Remove Meta Perks for next MMR Rounds

I think it would be interesting to see what impact temporarily removing the "Meta Perks" for a few days would do to the over all game play. I imagine there would be a lot more interesting builds and game outcomes. Matches are boring, predictable, and you see the same builds on every survivor/killer every game.

For Survivors: Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time, Unbreakable, Circle of Healing, Adrenaline, and Iron Will

For Killers: Dead Man's Switch, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, BBQ and Chili, Pop Goes the Weasel, Corrupt Intervention, and Hex: Ruin

Basing this perk selection on what I see survivors and killers using most often - these could of course change, but the overall idea is there. I'd like to see what people do without these meta perks in the game - myself included.


  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    Do you want to know what would happen if they removed meta perks for both sides?

    Survivors will do generators at speed that no reasonable killer can keep up with, due to the killers lacking anti gen perks to deal with it. To compensate killers who sometimes camp, will start camping even more because they no longer have the threat of BT/DS and know there is no penalty for using this playstyle. A better idea would be to make certain perks on both sides basekit and seeing what happens.

  • XANA7274
    XANA7274 Member Posts: 37

    Other Gen Slow downs that can be used instead: Surge, Thanatophopia, Oppression, Eruption, Call of Brine, Hex: Pentimento, Dying Light

    Some Skill-check inhibitors: Hex: Huntress Lullaby, Merciless Storm, Overcharge, Unnerving Presence

    So not sure what you're talking about that there are no other slow down perks but Ruin, Pop, and Corrupt? Expand your horizons man...

    And Face camping doesn't work most of the time - you camp one guy on hook, while the other three knock out 3 gens (if they are smart). Killer Face camps the 2nd hooked survivor and they finish the last 2 gens. Boring game, but easily counter-able and will not result in a 4-kill match.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Killers would riot as they lose most their useful slowdown perks and games end in sub-5 minutes.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    Yeah, if you took out the killers best anti gen perks, killers will just replace them with the second best anti-gen perks. AS you said (call of brine, eruption, deadlock)ECT. The only difference is these perks are not as effective and survivors will be able to do generators at a speed, that killers cannot compete with. Combined with the threat of DS/BT being removed, they will resort to camping and tunnelling more so. This has happened before. So... yeah my point is still the same, and a better solution would be to make certain perks baseket on both sides.

  • XANA7274
    XANA7274 Member Posts: 37

    If they entire game revolves around 4 survivor perks to avoid "tunneling" that without would completely destroy matches, then is seems fair to say DBD is pretty trash and unbalanced then, isn't it?