavily, nor are they on me.
    Survivors have enough power to basically run what ever they want, and can contribute, but still kinda need the rest. There's no ultra optimal loadout needed to survive.
    Hell, some of the first vids I seriously watched was Achievement Hunter and they regularly played perkless.

    There's a huge difference between the game being harder, and:
    Survivors knowing where you are at all times
    Body blocking the hell out of you as if they anticipated where you are (If I wanted to see the tops of your heads, I'll unzip my pants, you bastards!)
    Organizing multiperson flashlight saves (One treis to blind, another body blocks)
    Taking hits for each other expertly (injured people running to the gate with healthy people shielding them, all of them together)
    Expert level rescues (organized hook swarms with body blocking)
    Dying quick to scout perks.

    You know, stuff like that, and more that you basically never see 4 randoms do because they can't communicate well enough, or give enough of a damn about one another to work together that damn well.

    The way I see it, it's supposed to be like herding cats to get the other 3 people do do what you want, but you all generally work towards a common goal. Chaos. Doesn't consistently make the game harder as a killer, or survivor.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    The new matchmaking sounds awesome. They can't roll it out fast enough.

  • BeanieEnthusiast
    BeanieEnthusiast Member Posts: 213
    All I want is faster lobbies and no ######### EAC errors. 
  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708

    Uh, who the heck even did the SWF test by looking if they all joined all at once or not?!
    That thing did not work, it was not an indication of SWF at all(!!!).

    There were multiple times were many solo players joined all at once and SWF team joined with a delay between each others.

    The only proper way to check for SWF, beside obvious names, is to check their friends list on the steam profile, to see if they know each others (have them as friends).
    That process takes around 30 seconds.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    Wolf74 said:

    To all those that see it as a valid argument that the Devs said "SWF was intended from the beginning": this true, but it's also true that the Devs did NOT implemented it into the game from the beginning, because they KNEW it was unbalanced and they had no clue how to balance it.
    Than the (survivor) player FORCED it into the game, by reviewbombing the game and the Devs caved in.

    Talking about false narratives; this is one.
    You just focus on one side of the story.

    Actually, no, the devs stated they had intended to have it, but they didnt have time/resources to do that AND kyf on release, and decided having kyf at start would be a better option.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Wolf74 said:
    To all those that see it as a valid argument that the Devs said "SWF was intended from the beginning": this true, but it's also true that the Devs did NOT implemented it into the game from the beginning, because they KNEW it was unbalanced and they had no clue how to balance it.
    Than the (survivor) player FORCED it into the game, by reviewbombing the game and the Devs caved in.

    Talking about false narratives; this is one.
    You just focus on one side of the story.

    Again with the logical fallacies, they didn't implement it because they didn't have time not because they knew you wouldn't like it.

    Also the review bomb has been discredited way too often because other than the Freddy review bomb the survivors didn't review bomb just to force SWF.

    You can keep lying to yourself and posting total nonsense to the forums but it doesn't change the fact you're wrong yet again. They didn't implement it because they didn't have time to get it in before launch like so many other companies have issues with launch and patch releases.

    If we use your failed logic then the reason they didn't implement the shop was because they knew it'd have problems and they didn't know how to fix it.

    If we use your logic again, the reason they don't add cross platform play is because they know it'd be unbalanced and they don't know how to fix it. Although the real reason we know is Sony won't allow cross platform play but using your logic that's not the case.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    edited November 2018

    @Wolf74 said:
    To all those that see it as a valid argument that the Devs said "SWF was intended from the beginning": this true, but it's also true that the Devs did NOT implemented it into the game from the beginning, because they KNEW it was unbalanced and they had no clue how to balance it.
    Than the (survivor) player FORCED it into the game, by reviewbombing the game and the Devs caved in.

    Talking about false narratives; this is one.
    You just focus on one side of the story.

    They literally said they only had time for one feature: KYF and SWF and they opted for KYF first. And because DBD is marketed as a multiplayer co-op game, of course consumers will be irritated by not having the option to play with friends. It's not "review bombing", it's popular demand coupled with misleading advertising.

    Are you just trying to become a FAKE NEWS meme?

