DBD is getting dull

The game is so ugh-
No matter what side I play, it's hard to even have fun at all. Players who have genuinely played both sides at a good amount without being biased know that neither side is healthy and the balance is thrown out the window.
It feels like the stress and fun are determined by a war between whoever brings the best nuke(s) to the trial and who's side RNG is on.
I hope the game receives the changes it needs so the health of the game can benefit all players.
My advice, take a break. Play some other game/games for a while, then come back if you want. You're under no obligation to play if you don't want to and that's fine.
If you want to keep playing, the I suggest using Perks you normally never use. Just play around with stuff and go wild. You might find some fun in lesser used perks.
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Asymmetrical games can't ever be balanced.
Also don't ever think that playing killer can be as chill as survivor, its 4 vs 1 after all, so complaints won't ever stop.
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The only unhealthy thing is playing one game only with no variety, splitting your playtime between multiple games or taking a break does wonders.
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Use a boon on it.
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I appreciate it because I actually did take a break, but the issue is that the problem I addressed is relevant.
Took a break because I was tired of always sweating every game and getting slapped in the face and now that I've returned for a bit, BOOM I see the reasons why I left for a bit. It feels like I have to run a full sweaty meta build every game just to have a chance to have fun, but I don't want to do that. I don't want to run DH every game, I don't want to play nurse or Blight every game, etc etc etc. (hence why I mentioned the war in OP)
Neither side is fun rn which is why I went to OW for a while.
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Devs are lazy. There have been long standing problems with the game and they do the bare minimum.
Why do you think they get laughed at when they ask for the labor of love award on Steam?
Given their current work, they will never earn it.
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new content really isn't exciting anymore
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Thats true for survivors, a new skin, 3 useless perks
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Your fault for not doing enough bones. Keep at it.
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I've been dying for this next update. I've never felt this drained and in need of new content before. I'm not even excited for the changes themselves at all. I just need some feeling of change.
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it being dull is normal at this point.
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The only way to accept this game is to go into every trial try your best and expect to lose. If you win that's just a bonus.
Need to take my own advice tbh.
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Well, I would say maybe try survivor for a little bit- it's true! Change it up maybe you're just tired, you know. Or play something else for a week, try Civilisation or something just for a refreshing change.
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Honestly just play something else for a while. Dbd at its core is a repetitive game so eventually you are going to get burned out.
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I hope it actually makes the game more interesting!
I hate that this is the case that DBD has become.
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To be fair, Blight is one of the most fun characters. Nurse I find pretty resident sleeper but I can play Blight a ton. The fact he is one of the best characters in the game and has SWF destroyer add-ons just makes it all the sweeter.
The matches are ultra-sweat sometimes though. Especially against a 4 stack running the best perks and items survivors can bring, with a map offering on top of it.
I remember a dev specifically saying at one point "A red rank match isn't supposed to be relaxing"