Is it true that the game is balanced for 2k/2e?

So I am confused. Is this the truth?
I often see people saying this but at the same time I see people often say the killer failed when all gens get done. Often when they talk about neod or anything late game related.
How can it be a fail if the game is balanced like that? Since the hatch rework 2 escapes can only happen if the gens get done.
BTW yesterday a dev said its a draw when the killer gets only two kills wich means the whole balance for 2k/2e would be weird
The game is balanced around an average 50% kill rate, which is not good
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Its balanced around a draw so that the killer only wins if they outplay the survivors, resulting in 3k/1e or 4k/0e, and if they are equally skilled it will usually be a 2k/2e game, and if you are worse than the survivors its 1k/3e or 0k/4e...I will say though this is a perfect situation for these to happen though
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yes, the game is balanced to be a draw for killers.
The only way a killer can "win" or progress via pips is 3k or better, its basically all or nothing.... devs have stated officially that 2k is not a win its a draw and that's what the game is balanced for.
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Yes, the devs have said the intended balance point is around 2 kills per game on average, presumably with the median results being in the 1-3 kill range. Basically they want most games when both sides play equally well to not be everyone lives or everyone dies, they want it in the middle somewhere.
And yes, that does imply the gates are supposed to be open at the end of most matches. Anybody who says the gens should only be done “half the time” or say a killer failed “when the gens are done” doesn’t understand that the game isn’t set up that way.
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Irony is with the old emblem system 2 kills would net you a pip, now its pretty much -1 LOL
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Okey so the argument is trash good to know.
The dev said the game sees it as four individual 1v1s wich I think is stupid since the killer has to go up and beyond the balancing to "win" while a survivor can throw over the team and run out as soon as the gates are open and it's a win for them. I think team work should be a bit more concern
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Depends on your rank, up to about Gold 2 kills would be a pip but Gold and Red you need 3 kills typically to get a pip and you might even lose a pip at 2 kills if you’re red if it was a really short match and you didn’t do much.
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Just FYI the devs did mention in the matchmaking update blog this week that they are looking to eventually tweak the MMR so that the survivors are treated as a group for the MMR instead of individuals. So their philosophy of “semi-cooperativeness” might be evolving.
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I really don't know the pip system to well. Do you get a pip if you do a 4k no matter how short the game is or can you technically screw yourself by being to good
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Each kill, you gain so many points, I'm going to say 100 because it's easy. Each escape you lose -100 points. Each hatch escape and each disconnect you don't receive points. A win is any match that gives you points and a loss is any match where you lose points.
- 2k/2e = 200 - 200 points = 0 points (A Draw)
- 2k/1e/1hatch = 200 - 100 + 0 = 100 points (A win)
- 1k/3 Disconnects = 100 + 0 = 100 points (A win)
- 3 Disconnects/1e = 0 - 100 = -100 points (A loss)
Does that explain it for you.
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The pip system is kind of convoluted but I think you almost always would get at least 1 pip on a 4k unless possibly it was a super short match where you did literally nothing but slug a bunch of survivors with no chases and they all bled out. 3k though isn’t always a guaranteed pip at high grade.
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I never get 2k's. Its either smash or be smashed for me.
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balanced isn't the right word
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Think of it more like this.
Ideally, you get paired with/against people that the killer has a 50% chance of killing - averaging out at 2k a game. Not 2k every game (this is rare due to the snowbally nature of DbD).
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Yeah that makes sense. I mostly asked because of the the killer fails if gens Gen done thing
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Spend the entire course of the game chasing and tunneling one survivor for the first kill because if you don't, they all heal up to full in seconds.
All the gens get done because you can't pressure gens and get through all the second chance perks and pallets that make chases take forever.
Down one survivor in the end game with NOED and just camp the hook until the other two just leave (or one of them takes their friend's place).
Perfect balance! Amazing gameplay! Can't wait to buy ALL the cosmetics!