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708
    edited November 2018

    @Visionmaker said:

    @Wolf74 said:
    To all those that see it as a valid argument that the Devs said "SWF was intended from the beginning": this true, but it's also true that the Devs did NOT implemented it into the game from the beginning, because they KNEW it was unbalanced and they had no clue how to balance it.
    Than the (survivor) player FORCED it into the game, by reviewbombing the game and the Devs caved in.

    Talking about false narratives; this is one.
    You just focus on one side of the story.

    They literally said they only had time for one feature: KYF and SWF and they opted for KYF first. And because DBD is marketed as a multiplayer co-op game, of course consumers will be irritated by not having the option to play with friends. It's not "review bombing", it's popular demand coupled with misleading advertising.

    Are you just trying to become a FAKE NEWS meme?

    Co-op doesn't mean it must have a friend party system.
    You can coop with random people, who you don't know.
    Actually, that premise sold me on the game, being in with people you don't know and they don't know each other and have to survive together (or alone(!!!)) against one strong enemy...

    Sadly, SWF was added shortly after survivors started abusing the lobbies (and bugging them out) heavily soon after release, to find their friends. Shortly after SWF, in its broken state, was added.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Am I the only one who thinks that survivors will have "lobby problems" during Christmas?
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Wow, so many people clinging to their fake story.

    They actually said, they can only do one of the two, either SWF or KYF and they did KYF because it was easier.
    Because they could not figure out how to balance SWF.
    And they still can't.

    Are you really trying to tell me that SWF is balanced?
    You just trying to cover up that SWF is broken af!

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    This is actually a pretty important. I've never been one to dodge lobbies because of a SWF team. Nor do I run the most try hard add on's when a SWF pops into my lobby. But if I do have a SWF team that joins up I want to be able to put on a killer that has perks. So probably some kind of indication that they're a 4-man squad would be good.

    But, I'm super happy that the queues should be good again. I barely have played any killer games for the last month or so. Surviving is okay but I do like to switch it up.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Wolf74 said:
    Wow, so many people clinging to their fake story.

    They actually said, they can only do one of the two, either SWF or KYF and they did KYF because it was easier.
    Because they could not figure out how to balance SWF.
    And they still can't.

    Are you really trying to tell me that SWF is balanced?
    You just trying to cover up that SWF is broken af!

    Wow so many entitled whiny killer mains clinging to their lies it's sad, so let's post some facts to disprove you yet again.

    The game was officially launched on June 14. 2016 and the path that contained the SWF was launched on July 4, 2016

    That's 20 days in between the game launching and the patch releasing, 21 if you count the same day it was launched.

    Now if we take out weekends where the devs usually don't work, especially Sunday's that means there was only 13 days for the devs to have worked on the patch before it got released.

    So we're to somehow believe according to your failed logic that the devs managed to code that major change, get it tested, fix any bugs and ensure it was ready in 13 days.

    Yeah your claims are once again absolutely ludicrous and you know it but just can't let go of your hatred for SWF. But go already and keep claiming such utter nonsense since it just makes it that much more obvious you have nothing to back you up.

  • cetruzzo
    cetruzzo Member Posts: 323
    check friend list->dodge
    private profile->dodge
  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    @powerbats said:

    @Wolf74 said:
    Wow, so many people clinging to their fake story.

    They actually said, they can only do one of the two, either SWF or KYF and they did KYF because it was easier.
    Because they could not figure out how to balance SWF.
    And they still can't.

    Are you really trying to tell me that SWF is balanced?
    You just trying to cover up that SWF is broken af!

    Wow so many entitled whiny killer mains clinging to their lies it's sad, so let's post some facts to disprove you yet again.

    The game was officially launched on June 14. 2016 and the path that contained the SWF was launched on July 4, 2016

    That's 20 days in between the game launching and the patch releasing, 21 if you count the same day it was launched.

    Now if we take out weekends where the devs usually don't work, especially Sunday's that means there was only 13 days for the devs to have worked on the patch before it got released.

    So we're to somehow believe according to your failed logic that the devs managed to code that major change, get it tested, fix any bugs and ensure it was ready in 13 days.

    Yeah your claims are once again absolutely ludicrous and you know it but just can't let go of your hatred for SWF. But go already and keep claiming such utter nonsense since it just makes it that much more obvious you have nothing to back you up.

