This is really depressing

Seeing so many threads where people are asking if someone's hacking. Hell people usually assume someone's hacking when they see a perk they've never encountered before. Not gonna lie, I tend to do that too. But is that really surprising?
The amount of hackers in this game is insane, this anticheat is a joke. Even today I met 2 blatant hackers in 4 killer games. Nevermind the balance issues, when the hell are we gonna the get the basic feature of actually having an anticheat?
Rofl. Back when Huntress was new, I randomly found someone in a locker when I went to rearm.
Dude SCREAMED that I was hacking. That I had no way of knowing he was there. Why did not pick the other locker to rearm? CLEARLY I knew he was there.
It was like, Dude; I had a 50/50 chance of finding you because there were 2 lockers that HAPPENED to be near me when I needed to reload. Chill. š
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Its amazing at the amount of people who dont know what agitation and mad grit exist.
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Let alone track marks or basic game sense. (e.g. The obvious locker complained by a "You've opened the locker I was in" .... which is doubly funny when you play Huntress or Trickster)
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As funny as that is you're all aware this isn't the point of this thread.
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"when the hell are we gonna the get the basic feature of actually having an anticheat?"
There will always be Cheaters on Onlinegames. You can have the best Anticheat and you will still have players who bypass it.
You said you found 2 blatant Hackers in 4 games - what exactly happened? Do you have video footage? Because from my experience as well, most of the time people call other players Cheaters just because something happened which they either did not understand, did not know or where they got unlucky.
e.g. I got called a Hacker a few weeks ago, because someone thought I had a Level 0-Steam Account, no games, no friends on my friend list, but still a full Perk Build in DBD. My profile is just private, yet this person thought I was hacking.
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No, but the main point of this thread is a rant and false. There is an anti-cheat in the game. They regularly ban cheaters. They've just banned a bunch of cheaters in one fell swoop a few days ago.
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I found a Meg twice while reloading in Mother dwelling in a match...Now that a hacking.
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There are cheaters in every online game, I won't argue that. But usually you meet them rarely. Especially in high elo. Just look at your favorite DbD streamer and see how many cheaters they encounter. Do you see that in any other online game?
As for what happened to me:
First off it was a Claudette who instantly healed in chase. She was right in front of me, didn't even stop and boom healthy. She had a flashlight, no syringe or scyptic agent.
Second was an Ace, I was about to down him at the exit gate. When I hit him he got protected by a white aura. He wasn't recently unhooked so it couldn't have been BT. I assumed it was Mettle of Man but after checking his perks - nope he didn't have it or anything that could have protected him like this.
Mind telling me what happened there if it wasn't hacking? And no I' m going to record my every game just in case I gez a hacker. Its not my damn job to deal with them.
Really looking forward to your answer.
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well you have to deal with it because the devs are NOT GONNA DO ANYTHING to fix the cheaters. i tell you that.
if they want it out, they would have done it years ago.
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It has gotten pretty bad it seems. I never used to see so many hackers. I started recording all my matches again just to verify and make sure things were ok, but I have found numerous subtle hackers after reviewing game footage.
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one of the ones I have seen recently is endless sabo, they have no cooldown on sabo,... they can sabo a hook and before you get to another hook, sabo that one too. I have that on video luckily. I have noticed way more sabo lately, no one played sabo style for long time, now all of a sudden its back.
yeah because they hacking
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I didn't do either of those things but I don't feel like trying to convince you will lead anywhere. So lets leave it here.