Should NOED be changed?

WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,081

In my opinion yes it simply will cause a loose loose situation consistently unless you’re the top SWF. But what do you think?

Should NOED be changed? 62 votes

GibberishF60_31N8dogjesterkind[Deleted User]tyantlmumagjiaonuhaHanzo_Hasashi7 7 votes
Seiko300BlueberrybrokedownpalaceDimekGinGoMazoobiValikkaskaderdarkcloudlinkShoobyBwstedWishIcouldmainmrcake115GuiltiiHaunterofShadowsHex_IgnoredBothSidesEnjoyerLynnthedoeSpinostafrikawickBeemo 25 votes
FeryGENRoboMojoTunnelVisionEmealIsJustMedugmanKill_Yr_Idol83TurtleSushiTVChuckLitViktor1853PSPNathan13KabanzaiGamerEzraThatOneDemoPlayerAurelleGarlicRiceMarc_123Sludgecatkillsmouse 30 votes


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,164

    Picking this, because the actual answer would be Other. NOED does not need its current effect buffed, nor does it need its currect effect nerfed; what it currently does is bad, it's underwhelming and inconsistent and incredibly easy to counter, but I don't want it to just be made stronger. That'd risk harming newer and less experienced players too much.

    Rather, the best thing to do with NOED is completely redesign it to do something entirely different, with the aim of making it more consistently useful.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,570

    It should be changed, but not buffed or nerfed. It just needs a rework.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,332

    If all, it could need a buff.

    Because it is already very fragile.

    Every surv can just do totems and the perk is COMPLETELY gone before activating. (Can i do this with Dead Hard? I think not)

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Until Dead Hard is nerfed, NOED is staying as it is.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    In truth - it should be given a complete rework.

    It's not BAD as is, but it does need a little TLC from the devs to encourage it into the right position.

    For Instance, if it's supposed to make the killer a speedy chase ender, it needs a rework.

    if it's supposed to force survivors out of the match and punish them for wavering at exit gates, it needs a rework.

    if it's supposed to encourage survivors to cleanse bones or face dire consequences - it needs a rework.

    Either way, I think it may be seen a nerf in some light.

    If the devs decided 'We just want this to be the 'do bones or else this Hex activates' perk - it should look something like this:

    • When the final generator is completed, all dull totems in the match are lit. All healthy survivors are Injured and all survivors are Broken. They are Doomed for 160 seconds, lowered by 25 seconds for each additional dull totem turned into a Hex. When the Doomed timer reaches 0 - survivors are put into the Dying state regardless of their health status

    Or something like

    • When the final Generator is completed, the this perk activates and the exit gates are not powered. Until this Hex is cleansed, survivors cannot interact with the exit gates

    Pretty strong options, right?

    But then you remember that Option 1 doesn't grant you movement speed, and - while effectively lowering all survivors to a singular health state, it lacks all surprise. This perk forces survivors to leave the trial ASAP and allows 1 hit downs, but without the element or surprise or the speed boost - many will consider it a nerf.

    Then you look at Option 2 and Think - dang, this is the strongest end game prevention perk. Pair it with Remember Me and No Way Out, and you can hold survivors in the match forever! That will keep them in the trial and let you rack up the kills! Until you realize that you don't have 1 hit kills, has no speed buff to make chases more potent, and lacks the element of surprise - many will consider it a nerf.

    There are a lot of directions you can go with the perk. But putting it into a specific role will likely make it generally less effective at the one or two of the things that it currently adds to the game.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,055
    edited April 2022

    Less buffed, and more like reworked.

    A perk that only activates after the Killer has basically already lost the match, and can be disabled after it activates, or even before it activates is just really bad.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768

    I don't trust any buff or rework to actually work in the killers favour

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,639

    No, it’s pretty easily countered. I hate getting hit by NOED but there are tools to prevent it from being triggered.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,680

    of all the problems in Dbd, Noed is very mild. An easily preventable danger.

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941

    NOED is fine. We don't need to nerf the only second chance perk for killers that can even be prevented from activating.

  • Hitari
    Hitari Member Posts: 51

    it should make you slower, not faster. or just the speed buff, but higher

  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 627

    I don’t take noed, because it’s too situational, many survivors don’t want to live and noed is not needed there, they will die because of strong altruism.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    NOED is fragile and inconsistent, but it doesn't need to be nerfed or buffed, it needs a rework

  • KingSiege45
    KingSiege45 Member Posts: 138

    I'm not gonna lie I rarely ever run into a team that does bones plus with the boon meta id think Youd see more of noed than less. Also saying the totem is fragile its fragile because its a hex. It gives a extremely powerful ability if it wasn't cleansable the killer majority of the time without the thought of skill (not opening to a dh discussion) would be guaranteed a 1 k most matches unless there just that bad

  • Gravewisp
    Gravewisp Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2022

    I deliberately made an account for these forums for this exact reason. I know the issue with these particular perks has been ongoing for years, and I've seen the slew of rework attempts.

    But this is a seriously imbalanced part of the game. I feel like the Devs have no idea how to create a proper ruleset for endgame/open gate scenarios. Since I am a solo player, I have swapped to explicitly counter bones. Ever since I hit red rank I have seen nothing but NOED. What I did learn is to implement cleansing in between rotations. The issue I have is the combination of perks, BW, and NOED in my experience so far is too painful, especially when you have no idea about BW.

    I've got a story for you, sit by the campfire... Or listen from the treeline, whichever you fancy.

    End game comes, basement saves had, multiple loops, killer missed many swings, gave up using ability too (Gunslinger). Having another survivor open the door, missing 1 totem, and the survivor that looped the killer for a full minute gets downed by noed. The killer drops, and camps them in dying state BECAUSE we found the last totem. At this point even if we chose to go to the door, we'd get BW'd and have to go unhook, or hide and wait it out. The killer soaked time, hooks them, we dance to safely unhook, split for separate doors to ensure more survival, and were still locked in for the timer to run out. BW should NEVER trap survivors willing to stay and help past the collapse (Especially with zero warning) with no way to survive the timer, that's just straight-up wrong from a design standpoint.

    This specific scenario just happened to me, and the killer absolutely did not deserve 3 kills (2 stayed to save, 1 deserved to be saved). The painful part about all of this is, I'm still getting a pip from those kind of matches — And yet it still feels like I lost. I feel frustrated, and cheated. I worry the more I play, this is all I will majorly feel, regardless of how much effort I put in.

    Edits: Formatting and revealed rank achievement only to clarify the final paragraph.

    Post edited by Gravewisp on
  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,162
    edited April 2022

    It's too inconsistent sometimes it gets cleansed in less than 30s and sometimes it gives you free 3-4K. It's need rework to be more balanced an give consistent results. I think the movement speed bonus should be only 1% not more and when the totem is cleansed in less than 30s the exposed status should change in to timer and still be on for the next 30s.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,315

    I didn’t really like your poll options as I want it changed but not with a nerf or buff but a rework. I like the concept of it punishing ignoring totems however I’d rather it punish them by giving the killer extra time to make skilled plays, not just free downs they didn’t earn. Like hypothetically if they didn’t cleanse all the totems noed would proc and reactivate 3 random gens on the map, meaning because they just rushed gens they now have 1 more to complete. I want to reward skilled play with opportunity to make more skilled plays.