    Don't know if you actually played back when the game was launched. But there was a reason SWF was pushed out so fast after launch. When DBD first was released it had everyone leaving games over and over again until they found their friends in a game. It was ridiculous how long people would try to get in their friends lobby. Which of course just caused lobbies to constantly have people joining and leaving. I'm not arguing that SWF was never supposed to exist. I honestly have no idea if it was. But from my knowledge it seemed like they had decided SWF wasn't how they intended the game to be played. But.. Because everyone was getting tired of spending time playing lobby simulator... They decided to come out with SWF to keep everyone from just quitting the game.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    It doesnt matter why SWF was not in the game from release the only thing that is relevant is it has been confirmed as a feature they always intended to implement, the reasons why are just speculation on the playerbase part.

    In the end this change is designed to help with the longer queue times, so many posts regarding waiting 20 minutes plus for a game is the reason for the change nothing else.

    SWF is part of the game and everyone needs to accept that or not play it's a choice, dodging has never been acceptable for any reason other than ping, does anyone honestly think the devs were happy about all these dodgers? Is it actually any worse than someone who dc's when they dont like the match/killer/add-ons in the game?

    Yes SWF is the most unbalanced part of the game and hopefully with less dodgers they can get stats to show this via lots of killer lvls not just the best who will play v them anyway, finally they may see the whole problem and directly nerf SWF instead of changing the whole game around them.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited November 2018
    I knew this was coming. Maybe they got 2 birds with 1 stone or maybe it was intentional but I always knew they'd sneak in a SWF dodge one day. They don't want people doing it.

    I guess it's not that bad since before you could have swf somehow not all appear at once, or have randoms all appear at once so you could never be too sure but otherwise yeah there's literally no point to playing stealth killers anymore. Nothing beats using someone like pig or Myers to sneak up on someone only to have their mate on discord give them a heads up.  I'd lol if the new one is stealth too. Also Bloodwarden will continue to be the most useless perk in the game until they get off their ass and hide perks until the end.

    Just to let the devs know that I'll continue to disconnect if I get an SWF with object of obsession until you address that situation.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    I knew this was coming. Maybe they got 2 birds with 1 stone or maybe it was intentional but I always knew they'd sneak in a SWF dodge one day. They don't want people doing it.

    I guess it's not that bad since before you could have swf somehow not all appear at once, or have randoms all appear at once so you could never be too sure but otherwise yeah there's literally no point to playing stealth killers anymore. Nothing beats using someone like pig or Myers to sneak up on someone only to have their mate on discord give them a heads up.  I'd lol if the new one is stealth too. Also Bloodwarden will continue to be the most useless perk in the game until they get off their ass and hide perks until the end.

    Just to let the devs know that I'll continue to disconnect if I get an SWF with object of obsession until you address that situation.
    SWF survivors asked for punishment for killers which lobby dodge. Devs removed the lobby dodge. So I guess we'll get killers that dodge during the match then.

    Imagine if killers dodged as much as survivors do during the match.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Tsulan said:

    SWF survivors asked for punishment for killers which lobby dodge. Devs removed the lobby dodge. So I guess we'll get killers that dodge during the match then.

    Imagine if killers dodged as much as survivors do during the match.

    Well considering there's 4 survivors toe very killer per game more survivors will dodge aka dc during a match, that's just common sense. The thing of it is that if the survivor does it enough teh get a 2 week ban whereas the killer will on average dc less during a game most likely.

    Besides which we already know killers rage quit during loading screen when they see offering they don't like or right after map loads. don't like the offering dodge, don't like the map if you're doctor dodge etc.

    As a killer I've enver dodge da lobby for anything other than ping not even 4 toolboxes or flashlights or for any other reason. The old adage eat what's on your plate and be thankful still holds true and you won't get better if you dodge because you think it's swf.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited November 2018

    @twistedmonkey said:
    It doesnt matter why SWF was not in the game from release the only thing that is relevant is it has been confirmed as a feature they always intended to implement, the reasons why are just speculation on the playerbase part.

    In the end this change is designed to help with the longer queue times, so many posts regarding waiting 20 minutes plus for a game is the reason for the change nothing else.

    SWF is part of the game and everyone needs to accept that or not play it's a choice, dodging has never been acceptable for any reason other than ping, does anyone honestly think the devs were happy about all these dodgers? Is it actually any worse than someone who dc's when they dont like the match/killer/add-ons in the game?

