5.7.0 Changes Discussion, More Legion Buffs, No More Power Drain On M1 / Releasing on... Wednesday?

As the release of the 5.7.0 update approaches, we want to share some changes we’ve made between the Public Test Build (PTB) and the full release thanks to your feedback. We gave you a lot to read on the matchmaking tests earlier this week , so we’ll keep this one short.
In 5.7.0, we gave the stalk and reveal mechanics a technical overhaul to make them work more consistently. This fixes a number of bugs, making both stalking and revealing more consistent. In the PTB, there were a few issues with the new system that could make them feel different (such as max range). These were not intended and have been adjusted to match what they were before.
During the PTB, a Survivor’s recovery progress would decrease whenever they weren’t holding the recovery button. This caused some weirdness where players had to hold the button the entire time they were downed, and also makes it very punishing on dying Survivors. Since recovery is treated different from healing (and doesn’t interact with perks that affect healing, like A Nurse’s Calling), we’ve decided to keep things consistent and remove regression from recovery.
We’ve updated Sloppy Butcher’s description to note the increased bleeding frequency. This mechanic hasn’t gone anywhere, and was even present in the PTB, but it was mistakenly removed from the description.
Upon further review, we decided to remove the power drain on basic attack from The Legion’s base kit. Ultimately this mechanic felt a little unnecessary to a lot of people, and we agree, so we felt that it was better to remove it entirely.
We’ve received a lot of great feedback for add-ons from the PTB, and we’ve spotted a few we’d like to change before the update goes live. They are:
- Frank’s Mix Tape – We’ve combined the PTB effects of Julie’s Mix Tape with this add-on. Frank’s Mix Tape will now pause the Feral Frenzy meter when breaking walls or generators, as well as increasing the speed.
- Julie’s Mix Tape – This add-on was inconsistent since not all maps had breakable walls, so the effect was merged into Frank’s Mix Tape. To replace it, we’ve created a new effect: If The Legion is stunned during Feral Frenzy, their power gauge is refilled.
- Stolen Sketchbook – Since the power drain was removed from The Legion’s base kit, this add-on needed a new effect: During Feral Frenzy, from the second chained hit onwards, hit Survivors will drop their items.
- Stab Wounds Study – This one was missed in our first pass. This add-on isn’t too useful as is, and buffing the numbers would lead to some very unsavory gameplay, so we came up with a new effect: The aura of Survivors who self-mend a Deep Wound from Feral Frenzy are shown for 4 seconds.
- BFFs – The required tokens were a little steep compared to the reward in the PTB, so we’ve lowered it to 15. This will make activating it more consistent.
- Etched Ruler – We’ve changed the conditions on this one to make it easier to catch a mending Survivor off-guard: Hit Survivors during Feral Frenzy are now inflicted with Oblivious for 60 seconds.
All of the changes mentioned above will be ready for the 5.7.0 update, releasing next Wednesday. As a reminder, this update will include a restructuring of the game files. This will improve future update speeds but will require an almost full redownload this one time. Be sure to let us know what you think about these changes, we’ll be watching!
The Dead by Daylight team
I'm wondering if the release on Wednesday is a typo as from my memory, all major updates have been on Tuesdays, with the rift opening on the Wednesday.
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Thank hell they removed it draining slug bars was such a unnecessary buff to slugging
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Definitely an improvement.
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I like these buffs though I still maintain that the Legion shouldn't be able to get stunned for like 0.25 or 0.5 seconds after a successful frenzy hit.
Think camping pallets is still too strong vs Legion. I'll happily be wrong but I'll have to wait and test it out.
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These are all good changes, and I'm very pleased to see the Legion tweaks too, that's a lot of what I personally wanted after playing on the PTB.
Cannot wait for this to drop, I'm gonna play so much more...
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sad hemorrhage went more safe. At least killer changes are generally mostly positive for once.
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Wait... Is this real?
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Yes, it is.
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"Sad slugging wasn't buffed" just say what you mean bro
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There’s nothing wrong with slugging.
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Thank god recovery regression got removed. That was absolutely stupid
Usually they are on Tuesdays, but Wednesday updates have happened before.
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Why are you responding to something I didn't say?
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Does not mean that the recovery regression was a good idea in the first place.
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I was responding to your implication there is something wrong with slugging. Hard to read what you said without that being the implication.
"Sad slugging wasn't buffed" just say what you mean bro
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I didn’t say it was. The change sounds fine to me.
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So if I don't think slugging should be hugely buffed that means I think there's "something wrong" with slugging?
Edit: you're just creating an argument out of thin air tbh
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No, but you mocking someone for liking slugging implies you think there’s something wrong with it. Just say what you mean, bro.
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.... I'm "mocking" someone for wanting slugging to be buffed. I'm done responding to you, you clearly cannot read.
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Lol sure
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Us Legion mains are crying tears of joy right now.
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I'm very happy with these changes, alot of updates recently has made niche perks into good choices (even if some aren't buffed to the point of meta, which I think is a good thing tbh.) Not to mention killers have been given alot of love recently, I can't believe I'm saying this but... I'm really happy with where the game's going. Sure it still has it's flaws but, it's so, so much better than 2018, even 2020. I hope the next midchapters are as full of content as this one and 5.3.0 was!
