Can collision be removed ?

Tired of hitting survivor. They can escape too quickly and pass through me no matter what
I'm not sure what you're asking for, the thing you have an issue with in your post is collision being removed after a hit, but your title implies you want collision to be removed.
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Yes, Survivors lose collision with the Killer after getting hit, it's to allow Survivors to escape getting blocked in a corner
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I think OP is complaining about body blocking.
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Not bodyblocking. My issue is when i hit survivor, they can pass through me and i can’t see them. Or when i catch them on wall corner, i deserve to hook them instantly however hitting survivors allow them to escape from me
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The exact purpose of losing collision when hit is so a killer cannot block a surv into a corner and get two hits. As far as losing them momentarily as they pass through you, mastering that takes practice.
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I mean the first thing you said instant down killers can already kinda do. Trap a survivor with bubba? Instant down.
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I hate when survivors when in chase run at you or around you we can't see them I like it if survivor get damaged if they to close to the killer.
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May I recommend playing as Bubba, Hillbilly, or Plague? They won't be able to run through you if your chainsaw puts them on the ground. Also catching them out on a wall or corner will in fact give you a hook because chainsaw only needs 1 hit. For Plague, Survivors going from healthy to injured via your infection don't get a speed boost or lose collision.
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Ah yes, the good ol "You hit me, now I will stand in your pill"
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True, but they can insta down anywhere, it's just easier in a tight spot. They love having counters possible to pretty much all things, for some reason.
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Play Bubba?
And no, you did not deserve insta hook cuz you bodyblocked them. You still need 2 hits for catch them. Play Bubba or Billy, they both have this ability. Or Plague? She also can do this.
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Bubba and hillbily hmmm no thanks? They are ugly. Also i didn’t know this is a Survivor supporter forum. Okay then