    Yes SWF is the most unbalanced part of the game and hopefully with less dodgers they can get stats to show this via lots of killer lvls not just the best who will play v them anyway, finally they may see the whole problem and directly nerf SWF instead of changing the whole game around them.

    Well they did say they're want to buff solo q up to swf level information wise and then buff killers up to that level accordingly.

    They also want to hide perks until the game is over and one thing that'd be nice is spectating would be on a say 10 second time delay.

    Also as I stated before there's no way this got done in 13 days to add swf it just wouldn't happen that fast because it'd had been buggy asf on launch.

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637

    @Mc_Harty said:
    The only thing I got outta of this thread was @purebalance thinking that business should treat their customers as children with all these family comparisons.

    Weird then I guess you don't support the change right? That's what I'm getting out of this. Either you support the change and SWF should have never been made since they're treating killers like children with the change or you don't support the change and they shouldn't be treating either like children.

    Or people could just man the ######### up and play the game without dodging, I play both sides and the only time it’s acceptable is with bad ping I don’t blame either for dodging in that case , but killers want to act like children and dodge simply for prestige,cosmetics,or items without knowing its swf. Items are an intended feature in the game whether anyone likes it or not and I shouldn’t have to pretend to be a baby survivor with no blood or items just to get a match while some dude thinks he’s cherry picked a noob lobby and equipped everything under the sun against me.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:

    SWF survivors asked for punishment for killers which lobby dodge. Devs removed the lobby dodge. So I guess we'll get killers that dodge during the match then.

    Imagine if killers dodged as much as survivors do during the match.

    Well considering there's 4 survivors toe very killer per game more survivors will dodge aka dc during a match, that's just common sense. The thing of it is that if the survivor does it enough teh get a 2 week ban whereas the killer will on average dc less during a game most likely.

    Besides which we already know killers rage quit during loading screen when they see offering they don't like or right after map loads. don't like the offering dodge, don't like the map if you're doctor dodge etc.

    As a killer I've enver dodge da lobby for anything other than ping not even 4 toolboxes or flashlights or for any other reason. The old adage eat what's on your plate and be thankful still holds true and you won't get better if you dodge because you think it's swf.

    Everyone dodges if they see something on the offering screen they don't like. Secret killer offering? Must be a mori, better dodge!
    So no, it's not just the killers. 
  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433

                       * avada kedavra *                

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    @powerbats said:
    Well they did say they're want to buff solo q up to swf level information wise and then buff killers up to that level accordingly.

    They also want to hide perks until the game is over and one thing that'd be nice is spectating would be on a say 10 second time delay.

    Also as I stated before there's no way this got done in 13 days to add swf it just wouldn't happen that fast because it'd had been buggy asf on launch.

    To be fair they have been trying that and its not working, the gap between SWF and solo just stays intact or gets wider, each new aura or notification not only buffs solo but it gives SWF much more information to share.

    I am not a fan of any of the notification given or aura perk added after BBQ, I personally think it ruins the game and is akin to leading someone by the hand to an objective making it become more and more boring, I miss the days where we had to think if we were exposed, work out if they had lullaby or ruin, actually hunt and be aware of our surroundings using our knowledge of the game, now it is best be careful he has NOED, thats the totem destroyed, there they are, yes SWF know this already but to change the game in such a way makes it a bit mundane as your not actually thinking you are being told.

    I do not think any amount information they try and give can ever change how much SWF is stronger than a solo player, the devs do seem to underestimate just how much of an advantage them using comms and being able to coordinate before and during a match affects the outcome, solo players will never have the knowledge of what someone else is thinking and thats just one part of the problem.

    For it to even become close a solo player would need to know what totems have been done and where they are, what pallets have been used, where each survivor is and the killer at all times, where the gens are, what ones have been done and how far along they are, this is just within the game and I am sure there is many more, this just shows how broken SWF is and how much the game would change for the worst.

    Its why I think they need to look directly and SWF and nerf them, instead of them wasting time trying to fix parts of the game which arent broken, go to the source and fix what is.