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Julie’s Mix Tape, this add-on gonna be my fav lol. All Legion changes are so good and they will be more viable.
But Ghosty? I think he is still terrible.
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Is there any chance we can get clarification from @Peanits or @MandyTalk that the patch is indeed Wednesday, as most are used to Tuesday it would be nice to know for certain, thanks!
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These changes still didn’t address Legion’s biggest theme problem…. that you can’t have a killer whose theme is “running around slashing multiple people” when it’s difficult to hit two survivors in a feral frenzy, if you find them both in the same generator and they run in opposite directions.
At some point, we need to evaluate whether or not this killer is really supposed to be racking up lots of hits in a feral frenzy (which requires it to be much faster than it currently is on the PTB), or if we really want survivors to have major counterplay to feral frenzy so that it feels “more fair “ for the survivors.
We can’t have both. I would still be likely to often hit only one person in feral frenzy, then run ahead of them to cancel the power. I’ve seen too many streamers try to hit a 2nd survivor when the survivors hard split directions, and it’s often a waste of time. The minor speed increase per survivor hit doesn’t help when the survivors hard split directions.
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Can confirm that it's planned for Wednesday yes.
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Also happy. Only concern I have left is the ease of breaking GF out of stalk. There were busted scenarios where he wouldn’t be broken out due to the mechanics. But I’m hoping it’s not too too easy now. Especially with all the increased emphasis on marking survivors.
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I'm so happy they removed the regression on recovering survivors. Slugging doesn't need any buffs.
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Thank God Legion's M1 drain was removed.
Frank's is still bad. Julie's might actually be good. Stolen sketchbook is bad. Stab Wound Study is good. BFF's is still weird but I like the design. Etched Ruler is...eh.
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Julie’s Mixtape + Iri Button + Enduring.
Enough said.
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I have to agree. Putting it on something like recovery is just....annoying. xD
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I don't play Legion much. Does Franklin's Demise work on the M1 while in Feral Frenzy?? o.O
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I see. I guess the Sketchbook kind of throws that in then.
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Does Legion whiffing still take him out of Feral Frenzy? That's always been the thing that made them unplayable for me and a lot of others on console.
I'm glad hemorrhage doesn't affect recovery, though. That would've sucked.
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I was originally in favor of keeping the hemmorhage-on-ground interaction but them calling attention to survivors having to hold recovery even when full & sitting still seems like it's reason enough to remove it. Strategic layer aside, that just seems like a huge hassle lmao
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It used to but not anymore.
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So i have a question i have dbd on ps4 on disc am i gonna have to uninstall and re install the game after the update comes up?
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as a legion main ...finally!!!...i can spam basic attacks w/out being worried about my power gauge...thanks BHVR.
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I would say this is a problem with the game being on platforms which can be so different.
Because on PC, it was really annoying to verse a Legion who failed to hit you 5 times, just to have the 6th hit landing without any penalty at all. It is probably impossible to find a middle ground for that.
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As much as I like legion, playing on consoles made chaining together frenzy hits really frustrating. It's so much easier to miss a hit on a controller than it is a mouse.
I would really love to see the change made, but I don't think it has.
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Legion went from having no missed-hit cooldown in a Frenzy to being taken out of Frenzy altogether from a missed hit. I don't know why BHVR went immediately from one extreme to the other instead of just having him suffer from a missed-hit cooldown like normal. Since Feral Frenzy has a limited timespan, a cooldown would be plenty punishing.
Yeah, exactly. I whiff once, then I spend the rest of the match trying to make sure I line up the hit perfectly, wasting a lot of time during Frenzy doing so, and it's still possible to whiff because no matter how much time you spend positioning yourself just right the survivor can damn well dodge the poor controller sensitivity. Moving fast is nice and all but the low fps means the killer doesn't get enough information to properly react to a survivor's movements. That's not even taking into account getting screwed by aim dressing; boy oh boy, those trees must've really done me harm in a previous life for how much revenge I get on them now.
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Oh this is fantastic. This basically fixed all my misgivings with Legion's current PTB state. The only thing left is that I personally think that the break speed effects should be yellow and the power refresh on stun should be purple (aka flip them). But... that's a minor quibble at most.
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I still don't understand the point of bff. What's the point of increased movement speed at endgame? Noed does the same thing except it also has exposed.
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I think its a sign. Allow me to explain. BHVR created the BFF addon with the name "BFF". This "BFF" addon has a very similar effect to the much hated NOED. Hmmmmm...BHVR....NOED...BFF... BHVR loves NOED and they think of it as any Killers BFF. NOED base kit confirmed.
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People would run hope if 4% is enough to make a difference. So from what I'm understanding, it's another gimmicky addon?
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while I do agree that it is more significant on kille, it's still not much at all. I'm not saying they should buff the movement speed because movement speed is a very hard to balance thing but they should change its effect to be more of an actual factor considering that it's a purple addon and with its current effect it doesn't do much compared to a brown or yellow.
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People can finally stop calling Legion the worst Killer and focus on buffing the actual worst Killer, Trapper
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Sad to see Ghosty didn't get more love. He's still looking pretty bad. The tweak to detection was actually a pretty rough nerf to him even though it was put out as more of QoL change. I was hoping he'd see improvement in some other ways to compensate.
Happy to see the Legion buffs and glad they listened, that's a change of pace. However he'll still be weak over all.