    Yeah I do agree they had SWF planned for a long time, the infastructure had to be in place or it would have taken a lot longer as we know how slow they were at the start.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    Just here to remind you guys of this clip, especially the younger audience:

    Please take the time to watch the whole clip (2:27) and try to understand what he's saying. Try to find out why that statement and the (later) released SWF mechanic don't really fit well together.

    Thanks for taking your time and have a great day everyone!.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @twistedmonkey said:

    Its why I think they need to look directly and SWF and nerf them, instead of them wasting time trying to fix parts of the game which arent broken, go to the source and fix what is.

    Yeah I do agree they had SWF planned for a long time, the infastructure had to be in place or it would have taken a lot longer as we know how slow they were at the start.

    What they want to do is give bond as a base to solo since realistically that'd put them on par with SWF and as far as totems go they'd prob get a totem counter on bottom of screen. After that it's easier to buff killers to that level.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    edited November 2018

    @PiiFree said:
    Please take the time to watch the whole clip (2:27) and try to understand what he's saying. Try to find out why that statement and the (later) released SWF mechanic don't really fit well together.

    Thanks for taking your time and have a great day everyone!.

    SWF was brough into the game on 14th July 2016 and this interview was at Pax West in September between 2nd and 5th.

    All this video says is they seemed have underestimated how much comms would be used and how it would affect the game.

    @powerbats said:

    What they want to do is give bond as a base to solo since realistically that'd put them on par with SWF and as far as totems go they'd prob get a totem counter on bottom of screen. After that it's easier to buff killers to that level.

    That wont do anything as for one bond has a limited range and it only shows someone running not why, SWF can say "the killer is at the shack" "he is on me do gens" "I see him at the harvester", looking for someone to heal you again swf "I am at the shack" I am upstairs on the gen" so they run straight there, where as solo you need to move around and find someone, a totem counter also means nothing since again SWF can say how many are done but also the biggest factor is where the totems are, as you can see the information you state doesnt close the gap at all its just a false way to try and handle the bigger problem.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @twistedmonkey said:

    @PiiFree said:
    Please take the time to watch the whole clip (2:27) and try to understand what he's saying. Try to find out why that statement and the (later) released SWF mechanic don't really fit well together.

    Thanks for taking your time and have a great day everyone!.

    SWF was brough into the game on 14th July 2016 and this interview was at Pax West in September between 2nd and 5th.

    All this video says is they seemed have underestimated how much comms would be used and how it would affect the game.

    Is that so? My bad then but I think I shouldn't have refered to SWF but instead, should've used the term "voice communication".

    I don't mind SWF too much , voice communication is the thing that hurts the balance. And considering that 99% of the SWFs use voice communication software, it goes hand in hand.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    @PiiFree said:
    Is that so? My bad then but I think I shouldn't have refered to SWF but instead, should've used the term "voice communication".

    I don't mind SWF too much , voice communication is the thing that hurts the balance. And considering that 99% of the SWFs use voice communication software, it goes hand in hand.

    I 100% agree it is voice comms that break the game not the actual mode itself, how to combat it is the bigger problem without removing what the original concept as stated in the video, the not knowing factor for those that do play as it was intended.

    Each recent change to try and balance the game around comms does remove the not knowing factor with more and more aura perks and notifications we dont have to think anymore, we get shown the way which imo is making the game become stagnant.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @twistedmonkey said:

    @PiiFree said:
    Is that so? My bad then but I think I shouldn't have refered to SWF but instead, should've used the term "voice communication".

    I don't mind SWF too much , voice communication is the thing that hurts the balance. And considering that 99% of the SWFs use voice communication software, it goes hand in hand.

    I 100% agree it is voice comms that break the game not the actual mode itself, how to combat it is the bigger problem without removing what the original concept as stated in the video, the not knowing factor for those that do play as it was intended.

    Each recent change to try and balance the game around comms does remove the not knowing factor with more and more aura perks and notifications we dont have to think anymore, we get shown the way which imo is making the game become stagnant.

    Yea so in the end everyone in this community that regularly plays SWF with voice communication is resposible for the current state of the game. Not the Killers, not the Solos - only the SWFs that used VOIP to gain advantages without ever thinking about the imbalance is causes.

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    Vietfox said:

    @Vietfox said:
    purebalance said:

    @Visionmaker said:

     @Master said:
       @DwightsLifeMatters said:
      Lol funny, the killer main community was asking since years  to give them an indication that they face swf groups to equip themselves better for it (others just simply dodge).
      However, the last indication they had is gone.
      Whatever, I think as a solo I can benefit from that in the long run. I got dodged a lot of times just for the reason that I joined the looby simultaneously with other randoms.
      The question is whether it is desireable to give no indication for SWF at all.

    As long as DCing isnt punished properly, killers last resort is a DC vs SWF

    Well, you can answer it yourself. What does the matchmaking change aim to achieve: equalized queue times or killers' desire to exclusively play versus 4 solos?

    Given that it removes the killer's ability to abuse lobby dodging to avoid SWF (but still not any other reason like dodging lobbies with survivors using too many items, having too many hours, having troll-y names, streamers, wearing paid cosmetics, using certain characters, etc.), I think it is fair to address last second switching next.

    So when survivors lobby dodged to ENSURE they got with their friends SWF was created. When killers dodge to avoid them they stop it.

    Wrong. Devs said already that SWF was always an intended feature.

    Doesn't matter if it was or wasn't. When they were dodging to ensure it, they should have canceled the idea. So sorry, but you're the wrong one. Their reasoning of not removing now even though they admit it breaks the game is people will dodge until they get their friends.

    My point is 100% accurate and stands.

    You suggested that swf was created because of survivors lobbydodging, and that's wrong no matter how you see it. How can i be wrong about something that devs have confirmed already??
    You might like or not, but you can't say i'm wrong lol.
    They confirmed it and it was probably intented when it was more balenced but due to excessive dodging to play with friends and the dreaded survivor rb attacks they relased a broken mechanic early 
  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @eighttailedfox said:
    Great. So now we'll never know if we're facing a SWF team.

    There better be some SWF nerfs to compensate.

    Of course it won't. The developers wouldn't want to ruin the fun for their favorites.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    @powerbats said:
    Well they did say they're want to buff solo q up to swf level information wise and then buff killers up to that level accordingly.

    They also want to hide perks until the game is over and one thing that'd be nice is spectating would be on a say 10 second time delay.

    Also as I stated before there's no way this got done in 13 days to add swf it just wouldn't happen that fast because it'd had been buggy asf on launch.

    To be fair they have been trying that and its not working, the gap between SWF and solo just stays intact or gets wider, each new aura or notification not only buffs solo but it gives SWF much more information to share.

    I am not a fan of any of the notification given or aura perk added after BBQ, I personally think it ruins the game and is akin to leading someone by the hand to an objective making it become more and more boring, I miss the days where we had to think if we were exposed, work out if they had lullaby or ruin, actually hunt and be aware of our surroundings using our knowledge of the game, now it is best be careful he has NOED, thats the totem destroyed, there they are, yes SWF know this already but to change the game in such a way makes it a bit mundane as your not actually thinking you are being told.

    I do not think any amount information they try and give can ever change how much SWF is stronger than a solo player, the devs do seem to underestimate just how much of an advantage them using comms and being able to coordinate before and during a match affects the outcome, solo players will never have the knowledge of what someone else is thinking and thats just one part of the problem.

    For it to even become close a solo player would need to know what totems have been done and where they are, what pallets have been used, where each survivor is and the killer at all times, where the gens are, what ones have been done and how far along they are, this is just within the game and I am sure there is many more, this just shows how broken SWF is and how much the game would change for the worst.

    Its why I think they need to look directly and SWF and nerf them, instead of them wasting time trying to fix parts of the game which arent broken, go to the source and fix what is.

    Yeah I do agree they had SWF planned for a long time, the infastructure had to be in place or it would have taken a lot longer as we know how slow they were at the start.

    And obviously the problem is that with every new aura perk, Bind, kindred, alert, empathy etc a solo survivor needs to sacrifice a perk slot for it.

    SWF don't need any of those so they get to bring all their meta perks, Fecisive, borrowed, adrenaline, Self-care, unbreakable, sprint burst, dead hard etc

    So they have the same info as solo survivors but now you've got 4 people all with extremely strong perks.

    The simple solution is to lock perk slots when people queue up as SWF.

    4 solo survivors = 4 perk slots each
    2 man SWF = 4 perk slots (I don't think this unbalances the game too much, there's still a lack of communication)
    3 man swf = 3 perk slots each
    4 man swf = 2 perk slots each

    Or if people think thats a bit much, just limit 4 man swf to 3 perk slots each

    3 and 4 man swf is where it gets a bit much. I don't think its too much to ask them to sacrfice a perk slot or two in return for the advantages and free perks that comms gives them.
  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558
    I honestly don't care or SWF was intended or not. It's been in the game for most of it's entirety and it's a current and very popular feature in the game. It's not going anywhere.

    I'm one of the many players that abandoned F13 and migrated here. If SWF wasn't a feature, I wouldn't have bought this game. I main survivor because I like playing with friends. I do some solo survivor and killer matches. It's way more fun for me to play with my friends that include my wife, some real life friends, and online friends from F13.

    My point is that this game wouldn't have near this level of popularity if SWF was not in the game. The developers are not idiots.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    "SWF won't go anywhere" Oh, I love these "arguments".
    We have a broken mechanic that the majority enjoys to play, because it gives them an unfair ingame advantage, lets keep it.
    And most important, tell everyone it is written in stone and can never be changed.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @malloymk said:
    I honestly don't care or SWF was intended or not. It's been in the game for most of it's entirety and it's a current and very popular feature in the game. It's not going anywhere.

    I'm one of the many players that abandoned F13 and migrated here. If SWF wasn't a feature, I wouldn't have bought this game. I main survivor because I like playing with friends. I do some solo survivor and killer matches. It's way more fun for me to play with my friends that include my wife, some real life friends, and online friends from F13.

    My point is that this game wouldn't have near this level of popularity if SWF was not in the game. The developers are not idiots.

    You realize that you can play KYF with friends aswell?

    This whole "only SWF is fun, not KYF" leads me to the conclusion that in reality it's not about "having fun with friends". It's more about "making fun about the Killer - with friends".

    If the majority of SWF simply cared about "having fun with friends" as they claim, there would be absolutely nothing that hinders them from using KYF. They don't care about bloodpoints, don't care about ranks, don't care about win/lose - they just want to have fun so what better opportunity can there be besides KYF?

    I tell you what; The Killer is a friend and that's the main reason why no one touches KYF. That friend has to play Killer against you, which is gonna be annoying AF. They realize how unfun it is to play against you, start to fight about "whos turn is it now as Killer?!". I've been there. We all have been there. Survivor feels boring aswell because you're not allowed to excessively loop, flashlight blind, use DS ect. as that would trigger your friend. As Killer, you're not allowed to bring certain perks or add-ons as it would ruin the survivor-friends fun.

    Soooo, where is the fun? There is no fun...
    What's the solution? Let's go SWF and troll random killers!

    ....and then act all surprised and upset when you find out that this random Killer is tryharding against your SWF with voice communication that just "wants to have fun with friends".

    This might not apply to you and many other SWFs but if you'd play some more Killer, you'd realize that MANY SWFs play SWF exactly for this reason.

  • iJester82
    iJester82 Member Posts: 4

    @cetruzzo said:
    check friend list->dodge
    private profile->dodge

    Yep. That's gonna be the way to do it now. Easy enough to check profiles and friends list. But if they have a private profile its safer to just dodge.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558
    PiiFree said:

    @malloymk said:
    I honestly don't care or SWF was intended or not. It's been in the game for most of it's entirety and it's a current and very popular feature in the game. It's not going anywhere.

    I'm one of the many players that abandoned F13 and migrated here. If SWF wasn't a feature, I wouldn't have bought this game. I main survivor because I like playing with friends. I do some solo survivor and killer matches. It's way more fun for me to play with my friends that include my wife, some real life friends, and online friends from F13.

    My point is that this game wouldn't have near this level of popularity if SWF was not in the game. The developers are not idiots.

    You realize that you can play KYF with friends aswell?

    This whole "only SWF is fun, not KYF" leads me to the conclusion that in reality it's not about "having fun with friends". It's more about "making fun about the Killer - with friends".

    If the majority of SWF simply cared about "having fun with friends" as they claim, there would be absolutely nothing that hinders them from using KYF. They don't care about bloodpoints, don't care about ranks, don't care about win/lose - they just want to have fun so what better opportunity can there be besides KYF?

    I tell you what; The Killer is a friend and that's the main reason why no one touches KYF. That friend has to play Killer against you, which is gonna be annoying AF. They realize how unfun it is to play against you, start to fight about "whos turn is it now as Killer?!". I've been there. We all have been there. Survivor feels boring aswell because you're not allowed to excessively loop, flashlight blind, use DS ect. as that would trigger your friend. As Killer, you're not allowed to bring certain perks or add-ons as it would ruin the survivor-friends fun.

    Soooo, where is the fun? There is no fun...
    What's the solution? Let's go SWF and troll random killers!

    ....and then act all surprised and upset when you find out that this random Killer is tryharding against your SWF with voice communication that just "wants to have fun with friends".

    This might not apply to you and many other SWFs but if you'd play some more Killer, you'd realize that MANY SWFs play SWF exactly for this reason.

    I would play kyf if it gave bloodpoints. 

    Also, I play enough killer to R1, I just don't have thin skin. When playing against a good SWF that plays toxic, it can be annoying, but not so much that I feel helpless. Some games you get rolled, other games you 4k without any gens getting completed. It's a videogame. If you need conditions to be completely in your favor to have a good time, then that says more about you than it does the game.
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @redsopine01 said:
    Vietfox said:

    purebalance said:

    @Vietfox said:

    purebalance said:

    @Visionmaker said:

    @Master said: @DwightsLifeMatters said: Lol funny, the killer main community was asking since years  to give them an indication that they face swf groups to equip themselves better for it (others just simply dodge). However, the last indication they had is gone. Whatever, I think as a solo I can benefit from that in the long run. I got dodged a lot of times just for the reason that I joined the looby simultaneously with other randoms. The question is whether it is desireable to give no indication for SWF at all.

    As long as DCing isnt punished properly, killers last resort is a DC vs SWF

    Well, you can answer it yourself. What does the matchmaking change aim to achieve: equalized queue times or killers' desire to exclusively play versus 4 solos?

    Given that it removes the killer's ability to abuse lobby dodging to avoid SWF (but still not any other reason like dodging lobbies with survivors using too many items, having too many hours, having troll-y names, streamers, wearing paid cosmetics, using certain characters, etc.), I think it is fair to address last second switching next.
    So when survivors lobby dodged to ENSURE they got with their friends SWF was created.  When killers dodge to avoid them they stop it.

    Wrong. Devs said already that SWF was always an intended feature.

    Doesn't matter if it was or wasn't. When they were dodging to ensure it, they should have canceled the idea. So sorry, but you're the wrong one. Their reasoning of not removing now even though they admit it breaks the game is people will dodge until they get their friends.

    My point is 100% accurate and stands.

    You suggested that swf was created because of survivors lobbydodging, and that's wrong no matter how you see it. How can i be wrong about something that devs have confirmed already??
    You might like or not, but you can't say i'm wrong lol.

    They confirmed it and it was probably intented when it was more balenced but due to excessive dodging to play with friends and the dreaded survivor rb attacks they relased a broken mechanic early 

    The point still stands.... they knew people were acting ######### or what they deem to be ######### that they're trying to block killers from doing now and instead of stopping the advent of SWF that they intended, they rewarded the bad behavior. So now they flipped and want to stop killers from doing the same thing that they rewarded survivors for doing.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @malloymk said:
    I would play kyf if it gave bloodpoints. 

    Also, I play enough killer to R1, I just don't have thin skin. When playing against a good SWF that plays toxic, it can be annoying, but not so much that I feel helpless. Some games you get rolled, other games you 4k without any gens getting completed. It's a videogame. If you need conditions to be completely in your favor to have a good time, then that says more about you than it does the game.

    Listen, in KYF you have EVERYTHING unlocked so you don't need Bloodpoints at all. This whole argument "KYF gives no bloodpoints" is absolutely moronic, what you need bloodpoints for when you got everything unlocked?

    The reason why no one plays KYF was very precisely stated by me and the fact that no one can argue against it just proves it even more.

    KYF = Not fun because the Killer is ALWAYS a friend, which means you can't troll them without being annoying to a friend.

    Applies to 99,99% of the "just wanna have fun with friends"-type of players. They wanna "make fun of the Killer with friends" which is a bit risky in KYF.